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Me, Myself and I


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Toyland it was, a Domeland based inside the top half of an actual TransGlobe that was the surrounding structure and lower half that maintained the Domeland. The Baby Living-Goddess 'Runt' had turned the Domeland into a Toyland combination nicer version of the DC Wastelands. The results were rather bizarre in a generally pleasing, sometimes disturbing, fashion. I sat in an over sized toy steam train that clacked along big super-plastic rails, fused to a wide base of the same materials, blowing soap bubbles from its stack instead of smoke. I shared the carriage with two big robotic teddy-bears, three stiffly sitting wooden soldiers complete with rifles, a ballerina figure and some humans in yellow, or blue, vault jumpsuits. The humans were clones working in the Toylands Civil Service or Toylands Technical Service. Each had light body-armor and self-defense weapons.

GoldieSilvers was a golden tophat wearing circus girl with a slimly voluptuous body, a golden leotard and mid-heel shoes along with smooth black stockings that were held up by invisible means. Her long, silken hair and skin were silvery in color and her eyes were golden. She held a silver cane and a big, warm smile that did not reach her golden eyes. She was very beautiful, in a very exotic fashion, and was immodestly dressed in a tight leotard. She spoke from where she was sitting. "She, who must be amused, is wary of you but glad of your assistance to come here. She, who must be fussed over, has been busy creating this Toyland-Domeland to please herself, her others and her 'sister' who is coming to be here. She fears her 'brother', the Living-God Rogue, who tricked her to coming to our dimensional realm in the first place."

At first I wondered if this was a story outside of what was happening with us JaeiouThirteen, he-she-it and all the other forces in the DC Wastelands. Then it came to me that it may be linked in a way that would help explain what had really happened, what really was taking place and what could probably happen in future.

I spoke. "Has the 'rogue' got anything to do with he-she-it?"

GoldieSilvers smiled. "Very quick of you! Yes and no! He-she-it has an aspect of 'Brother Rogue' inside of him-her-it but an 'aspect'. Brother Rogue was heavy involved in the events that led to Mars Doomsday but also in those that led to Earth Doomsday centuries before that."

I, who was in light power armor but with out the helmet, responded carefully. "Where is Brother Rogue?"

GoldieSilvers looked thoughtful for a moment but I gained the impression that she was actually conversing with somebody else through empathic-telepathic means. Then she frowned softly. "He is trapped in the core of the TransSphere that is buried beneath the DC River, very close to RivetCity. That is its physical outer hull is close to RivetCity."

I went through what I knew and then spoke again. "Would, could, an OmegaKey free Brother Rogue from the trap that he is in?"

GoldieSilvers shrugged. "I suppose but the attempt would more likely be successful if the OmegaKey was combined with an AlphaKey to unlock the ways that keep Brother Rogue confined. She, who must be loved, helped trick Brother Rogue to enter the trap and then she helped lock him in. The Mysterious Stranger helped her do both."

I told GoldieSilvers all I knew, of the events in the DC Wastelands, of the manipulations and trickery that had taken place; in doing so I was also giving information to others, through her.

After that GoldieSilvers frowned, less softly this time. "This is not good news at all. If an AlphaKey is found by he-she-it, who already has an OmegaKey, he-she-it might well free Brother Rogue. You say that there are the threats of the Earth, the Tripodic Martians and the Zetans; Brother Rogue as has links with all of them. Brother Rogue could be the real threat."

I was not sure what to say; it did not seem to be good news.

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So he-she-it, the darker twisted aspect of ourselves, who was trying to free Brother Rogue from an ancient existing prison of great power that a Living-Goddess Child had helped to trap him into. He-she-it was infused with an aspect of Brother Rogue, a dysfunction and dark minded Living-God, that made him-her-it more powerful but also even more unstable.

Yet there was a good, breakaway, aspect of he-she-it that had yet to call itself anything unique. This one had rescued Lyons Pride, of the Orders of Steel, and had taken them into the ancient, grand TransSphere buried in the Martian landscape close to RivetCity.

He-she-it had an OmegaKey and could be searching for an AlphaKey that, used in combination with each other, could easily free Brother Rogue from his prison.

We, the JaeiouThirteen, came quickly to decide that Brother Rogue must stay imprisoned until he was more real knowledge of what was taking place. We had to try to find out if there were any AlphaKeys to be found in the DC Wastelands and, if there were any, to get to them before he-she-it did so.

We also had to deal with the DominatorThirteen that, we had learned, had been created by he-she-it with the likely assistance of the powers of Brother Rogue. They had remained hidden, either known or unknown of in identity, and the old haunts of some of them had been abandoned by them. TekVaultDC087 was no longer linked to the SupermutantLord and his followers and minions, the Mechanist was gone from an underground RobCo Complex and the AntEmpress had left her great nest. Where had they gone?

Then there was the threat of the Marsclave and linked Cyberclave. The Marsclave was big enough threat, to the new alliance of the DC, with out there being also the Cyberclave of strange cyborgs, robots and androids.

The good news was that 'real' Raiders had seemingly vanished from the DC Wastelands. We could not gain any good information of why this might be so. Real Raiders, not the copycats of typical Wastelander gangers or bandits, came from Vaultburg and we wondered just what was happening in Vaultburg that might be stopping the appearance of more rogue fighting clones on the twisted, ruins scattered, Wastelands surface.

Neither the cheated ShadowGod, or just as cheated GlimmerGod, had caused any trouble in the Marslands or so it appeared to be.

As for the Living-Goddess 'Runt' she remained in her new Toyland-Domeland, of the Ringdom, while her Living-Goddess Girl Child Sister joined her there.

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The SVR Chamber of Doors was now accessible through the RingBase. I stood before the thirteen doors, that were far more than just doors. Each had a distinctive appearance. There were thirteen of them.

#1 Was glowing crystal like material inside a metallic stone door rim, almost in the fashion of the AncientLords.

#2 Was an armored wheel door, vault style.

#3 Was a big armored slide-door with an armored metal rim.

#4 Was a spacestation type door, hard and metallic.

#5 Was a military style power door as found on the side of large military craft.

#6 Was a big suburban house type door but it looked very tough.

#7 Was a typical urban style elevator like door.

#8 Was a barn like door.

#9 Was a castle like door complete with stone block rim.

#10 Was a cave like door, a curious thing of rock.

#11 Was a glowing glittering thing of glass like materials.

#12 Was a shopping complex like door, heavy polarized like glass double doors.

#13 Was just a softly shimmering, sparkling sphere of multiple colored energies.

Why had we, JaeiouThirteen, suddenly had the urge to send me to the doors? We did not know but it seemed to be very important that it be done. I stood there, in that comfortable place, and looked at the row of doors again and again. They stood in the same tall, long wall of dull metallic appearance and contrasted sharply with each other and their surroundings when it came to design and style.

=-= Super virtual reality is a special key here in a realm made up of enforced quasirealities and distorted realities. Some faction used the SVR Game Fallout Mars to influence what happened when the ancient alien artifact was used to try to save Mars from an out of control Terraforming Project. The vault like door may lead you to some kind of answers. The doors change in varied ways to suit needs and other pressures.

Perhaps for the first real time, in a very long time, our minds were working clearly. My mind seemed sharper and I found myself going over some of the events of the recent past. I wondered what had happened to Benjamin Washington.

=-= Benjamin Washington continues to live, and work, at the enlarged DC Wastelands Preservation Complex which is now called the RivetCity Museum by most people, the name being both simpler to remember and to say.

I had a strong, yet subtle, impression that I needed to talk to him and a niggling feeling that something had been left undone that should have been done. It had something to do with the 'doors' in front of me but also to matters linked to them and to the great mystery that we all faced.

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I went through door #3, the armored slide-doors by appearance, and found myself in the big battle-carrier that was primary to RivetCity and that had been, before any reality shifts, most of RivetCity. The trouble was I was in the dangerous, sealed off half and I was soon to learn why it had been so heavily sealed off.


Zombies did not fall to pieces unless they 'failed' and then they quickly perished. They shambled quickly, most of them, and had a basic cunning quasi-intelligence, while some had greater speed, could climb and had greater cunning quasi-intelligence. Even the latter were still quite stupid by human standards. The latter were called zombues just to distinguish them from the common zombies.


The zombues came first, coming in a strange shambling run. They were former military personal but also some civilian specialists and refugees. At least they had been, centuries ago. Their eyes were pale off white with out visible irises, their skin was faded into some kind of gray-green effect so all normal racial colors were gone, the hair had fallen out as the skin had also become more leathery and the bodies were shrunken, more skeletal so there was no way to tell if they had been men or women. Many had patchy gear or were partly naked but it was meaningless since they had no secondary sexual features.


I fired a large revolver-pistol, enhancing the bullets with elemental shock or inflammatory effects. Zombies were more vulnerable to high voltage electricity than were humans and while very resistant to heat, they were vulnerable to naked flames. Bullets exploded in strange blue sparkling fashion or into flaming blasts. Zombies disintegrated, burning away as if by sped up spontaneous combustion, even as they died. It was as if nature was taking revenge for being stopped in doing its normal death dealing effects.


I wondered, of course, why I had ended up in the sealed up part of the battle-carrier but soon gained an indication why. There were not just zombies, and zombues, there but other undead things and unlifen creatures also. Unlifen were opposite to the undead as the living were to the dead, which was a basic way of putting a very complicated pattern of forces.


At first I was in areas that were normal in such as a battle-carrier of the kind that it was. Hard metallic substructures and surfaces, machinery, deactivated robots and roboremotes, basic mannequin like androids and armored power-doors. Yet even as I moved quickly as I could, firing off at undead beasties with my self-reloading gun, I 'sensed' that the interior of that area of the battle-carrier was not natural at all but was distorted.


I did not shoot at the unlifen, at the fast moving damphirs or vaguely zombie like damphens, for they were not at all aggressive towards me. They were moving in packs that were intent on surviving, on fighting the undead.


The zombors, distorted undead humanoids, swarmed with terrible speed and power across the floor of a big chamber. I fired explosive bullets that spread deadly shrapnel in all directions or even deadlier cluster bomblets that exploded after a while if not detonated by other means. I destroyed many of them but had to flee, moving along a narrow corridor to do so.

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There it was, a heavily damaged TransOrbship that we JaeiouThirteen had secretly found, reactivated and used; or was that the real story? Anyway, there it was inside the RivetCity battle-carrier though it had supposedly been destroyed. It was held up by big, strong metal clamps and was wrapped inside a great metallic capsule but with some thick armored display windows. It was a series of five orbs melded together in a line, each being three metres wide and of silvery metallic material but with many obvious dents and burn marks. Somehow, it seemed, humanity had gained our wrecked TransOrbship but why had they put it inside the battle-carrier.


There were no unlifen, or undead, in the huge chamber but there were other artifacts.


An ancient alien sphere lay in a huge cradle being a TransSpheret, a kind of smaller version of a TransSphere that served TransSpheres in many ways.


Next to it was another ancient alien artifact but this was a BaseSphere with big curved landing struts lowed to secure the machine. When raised, the struts would meld into the vessel so much as to be invisible.


When I saw the advanced human machines, and human hybrid alien mechanisms, I remembered that I had been in that place on Mars Doomsday and remembered some events of that day; they were both hazy and nasty memories. There had been a brief, savage, battle between the JaeiouThirteen and three members of the GeniusThirteen. Both sides had won and both had lost. The RivetCity battle-carrier, the reason it had ended up where it was, had been heavily involved in the events of Doomsday.


=-= The exotic human, and human-hybrid, machines might give you some vital clues to just what happened here.


I did investigate them and found also status-capsules, inside armored protection, with many humans, animal-humans and cyborgs along with some advanced androids. There was a mattercator that could turn a kind of semisolid substance into almost anything solid, especially with the help of a duplicator machine. There was an extremely advanced prototype true artificial intelligence supercomputer network-system. There was a big experimental phase-cannon, a weapon of terrible power.


I remembered the fighting as we used super power armor, and super power weapons, along with exotic abilities to fight the GeniusThree traitors who betrayed all, including the rest of the GeniusThirteen. The conflict had been incredibly savage and I found myself glad that I could not remember it clearly.

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I had left my body in a SVR-capsule to reach the Chamber of Thirteen Doors, as it would come to be called, but when I came to RivetCity, my body had vanished from that capsule to become me again, fully physical, in the DC Wastelands. The same door could have taken me to a special super virtual reality realm.


As I went around the big chamber, full of ancient artifacts of power, I gained both memories and stored information. The huge BaseSphere was transdimensional, as was the TransSpheret, as was typical of such ancient alien artifacts of the AncientLords. Inside was a fully functioning, but also troubled, super virtual reality realm called the NewEarth. It was based on Mars but was bigger, being the size of the Earth, and the two moons were also bigger than the real Phobos and Deimos. It was Mars as it would have been if the Terraforming had worked but then changed further. Marstopia was its inhabited region of control and security, or at least in theory, and was centered by the supercity of Marstropolis.


Then I found the Ringdom, inside another BaseSphere, along with its RingBase, Ring-Domelands and other features. The two BaseSpheres looked identical and nowhere near large enough to 'contain' what they did 'inside'. Yet, in truth, neither of the realms was really 'inside' the BaseSpheres.


Things were starting to fall into place but I was not too happy with some of the implications.


A strange shivering shimmering went through the great big chamber. It was a reality shift of sorts but I 'sensed' it was a 'rebalancing' effect against an unnaturally unbalanced effect in the sealed off section of the RivetCity battle-carrier. Was my being there causing, or helping to cause, what was going on?


=-= You are partly causing the rebalancing, the undoing of this unnatural distortion of interdimensional dimensions.


I 'sensed' that the sealed off part to the battle-carrier was being returned to a more natural state but what would happen because of it? I hurried to bring the people out of status. I did another trick, of my PowerRing, and created three temporary clone-replicates of myself. They assisted me in my work to make sure all of the machines were safe even as another strange shivering shimmering went through everything, or just felt like it did so.


I was worried that the undead would remain as a threat in the changed, sealed off, part of the battle-carrier. Also the RivetCityfolk might attack the unlifen with out realizing that they could be negotiated with. Only rare kinds of the undead could be trusted to dwell amongst the living and I had not detected any in that strange dimensionally distorted zone.


There was a bigger shivering shimmering sensation and much changed in just a couple of seconds.

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The ancient alien artifacts, and other exotic mechanisms, vanished from that chamber. It shrank into a very big, but standard, space for a battle-carrier. Around me were hundreds of marines, sailors and others along with containers of supplies. Robots stood, or hovered on fanjets, amongst them. There were marines in assault power armor who spread out to protect the group as did body-armored comrades.

UnityWays had arisen amongst these people and I came to suspect it was arising amongst groups across the Marslands though it was far from dominant as yet.

I spoke to the selected leadership of these people. "RivetCity will welcome you, as it needs you, but not all folks welcome the rise of Unity. I ask you to be careful, for your own sakes, and to respect the rights of those who are not of Unity."

The woman, named Weataurus, was strong in herself along with strong with Unity. I 'sensed' she would be a powerful leader of Unity to come, if she survived. If anything I underestimated her impact. She looked steadily at me, gave me a strong warm smile. "We accept what you say. We have much to learn of what has happened to Mars, and the people of Mars, despite the glimpse of changes that we somehow obtained."

So I quietly told them about the Marslands, the Wastelands and other matters including various Factions and the DC Wastelands in particular. They were all astonished but some handled it better than did others; Weataurus was very calm.

The undead, and unlifen, were gone! We made our way through a big main corridor to the nearest sealed off section and managed to get through to the open part of the battle-carrier that it was safe to unseal the section, which it was. The whole, sealed off part, of the battle-carrier was just that now with many resources to be used including both built in utilities and stored stuff. There were even more people in status along with animals such as guard dogs and some pets.

Yet things were far from over, far from it! Just where had all the ancient artifacts, and exotic machines, gone? Where had the undead, and the unlifen gone? I had not learned how any of these things had gotten into the battle-carrier in the first place. Had the rebalancing reality shift been instigated to hide discoveries from me or was I just being paranoid?

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I, the Eye, had become stronger even as others of the JaeiouThirteen had done. This was good in that I was able to perceive more and less able to be locked out of areas but also because when the mysterious attacks began, I was better able to resist against them.


The established DominatorThirteen were ensconced in a series of ancient underground sites that had been there long before humans had come to Mars. They were far less ancient than the sites of the AncientLords. They had not been discovered by humans. They had been created by the Tripodic Martians who had once invaded the Earth and from those sites had been organized and then sent the green comet-ships that had caused so much death and destruction on the Earth of the very late 1800s.


Vaultburg had fallen under the control of a newly risen DominatorLord who called herself the CloneCEO; this fitted well since she dominated the TekCorps of Vaultburg and through them controlled all else that was Vaultburg, including the clones. She was now part of the DominatorThirteen but separated from them. Vaultburg began to receive resources and to mass produce many items needed to support both a war effort and an occupation trying to win the hearts and minds of the controlled masses.


The CloneCEO had instigated purges to sweep away those who would oppose her but many had escaped to the Wastelands, into the Subways or to the surface, including many clones.


Skirmishes began between different major factions, and with minor factions trying to survive. The Exiles of Steel retreated to their major fortified sites inside their well established home sector.


Even more refugees were on the move. Factions, outside of the DC, began to pull further away from it; many had already been doing so.


Then appeared, at the RavenRock area, terrible battletripods, and even bigger wartripods, of the Tripodic Martians. Tripocs, fighting infantry aliens, floated just above the ground with their three times three tentacles. Their bodies were wrapped in energy armor and they held strange heat-ray guns but also more conventional type machineguns, missile-launchers and even small recoilless cannons. They appeared under the title of the Tripoclave. There sudden appearance was a shock and had some awful implications to it. The Marsclaven forces were surprised but neither were President Eden or the Cyberclave.


RivetCity expanded into the formerly sealed off section of the battle-carrier, finding many useful resources there including just space to use. The transference of civilian life continued from the battle-carrier to other ships, and land areas, of RivetCity.


The JaeiouThirteen began sending even more people, and others, to the RingBase of the Ringdom.


The two Living-Goddess Children were involved in some intense interactions but I, the Eye, could not behold what they were.


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Supermutant forces made one more attempt to take the Grand Centropolis Mall (National Mall) with a savage assault of supermutants, zentaurs, zentiars and zentoids. With them also came supermutant hounds, mutahounds, and bigger mutabeasts that smaller supermutants could ride, horse fashion. The supermutant forces came strong and resolute but their enemies had become well prepared to deal with such an attack. The defenses were not breached as soldiers, in fortified positions, turrets and well positioned robots blew apart and burned the attackers.


The attackers did not reach the surface area of the great mall, though the ground shuddered there and sounds of the fighting drifted up through various openings. Then it was over and the Free Alliance firmly took control of the great mall, above and below. The movement of Free Alliance units into areas, that only such as rhouls and zhouls had been into before, led to an odd discovery of an unlocked armored wheel-gate, vault like in its design.


The Grand Centropolis Museum had been sealed off on Doomsday, with all of its treasures including many historical artifacts from the Earth, Mars and even from other places. Now new Orderhood of Steel forces were able to get into the heavily fortified super complex, most of it being well underground. They passed through a rather eclectic, exotic, organized system of sub-museums, through areas where many network-systems were semiactive or inactive but there was fairly fresh air, water and other needs met. Roboremotes, and robots, were in special bays along with androids.


The first area was the Grand Entrance Lobby with general exhibitions showing samples from many museums. A huge early Marslander vehicle, one-way, stood next to a colonial inflatable foam shelter and a big hulking crawler-tractor machine. 3Dwalls showed changing views of other parts of the great museum complex.


Brothers, and Sisters, of Steel were moving through a big corridor when it happened; they were passing displays of old Earth technologies including T-Model Fords, a big Rolls Royce sedan, a big old propeller driven air-liner and a CocoCola vending-machine, when they were drawn to look at one of the 3Dwalls. What they saw horrified them for it showed a section of museum hallway, grand 19th style architecture, filled with ugly glimmering mist of gray-blackish nature. In it moved zombies, shambling along in rotting gear. The scene lasted only for a moment and then was replaced by a peaceful, nice one of a big gallery full of basic robotic mannequins showing off a wide range of historical clothing from the Earth.


With the glimpse of the glimmer fog filled area had been some data, in one corner, of the area shown. A large part, of the super complex, had been sealed off from the public about a year before Doomsday. The reasons given had been that a disaster, of some kind, had happened. The sealed off part of the super complex had to be fixed up before the area could be open to the public once more. The sealed off area was not seen with the Entrance Lobby 3Dwalls or so went the theory. The zombies had been in that area.


Urgent communications were sent to RivetCity, the DC Citadel and other places in the DC Wastelands.

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It happened so quickly, in world time, but seemed to take so much longer otherwise. The 'good' element of he-she-it melded with the other that was Jaeiou and became stronger. We became I! I found myself with the Lyons Pride Troopers, now awake and looking around in wonder at the vast chamber.


There were the BaseSpheres there, now, holding the Ringdom and the realm of Marstopia. There was the TransSpheret and the TransOrbship that was now in brand new condition. There were only ancient alien artifacts of power such as three hulking super-golems and a great saucership that looked something like those of the Graynari. The Graynari, and other 'Grays', had descended from the AncientLords but had become twisted, dysfunctional, due to deep contact with the Glimmerings. This was a saucership of the AncientOnes, who once served the AncientLords.


It struck me, then, just how incredibly old the AAAs were. They had existed long before Mars came to exist. The AncientLords had once had an empire that spanned many universes of the Multiverse. Why, how, it had come to an end was not known by most and that was for the best. I looked around at the vast chamber, spotting more artifacts and more human type mechanisms.


There were also the peoples that had come from that other place where the insane 'other' had dwelt. They were mainly just looking around in curiosity but some were busy setting up an encampment of some kind. They, and the encampment, were tiny in comparison to the vastness of the chamber that even dwarfed the AAAs.


The LittleFatWoman stood there, suddenly, almost as if she had always been there. It was hard to define just what she looked like as if she was a series of impressions more than one solid shapeform. She smiled warmly even as she spoke in a quiet voice that somehow made itself heard very easily. "You were foolish, you made mistakes, you paid for your foolishness and now you are healing as the prime of the new, improved, JaeiouThirteen; yet you have much further to go. You were two aspects of JaeiouThirteen and now you are one aspect, the prime; that is you are JaeiouPrime. What would you do next?"


I was not sure for there were many possible courses of action that I could rush into but then I decided to do no rushing at all. "Assist in the strengthening, enhancing, augmenting of the Ringdom as a place to send many refugees."


She smiled, the smile showing in her voice and eyes. "You will need to merge with the RingOfRings. It will be a painful but necessary process. You will understood much more when the actual process is completed. The Ringdom would be an excellent place to send refugees. I will sing to you and ease your pain, your confusion, for a time."


And the LittleFatWoman did so, singing in the way of mind, body and spirit. Others listened, also, and became soothed also. After a couple of hours she departed almost as if she had never been there.

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