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0110: I WAS JACK

The Marsclave Special Forces Troopers had gotten into the complex but were also in trouble. Three platoons were trapped in a large chamber where they fought with much courage, discipline and skill. Why I sought to do other than kill them, I do not know, but I used the gun-device instead. I swept strange energy beams across their well placed defensive formations and they became altered.

No longer puppets of the Marsclave, they were transformed. About half of the zombies were destroyed and the other half were transformed into enhanced humans or elemental humans of life, phase or solar kinds. It had come to me, somehow, that the gun-device would vanish soon enough and that I had only a limited time to use it to give a second chance to many victims of the Glimmerings. Like the TallThinMan himself, the gun-device was limited in how much it could influence mortal existence.

With the new supersoldiers, I went deeper into the research and development complex to burn away GlimmerMist or, less often as it was less common, GlimmerFog. I turned undeathnia into water. I burned away zombies and transformed others. There were no more supersoldier clones.

The commander, of the clones, told me something very interesting and important; though they had many resources to call upon, the Marsclave Pact had far from endless resources. Those supersoldiers had come from Vaultburg, actually bought from the enemies of the Marsclave, because the other resources of the Marsclave Pact were needed elsewhere. The more disturbing news was that the clones had picked up whispers that the Marsclave Pact was starting negotiations with the DominatorThirteen to form a new union against the Free Alliance.

The commander, a young man of hairless off-white skin with an odd shiny finish to it, spoke of things he would have done before he was transformed. "He-she-it created the DominatorThirteen, including the CloneCEO who has taken over Vaultburg but with assistance from the entities known as the GeniusThree."

I frowned softly. While the implications, of the GeniusThree being involved, were troubling it was good to have some current information about them. "Where are they?"

"As far as we know, they are three of the DominatorLords but we do not know which three." The clone supersoldier shrugged in his battle gear. "We are, after all, only soldiers even if elite ones."

That was an excellent point so we kept moving and I kept using the amazing gun-device to great effect.

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0111: I WAS JACK


The great big network-system had exploded, imploded, melted down and there was not much left of it except pieces and great mounds of slag. It came to me that we, the JaeiouThirteen, had helped design the amazing, but unstable, network of devices. Why? It was had been linked with other 'devices' through out the DC in order to save the Marslands from the out of control Terraforming Project. But had there really been an out of control Terraforming Project?


The great chamber had been hastily made by laser cutting out walls and putting in big 'temporary' support jacks that were on great big support bases and jacked up to the ceiling high above. Like much else we had encountered, it spoke of hasty planning and a desperate rush to carry out those plans. Was it all real or were we, or at least some of us, being manipulated.


=-=Manipulated through treachery?


Yes, the GeniusThree had betrayed the GeniusThirteen or so ran the story so far? Had we, the JaeiouThirteen been betrayed? We had been manipulated by the GeniusThirteen but at one stage we were fighting alongside some of them and against others of them; what had that been about?


=-=Considering the madness of Doomsday, the story might have changed at least once during the time.


Shifting alliances had taken place elsewhere in the Marslands, with other factions, so why not with the GeniusThirteen and JaeiouThirteen? Brother Rogue, the Living God Child, had been involved somehow in what had taken place just as he, somehow, had been involved in the Earth Doomsday.


Yes, I remembered how the devices had been destroyed; the GeniusThree had begun their treachery by destroying the mechanisms before they could be used as part of the 'rescue plan' to save Mars. Except that I again was having doubts about whether the Marslands had in fact been in danger at all. Why this was, I did not know.


Much violence had taken place with figures in super power armor, robots and androids doing much of the damage to each other. Even as the conflict had been waged, the chamber had shuddered with the greater forces of war taking place.

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0112: I WAS JACK

I do not know what had me do it but I aimed the gun-device at the messed up machines, in the huge crude chamber, and they became whole again, brand new and functioning. Even as I did this the gun-device vanished along with the ability to use it to alter local realities. I went to the big central machine, a kind of control area platform being on top of it, and was soon busy hacking into it with the assistance of RingMind.

I was astounded to learn, at that very moment, that the exact truth of what had happened on Doomsday would never be known; this was not only because of the amazing complexity of events but because of the interference in reality by various powerful forces. Doomsday had been, at the foundation of it, a conflict between factions using reality alteration as weapons, as means of control. The results had been incredibly messy.

Yet some 'truths' came clear. From the start Brother Rogue was involved in interfering deeply, wildly, in almost everything but in a fashion of barely controlled chaos. There had been the counter influences of the Living Goddess Baby 'Runt' that were powerful and more orderly but somehow 'naive'. The GeniusThirteen, we of the JaeiouThirteen, had been more helpless than he had wanted to be but had only ended up involved in fruitless battles with each other. Then there were three others of great power, three mysterious factions.

Living God Brother Rogue had ended up trapped in the very core of the great ancient alien artifact of the TransSphere. The 'Baby Living Goddess' had ended up concealing herself 'inside' the stealth submarine. We, the JaeiouThirteen, became scattered and largely dysfunctional. It seemed that, of the GeniusThirteen, the GeniusThree were hidden away, disguised, as three of the DominatorLords but that information was hardly confirmed.

He-she-it was linked with us, the JaeiouThirteen, and with Brother Rogue. Apparently he-she-it was trying to gain an AlphaKey, to use with the OmegaKey it already had, to free Brother Rogue. We needed to know more, to at least to delay this from happening until we knew more the consequences of freeing Brother Rogue.

Then I was abruptly recalled to the RingBase, taking the supersoldiers and others with me, for the Ringdom was under attack by very powerful forces.

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The shivering was slight but it ran right through the Ringdom and that made it significant. We did what we could to help in the defense of the Ringdom, lending our powers, other abilities and knowledge.

I, Jaeiou, came from the great TransSphere, bringing the Lyons Pride and others with me. I added greatly to the defensive capacities of the TransSphere but the attacks continued to be massive and constant. Some very powerful faction was using reality alteration attacks on us, of both direct and indirect nature; some would call it 'reality magic'.

It was the Q-Continuum that was attacking us and AlphaOmega was leading the attack. Yet it soon became clear that destruction, of the Ringdom, was not the reason behind the attack. For the attacks were ceased and the BaseSphere, that the Ringdom was based in, was sealed off in a great sphere of force energies.

We were trapped inside the Ringdom, except for the ancient alien artifact of the BaseSphere.

Why, we did not know and AlphaOmega would not respond to our attempts to communicate with him. Instead he departed, along with many Q-Entities, leaving a smaller number of the same to guard us. Clearly AlphaOmega wanted us kept away from the Marslands and out of what ever he was up to. He had been very clever in what he had done but we soon began to wonder if anybody had assisted him in what he had done; if somebody had done so, we gained no knowledge of it at the time.

But AlphaOmega had overlooked I, the Eye, that was still roving the DC Wastelands or was that the case?

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We traveled along a great wide walkway to the side, at a fair distance, to the Marstopia Main Highway Five03. We were the GrandThirteen by name but, deliberately, did not seem so grand to look at. A big old clunky robot pulled a handcart full of stuff, we three metahumans and three cyborgs, looked just like young adult humans while the neobabies were just like normal babies in appearance (on the chubby muscular side). We three big animals were shapeshifters but we just looked like an eagle, a hound dog and a gilled lizard. We six young adults carried backpacks and I, the big dog, some panniers. I, the lizard, was sitting on the handcart and I, the eagle, was perched on top of the robot, that was not really me for I was inside the robot. We, the neobabies, were each in a pouch on front of one of the metahumans.

We were heading towards NewNewYork from Rivercrosstown but we would need to go through other areas to get there. Above us shown the sun through the great dome of Marstopia and there was a glimpse of the two moons of Phobos and Deimos that had been enlarged by humanity and reshaped as globes. Nobody went beyond Marstopia where the Perfectum regulated 'all for the good of all'. Big 3Dsignboards advertised up and coming baseball, soccer and other sporting events including first blood gladiator fights. Others advertised MarsCola, Kentucky Roasted Chicken, GM-Ford atomic sedans with hover capacity and robotic drivers, super virtual reality game programs, budget priced rejuvenation treatments, expensive perfumes and much else. The 3Dsignboards changed advertisements at regular intervals.

A clumsily graceful saucer, of an aeroship, passed slowly overhead. It bore the MarsAir logo of that quasigovernmental corporation. Big supersonic jets were used only carefully, and in small numbers, in Marstropolis. We wondered, considering the direction that the aeroship was coming from, if it held refugees from the Distorting that officially did not exist. That is the Distorting that was creeping slowly, steadily, across Marstopia being followed by the Disintegration. It was said that the GeniusThirteen were working hard to find a solution to the slow, steady devouring of Marstopia by the Disintegration that was the cause of the Distorting. So far only bout than 0.31% had disintegrated but considering that Marstopia was vast, that was a good deal of territory. Yet there were other major problems, that faced Marstopia, other than the Disintegration.

The LittleFatMan had sent us seeking after some ancient alien artifacts of smaller, more portable size. Of the list of eighteen we had found six of the artifacts, that being more than the LittleFatMan had expected we would gain. Finding the artifacts had been hard but trying to get the original owners to give them up, had often been much harder. The AAAs, ancient alien artifacts, were too dangerous for humanity to deal with. The LittleFatMan had a safe place to take them. He had given us what assistance he could, as always, and ahead of us awaited a place where he would find more of it.

Out, further from the highway, were semirural farms, ranches, orchards, plantations and other such agricultural establishments including service-support centres for agriculture. A small electric monoplane, wing over top, hummed softly through the air. Most Marstopians had only relatively basic technologies to work with. Only the elites, and the sub-elites that served them, had access to more advanced tech. The secret government, of Marstopia, was far too security paranoid to have it any other way. Thus they made matters worse for both themselves and Marstopia in general.

None of it was 'really real'. It was somehow linked to real reality and to other realms based on Mars. The LittleFatMan had mentioned, briefly, something called the Marslands where the savage Wastelands dominated. He had also spoke of the world of Nirn, that like the Lost Earth, was mostly made up of oceans.

Then we saw the place we were to find assistance at, which was a farmhold, a fortified cluster of farms with some service-support and community centres. At least that was its official role. We, the GrandThirteen, knew it was much more than that for we had been there before.

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The LittleFatMan informed us of the Marslands that was a reality based on a massive super virtual reality game realm except that it had been influenced by other elements and had evolved thanks to internal forces. This was a pretty general explanation but enough for us to work with. The LittleFatMan spoke of RedMars, Nirn and other alternate versions of the world that existed. As for the NewEarth, also known as Marstopia, it had failed to gain 'real reality' and was in trouble because of it.

The GeniusThirteen, of Marstopia, was not the same as the old GeniusThirteen that was long fragmented and gone. The GeniusPrime, and some of the GeniusNine, of the old GeniusThirteen were part of the new GeniusThirteen. The old GeniusPrime was the new GeniusPrime but three of the old GeniusNine had become the new GeniusThree as secondaries to the GeniusPrime. It was the new GeniusThirteen that had created the Perfectum that was as much a super program as it was a more solid network of network-systems.

We were in a large chamber being a robot, six young adults, three small chubby babies and three animals. Or at least that was the appearance of things which was a false one. We were still in the farmhold complex, that is the complex hidden beneath the fortified farmhold to the side of an important highway of Marstopia. We had arrived there about a month before to pass over some small items to the LittleFatMan, which we had done, and to get some rest and recreation, which we had also done.

The LittleFatMan sat in a big comfortable armchair with all three neobabies sitting on his lap. He fondly rubbed a small curly topped head. "The GeniusThirteen are making matters worse but will not listen to any advise given to them by wiser, more intelligent, mentalities. The Perfectum, itself, is causing the Distorting to be stronger by the way it operates to try to control Marstopia. I have told you of the three Living God Children, including the dysfunctional evil of Brother Rogue, and of the unwelcome intervention of AlphaOmega and the Q-Continuum. The Living God/Goddess People, of the three greater immortal children, are searching for their offspring and I fear that Living Demigod/Demigoddess Followers have arrived here. What could happen is extremely bad for the People of the Circling Circles have little love for the Q-Continuum and the same view is reflected back on them."

I, Tommy, frowned. I was one of the metahumans with special abilities of mind, body and spirit. "A war of greater immortals?"

The LittleFatMan nodded. "Yes and that would in turn attract the greater attention of actual God-Entities. Then God the Goddess would have to intervene. That means the intervention of the Unnamed Ones."

The chamber was large, was basically decorated, fitted and furnished. It also had a row of exotic doors. These were of the same kind of the Chamber of Doors, were 'them' in some hard to explain fashion. It was no coincidence that they were in that special chamber, with those doors.

I, Beck, a female cyborg of special tech abilities, spoke. "Do you want us to go to the Marslands to carry out missions there?"

The LittleFatMan sighed. "There is much to do and many possible missions that you could carry out. Resources must be used carefully and you, the GrandThirteen, not put at needless risk."

At that moment a terrible shudder went through everything and then many alarms began to sound. The LittleFatMan took on an expression of concern which was not good for he rarely had the need to do so; what was happening was very bad and we could all 'sense' it.

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The storm was raging with such size, and power, that it had become easily the most destructive storm to ever strike the DC Wastelands. Buildings collapsed, large areas flooded, refugees fled from many areas under extremely difficult conditions. The only good thing was that the Three Way War came to a halt.


The Marsclave Pact, the Free Alliance and the DominatorThirteen all drew in most of their forces, seeking shelter as much as did the lowliest of scavenger-hunters, giant molerats and others of the Wastelands.


Then came the Q-Continuum in the form of AlphaOmega and the Q-Entities that had followed him to that time and place. The Q-Entities were as much seeking excitement, a pause in their endless boredom, as they were anything else but they radiated agitated concern that what was happening there might even effect the Q-Realm in some negative fashion. As for AlphaOmega, he had been steadily losing influence with the Q-Continuum masses, if one could call them that, and one reason for him being there was to entertain and awe them.


Yet it was only one reason, for the amazing entity that had created the Q-Continuum in the first place, for him to be there or so I 'sensed'.


I observed them carefully, I was always careful but had become more so, yet AlphaOmega soon discovered my presence. If anything he appeared pleased as if appreciating one more witness to the amazing acts that he was about to carry out.


Taking upon themselves the appearance of bizarre giant humans in exotic super power armor, there were over fifty of the Q-Entities there. It was hard to count for some of the Q-Entities were in two or even three bodies while a very few were invisible and otherwise elusive.


AlphaOmega directed the reality altering powers of all of those there and many buildings in one area transformed, along with much other material, with a great shimmering effect. Then there stood a great monolith of a dome except that the metallic stone structure was a half buried sphere. Around it appeared smaller, but still huge, structures of more elaborate appearance.


Yet it was then that something very surprising took place. All of the Q-Entities vanished away, with shimmering effects, except for AlphaOmega and a handful of other Q-Entities. Then these Q-Entities vanished into the strange sphere that the Q-Entities had created, that was an almost identical copy of a BaseSphere of the AncientLords. I was reminded that the Q-Entities were descendents of the AncientLords who had attempted to duplicate their super technologies with much, but not all, success.


Just what was going on and what did it have to do with what was already happening?

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I, Jaeiou, was the one to carefully approach the Child Living Goddesses. They floated in a series of energy soap bubbles and the older, but smaller, 'runt' was in the lap of the younger but bigger sister. The baby girl figure was looking with adoration at her sister who wore shining overlapping layers of shimmering sparkling energies. The Baby Living Goddess wore a Micky Moose set of coveralls or at least what looked like them.


The more powerful sister turned her head to look at me, to probe at me. Then she spoke with a cool smile on her face. "You should not exist, at least not according to the Coda of the Circling Circles. None of this should exist for it is a foolishness, a contradiction, an instability ready to collapse and cause much death, destruction and disruption to the Multiverse."


I sighed. "We, the JaeiouThirteen, did not have any choice in our being created."


At that she nodded. "I did not say it was your fault and it is the fundamental basis of all life to strive to exist. I came to rescue my sweetest sister from Brother Rogue and, hopefully, to rescue him also. I did not expect to find such a terrible mess as I have done. So terrible, that is, as to attract the attention of the LittleFatOnes and their allies such as the TallThinMan. They are, at essence, the very expression of the concerns of the most powerful and wisest spiritual forces of the Multiverse."


I had not known that though I had known they were of vital importance to what ever happened to the Multiverse; they tended to show up in places of great trouble but not just then and there.


I sighed. "What of the Q-Continuum?"


She frowned. "Lord AlphaOmega was here before for it was he who helped create the disaster of Mars Doomsday, a timespace cataclysm that stretched back to itself create the earlier Earth Doomsday. For a great time he managed to hide the truth from most of the Q-Entities but when they discovered the truth he began to lose influence with his people. Now they have forced him, and his most devoted followers, to come and help solve the situation. A new Q-Council has risen to begin leadership of the Q-Continuum. AlphaOmega will never again lead the Q-Continuum as its sole leader though one day he may sit on the Q-Council."


I was puzzled and it showed. "Why would AlphaOmega do such a thing?"


"He was bored and so he accepted a challenge to play a game against two other powerful living god type entities. One was of my own people who is now a rogue but I do not mean poor pitiful Brother Rogue. Another was an AncientLord but is now a distorted version of one. The traitor, of the Circling Circles, is another sister of mine but much older. She was set to be the next Empress but when I was born, the inheritance shifted to me despite that I do not want it. She has fallen into jealous hatred most focused at myself. To get to me she manipulated others, including Brother Rogue and the ever wondrous baby girl sister."


I sighed. "This is way above our level of existence and influence."


She shook her head. "You do not know your own potential for you, the JaeiouThirteen, are a hybrid of more than three powerful kinds of entities. One is my own people, the Circling Circles. Another is of the Q-Continuum and AlphaOmega himself. Yet another is the AncientLords. Such an amazingly potent mixture is extremely rare even by the standards of the vast timespace of the Multiverse."

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From the star we 'sensed' something strange about the attackers that went beyond the obvious but at first we did not focus upon this factor.


In the far distance strode the Tripodic Martian war-tripods and smaller, more numerous, battle-tripods. As they crossed the region of farmholds, and other fortified settlements, they spat heat-rays, death-rays, volleys of rockets and autocannon shells. The bigger war-tripods had 80mm autocannons and the smaller battle-tripods had 40mm autocannons while both also had 20mm autocannons. Thanks to the paranoia of the GeniusThirteen, and the Perfectum, the local population did not have many military class weapons except for some illegally held ones. Heavy machineguns, HMGs, blasted away at the attackers as did autocannons, single shot cannons and some energy weapons.


A battle-tripod exploded dramatically and began collapsing as a burning wreck but the battle was going the way of the invaders. We moved across the way, shooting low through the air in super power armor suits as cyborgs or metahumans. The shapeshifters were metallic versions of their normal selves. The neobabies were safely inside armor pouching doing what they did best with careful empathic-telepathic scans of the area. There was a big robotic saucer with the real robotic entity inside.


Tripocs were moving just above the ground in exotic energy armor with their strange jelly fish like flesh and three times three tentacles. That is sensor-eye tentacles on top, manipulator tentacles in the middle and supporting tentacles at the bottom. Each held smaller heat-rays and other, more conventional type weapons. Now and then a tripoc died, proving that the energy armor was far from invulnerable.


We hit the first wave of battle-tripods hard, over flying the tripocs below but not ignoring them as we dropped cluster-grenades on them. The special grenades ripped apart formations of floating tripocs. Perhaps we would have been less aggressive if we had not seen the evidence of the unprovoked killings of local people, the heat-rays having left behind gruesome remains of burned out vehicles and what had been in them.


We caused three battle-tripods to explode at the hoods but also a war-tripod to explode at the junctions of two 'knees' though these were more heavily protected by energy armor and force fields than were most areas of the machines.


We were in shock at the sudden appearance of those bizarre invaders but the biggest surprise was yet to make itself obvious to us.


These were not the same Tripodic Martians that belonged to the Tripoclave, in the DC Wastelands, but differed in some ways of clannish symbols, racial differences, and some variations of technologies. It was very difficult to know just where, or even when, they had come from.


Local defense-security networks had clearly been taken off guard and who could blame them for that? Even as we dodged, and wove, through the air we failed to see any Militia Guardsmen coming to the rescue, they being both the most common and the most basic of the defense force networks.


I, Terry the metahuman woman, landed on the hood of a war-tripod and peered through its semitransparent hood at the big adult thinker tripoc inside. Then, with a shock, I realized that the tripoc was not a living entity but a zombie of some kind. All of the tripocs, be they sub-adult infantry or the adult ones in the tripod hoods, were undead. It was horrific and it was incredible. Yet it also gave us hope for the undead have special vulnerabilities that we could take advantage of.

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Many types of creatures were attacking parts of Marstopia and all were undead versions of themselves; their were even undead zombies.


Military, paramilitary, force-networks were taken by surprise and were quickly overwhelmed in many areas. Yet the GeniusThirteen were still reluctant to provide the masses of people with better resources to deal with the threat.


The Perfectum struck out at the invaders with terrible force but it did not seem to care much about how much collateral death, and destruction, was caused by its counter attacks.


We, the GrandThirteen, observed as in the distance the city of NewNewYork was turned into a battleground. There were flashes of light, trails of smoke and dots flying through the sky of sub-elite supersonic jumpjets. Yes, the sub-elite forces were fully active but there had never been enough of them to deal with such a crisis. Also the Perfectum was proving apt at destroying such Special Forces as it was at destroying undead invaders of various kinds.


The LittleFatMan, and LittleFatWoman, appeared and went amongst people to test-transform the willing. From those, that passed the testing and were transformed, arose enhanced humans and other entities. With auric magic, elemental powers and general enhancements of mind-body-spirit, they were active through out NewNewYork and in other places of Marstopia.


The GeniusThirteen had vanished into their great central citadel, the White Castle, from which they directed elites, and sub-elites, to deal with the crisis. They seemed both unwilling and unable to confront the crisis directly that they had done much to create.


As we moved along a great pathway, that followed a great highway, we could not fail to note the large number of refugees departing from the major city. NewNewYork was far smaller than the supercity of Marstropolis but it was still huge with over twenty million people. We had fought long and hard, had helped to destroy the invading army of undead tripocs. An army, of undead zetan aliens, was assaulting NewNewYork with saucerboats zipping through the sky and other machines flying low or even hovering just above the ground. Zetan zombies were just another kind of zombie, when it came down to it, just as tripoc zombies were.


We were tired but still had some fight in us, were prepared to battle on.


Then the news came through! The invaders had all been destroyed and the crisis was supposedly over. The official news was that the Perfectum had saved us all with the brave assistance of the GeniusThirteen. We looked upon the burning metropolis and wondered at such blatant self promotion, such clear use of half truths. Too many had died and the Perfectum had killed at least half of those. What good was a defensive system that killed many of those it was supposed to protect? The results could have been far worse for the losses were but a tiny drop in the bucket of the Marstopia population yet one loss was one death too many. We were not the only ones who were angry.

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