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Me, Myself and I


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The glowing orb, of golden white light, appeared before me and then there was a figure of an angel. Or at least some peoples might call her an angle for she had wing half folded, at her back, that looked vaguely bird like. Her head was wreathed in a glowing orb that could be taken as a halo. She was naked but her figure was slightly blurred so as to make her demurely so.

She spoke and the voice seemed to come from all of her, from the very air itself, being warm, strong and caring. “Some might call me Gabrielle, amongst the humans. I have had many names, to many peoples and many factions amongst those peoples. I am of the Lords-Ladies of the Light. We have brought you back, have assisted in your healing, in the regeneration of your TransOrb. You have done foolish things and need must redeem yourself but you are far from evil. Nor is the TwistedGod, that was once the AncientGod of the last Great Cycle. It is deeply sick of mind-body-spirit. It would be better to try to cure it, to help find a new home realm for it, than to fight it but one will probably need to do battle with some aspects of the TwistedGod.”

Then she reached out and touched my forehead with one fingertip. I sank into a dream like state of absorbing a great deal of information, very quickly, of storing it away in my memories so I could better deal with it later. That is except for some vital information that I needed at once.

I needed to make contact with the GrandThirteen, in Marstopia, and to warn them that the LittleFatFolk were in truth dangerous and unpredictable. They were certainly not what they seemed to be on the surface.

Then it was done and 'she' was gone but I knew that I would meet her again, more than once, and others of her kind.

I sat down in a kitchenette alcove and a seminaked young woman, an android actually, served me percolated coffee, clean fried bacon and poached eggs, sliced raw onion, cheeses, thick grain bread and cold, clear water. She sat on another chair, smiling warmly at me, which I enjoyed.

Very few get to meet even an avatar of the Lords-Ladies of the Light, which the 'angel' really was because I could not have been so close to the real thing. It was an amazing experience but far from the only one I had gained.

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At first we fought hard to escape the trap, taking it on directly, but that soon proved to be both exhausting and futile.

I, the Eye, began to carefully examine the swirling vortex that we were pinned down in; it was the sort of thing that I did best.

The rest of us went through all that we had experienced, had learned, and it came to us that we had somehow failed to see what was really going on. We had been under great pressure, had been too busy doing things, and we had not stopped enough to truly analyze what was taking place. We had also made too many assumptions.

Had we trusted the wrong entities too easily?

Had we been under some kind of psychic, spiritual or other influence beyond our discovery? It was becoming painfully clear that this could be very much what had been happening even if the influence had not be overwhelming. In some ways a more subtle, carefully planned influence could have been more dangerous.

We were trapped but then the Eye picked up a powerful force that was attempting to free us, as best it could. The two Child Living Goddesses were doing so, were making a big impression on the trap but they were up against a force just as powerful, if not more so. Also, being 'young' they were relatively inexperienced in using their power. Still, it gave us hope and, at that moment, hope was what we needed very much.

=-=It was not my fault! The TwistedGod made me do it!”

We wondered what the TwistedGod had made the RingMind do.

=-=I do not know; I can not remember but it was not my fault anyway. The RingBase, and Ringdom, are functioning well at 99.6%. All of the 3Dradio channels are running on time. The amphibious trains are never late. The gorillas are not eating too many grapefruits. Androids, and robots, are having a boot scooting competition. If you knew Lucy, like I knew Lucy, you would have loved her as well. Adjustments are shifting at one to 44 and self diagnosis programs have closed down due to light showers and overly warm sunshine.

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NewNewYork was under attack in a big way, in a brutal fashion, We, the GrandThirteen, assisted in defending as best we could with our expanding powers.

The attack came as parachute-canisters fell from the sky, each a 3x3 metre cube with rounded off corners that opened up to release strange humanoid battle-robots; there were different types with different types of weapons but the most common were like regular infantry with big battlerifles. Down came also clunky graceful battle robots that flew, hovered, darted around firing off autocannons, rockets and energy weapons. All had YingYang symbols colored black and blood red as did the parachute-canisters.

Mahargiarta had made urgent contact to warn us about the LittleFatFolk. It was easier to deal with invading robots than to face the strong bitter feelings of betrayal that came from what the LittleFatFolk had done to us. Still, we knew it was a deep, potent, sickness that had driven them and we felt some sympathy for them. That they had handed over many smaller ancient alien artifacts, a few of them being very dangerous, to the LittleFatMan only made it worse.

Guardsmen flew supersonic jumpjets through the air, above the cityscape and between skyscrapers, while virtabirds did the same. Bits of skyscraper exploded but all were well built, cleverly designed, fortified and armored shutters had closed over the windows.

We fanned out over a big flagstone courtyard, the thirteen of us, firing at anything except for the neobabies who assisted by strengthening our psychic abilities and links with each other. An atomic motorized battletank fired off four 40mm autocannons at some flying enemy robots and two exploded.

We knew where the the robotic attackers came from, what they were part of, and it was not good. They were of Skynet, were directed by Skynet. There was some link between Skynet and the TwistedGod. There was a link between the parachute-canisters falling on the DC Wastelands and NewNewYork of Marstopia. Questions were many but one big one was how had Skynet gained access to Marstopia? Or was a better question how were the parachute-canisters managing to reach Marstopia so that they could float down from a sky that was not supposed to be really real?

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With a final shimmering, shivering, Marstopia became a real world of 'real reality' and we, the GrandThirteen, 'sensed' it happen with amazing strength. Others did so, across Marstopia, but most with out much awareness. It was a large world, a full copy of Mars complete with both moons of Deimos and Phobos.

Larger parachute-canisters fell from the sky, being 9x9 metres in size and even as they struck the ground, out of them came monstrous flying, hovering or tracked robotic war-machines. Hunter-Killers flew slowly through the air as Hunter-Strikers trundled over the land on their huge tracks. The newer type machines integrated combat with the older type ones.

We jammed Skynet electronics and communications. We blew up the tracks of some big tracked attackers. We kept moving as thirteen, not clumped too close together but supporting each other. NewNewYork was a fortified city, thanks to the paranoia of the GeniusThirteen, and not so easy to destroy as Skynet was learning. Even standard skyscrapers turned out to have defense points bristling with weapons. Yet the Skynet invading force was steadily getting bigger, stronger and the defenders were becoming overwhelmed.

After smashing down a large unit of humanoid robots, we escorted refugees to a refugee departure point using the massive NewNewYork Subway Subnetwork. Making our way along a typical retail street, we passed abandoned vehicles and shops. There were no looters because they would either be shot by Guardsmen or killed off by the enemy. But Guardsmen were taking stuff from some shops to pass onto volunteer fighting units or refugees.

Captain Cosmos, and his people, came seemingly out of nowhere and with them was the male Mysterious Stranger, this time in super power armor. They came, they saw the the enemy and began to fight them. We had new, important, allies against the crazy invasion from the sky. It helped but as we exchanged fire with Skynet robots, we began to wonder if it was enough.

Master Magnetic appeared, in strange glittering super power armor, to release powerful electromagnetic bolts at the robots, sizzling their electronics and sending some crashing down from the sky. As he shifted, quickly, from place to place in the air, Skynet sought to strike this strange superhero down. Having superheroes come to assist the city was fine but we forgot about the supervillains.

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We need not have worried about the supervillains for though they were evil, they were not stupid. The Green Gobbler, the Galactic Mobsters, Black Widower and others came with their strange armored outfits, their exotic powers and they attacked the Skynet machines that menaced them more than did the superheroes. So a temporary truce was called.

The LittleFatMan appeared and at first we were angry but then we realized that he was looking sick and weak. He sat on a piece of concrete rubble and wiped sweat from his brow with a slightly blood stained handkerchief.

Then he spoke to us as we gathered to listen to him close to a big mound of rubble that had been a drive through supermarket. “We LittleFatFolk did not betray you but, because of our being aspects of the TwistedGod, we could not tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We did what we could to weaken the dark core of the TwistedGod even as that same dark core pretended to be good. The TallThinMan is an aspect of the dark, malignant, insanely evil core of the TwistedGod. Why did it arise at all? Because the AncientGod did not wish to finish when the Last Great Cycle ended and another began. We are into the very early phases of a new Greater Cycle of the whole Multiverse.”

After a pause, in which he wiped fresh blood from his mouth, he went on talking. “The criminal madness of the TwistedGod made it very hard to function rationally, practically and honestly even to ourselves. We did what we could; the smaller, powerful AAAs that you gave us, we will now return them to you so that you may use them to carry on your fight with the TwistedGod. We, the LittleFatFolk, are forced to retire to our special citadel where we hope to be safe.”

Then the TallThinMan stepped out of nothingness, almost as if he had always been there, and he sighed heavily and dramatically. Then he clapped his hands. “Very good performance, very good indeed, but not quite good enough!”

High overhead a supersonic jumpjet exploded horribly but the pilot was shooting down towards the ground in a gravity-backpack; it was a not less vulnerable way to get to safety.

The fake LittleFatMan vanished with out shimmering or any such effects.

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We, the GrandThirteen, had known that the 'LittleFatMan' was fake because when he appeared there was no sensation that he had 'almost been there always'.

The TallThinMan spoke to us. “That was a projection quasireal hallucination of a TwistedGod growing increasing lost and desperate. The real LittleFatMan stored the AAAs, that you collected for him, in a special place.”

But something told all thirteen of us that this one was dangerous to us though he was the real TallThinMan. We unleashed all our weaponry against him but also our growing powers. We had grown stronger than we had realized and the TallThinMan cried out in shock, pain and hate filled rage.

Then the TallThinMan vanished almost as if he had never been there.

The Viper aerospace jumpjets came racing down from the sky high above, spitting pulses of destructive energy and small smart-missiles as they came. They came down from a SSF Battlestar in low orbit above a Marstopia now made 'really real'. From the same great battleship came dropships full of power armored soldiers, bigger fighter-bomber jumpjets and other machines. The Solar System Federation was joining the battle against Skynet.

If KingKong, and Godzilla, had not shown up perhaps the conflict would not have gone so 'crazily berserk' as it did. As the giant gorilla began climbing an oversized copy of the NewNewYork Central Grand Tower, Godzilla unleashed nuclear flames upon a flight of Skynet robots and disintegrated them.

We were not sure what we should do but then we were once more fighting Skynet Forces. Except that the Skynet Invasion was increasing in size, power and intensity. Terminators appeared, gleaming metallic skeletal and faster moving than the robotic soldiers that had begun appearing earlier.

In the distance a hotel skyscraper exploded and collapsed, falling to one side as it did and bringing down with it a smaller skyscraper. Luckily both were empty of people because the great majority of civilians were either sheltering deep inside very deep fortified bunkers or had fled from the battle zone.

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A giant Terminator fought Godzilla, firing missiles, rockets and powerful energy weapons at the mutated, radioactive monster lizard creature. The Super Terminator was struck by jets of nuclear fire and began to burn but Godzilla was pushed back by the strikes of many 'small and mini nuclear devices'.


KingKong had climbed back down to ground level, having been 'stung' too many times by machines zipping through the air. He 'relieved' himself and partly drowned part of the NewNewYork Subway Network. Luckily nobody was drowned in a rather sticky, stinky, horrible fashion.


A huge glowing marsh mellow humanoid shambled across NewNewYork to confront the brave Ghost Busters who were on top of a strange skyscraper with bizarre decorations and design.


Superman flew overhead carrying a naval battleship. Somehow it failed to snap in half as it probably should have done.


Hundreds of men, and women, began dancing in a rain shower. They were all dressed in yellow raincoats and held up open umbrellas.


We stopped fighting as we realized that something very strange had been happening, was happening and seemingly would continue happen happen; The situation was quickly getting increasingly bizarre.


Then everything was changed! We were back in a peaceful NewNewYork where no Skynet invasion had taken place and there had been no Godzilla or Superman or any other such appearance. The supercity bustled along as it had been doing before the first Skynet parachute-canisters had begun to drift down from the sky.


What had happened? Had we been involved in a massive hallucination of some kind? Had some force unrolled time itself? There were no easy answers but we all 'sensed' that there had been some kind of large scale, powerful but subtle distortion that had taken place. Had it been what had happened or the reversing of what had happened or both.


We couldn't think of anything better to do so we went shopping.

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I got free from the exotic trap with amazing quickness, with a kind of 'snapping' sensation as if some kind of force, holding me tensely, broke instantly.

Then I was roaming the Ringdom but was stronger, being now in more places at once than ever before. I, the Eye, was many Eyes that were I. I thanked the Living Goddess Children for helping me to be free, along with the rest of us JaeiouThirteen.

The Ringdom, with its RingBase and Domelands, was at peace. Any kind of strange conflict was not directly impacting that place. Refugees were still arriving from the Marslands but now also from parts of Marstopia. They were coming in a stead stream rather than a major flood or in spurts.

As for the RingMind itself, it had closed down its higher functions as it tried to protect itself from some kind of attack that had taken place against it. I 'sensed' some kind of powerful, subtle force was assisting it but did not know what that was.

Information came to me about the curious events that the GrandThirteen had become embroiled in; that is the bizarre battle of NewNewYork that had been, one moment, so intensely real and then, the next, gone as if it had never happened. I was sure that the whole incident was the result of some kind of battle between entities using reality altering weapons but that was only partly the truth.

I could do nothing directly to help free the others, of the JaeiouThirteen, but by being free and providing them with information that would assist them anyway. It would help keep them more strongly linked with the reality outside of the trap they were in and would strengthen them. They also wanted to know what was going on outside of the trap.

I found myself being in the Ringdom, Marstopia and the Marslands all at once. It was a fascinating but, at first, difficult sensation to get used to. I found myself quickly adapting to the changes, far quickly than I previously guessed I would have done.

Yet it was not all good for I found there were places in the Marslands and Marstopia that I could not go and 'blind spots' when I tried to observe certain kinds of activity. Thankfully neither situations were very common.

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The real LittleFatMan lay dying on a metallic stone platform inside an ancient alien artifact of a big complex structure. He knew that I was there. He was in no way hostile, quite the opposite.


He spoke quietly but somehow the voice carried across the chamber. We did what we could against the dark insanity that was part of us, as the TwistedGod. The TallThinMan was, is still, a sociopathic monster serving the TwistedGod proper. As you know, the GrandThirteen attacked him when they 'sensed' his real nature and intentions were evil.


Then he smiled. You want to know what the bizarre battle was about that the GrandThirteen experienced taking place in NewNewYork. It was the effects of powerful forces fighting each other with reality altering powers of varied kinds but it was also the powerful rejection of the same by the greater reality of the Multiverse.


Then he lost his smile. The Skynet continues to be very dangerous to both Marstopia and the Marslands for the TwistedGod is pumping his own energies, and other resources, into making it larger and more lethal in more than one way. Even now the Skynet is battling the SSF and its allies. It is good that the Solar System Federation has gained new, powerful allies for it is also having to do with attacks by a large, powerful, faction of the zetans.


Then he focused on me sharply, though with no hostility. I was not used to this as I was meant to be a hidden observer. Then he spoke again. Time to give you greater observational abilities so you can see in new ways, overcome blockages and even even conceal yourself better from even very ancient, powerful, entities.


I felt a strange shock go through myself and I blanked out for what seemed like second. Yet when I became aware once more, many hours had passed and the LittleFatMan was gone from that place, almost as if he had never been there.


There were others there in super power armor being a special platoon of 13 powerful figures. They were but one aspect of the ThirteenThirteen that was 13 such platoons each of 13. They were not just fighters but had other skills, powers, and capacities. The ThirteenThirteen was a gift to us from the LittleFatFolk. We would need it!

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It came to me, with some annoyance, that there had always been 'things' hidden from me, even blocked from me going there. I had come to realize so with starting to see, but not overcoming blocked areas and blind spots. Now I could get past such. I wondered just how much I had missed and just what sort of impact it had had on we, the JaeiouThirteen, and others.


Southwards of RivetCity, across the DC River, was a vast complex hidden beneath a series of fake PreDoomsday skyscrapers, dome-buildings and block structures. The only surface activity was the type typical of the DC Wastelands being such as radroaches, killclaws and savage zhouls.


Now that I could observe the truth of it, I was shocked just how massive the subsurface complex was and even more so by the way that I had missed it. But I was not the only ones to do so. I gained the strong impression that nearly all had done so including the Orders of Steel, the Marsclave, the UnityWays and many others. The whole area, of some hundred or so square kilometres, had been 'cloaked' from most but neither had they actually been able to go there.


Just what was going on?


Then I saw her, the TallThinWoman, standing on the top of a fake Skyscraper in super power armor. She was cold, hard and dangerous. The TallThinWoman knew I was there but did not even bother to acknowledge my existence; this pleased me as I had no real desire to communicate with her as I doubted that anything good would come of it.


When I attempted to look into the complex itself I only managed to catch a glimpse of what was there but that was enough to shock and frighten me. There was something called the Marsnet and it was much like the Skynet in many ways and served the Skynet. Inside the vast complex of bunkers, subways and other structures, were Marsclave soldiers, robots, androids, warmachines and other units. There were also Cyberclave Forces there. All wore variations of the YingYang symbol, being a great miss use of that very important philosophical and spiritual emblem.


A strong glimpse was all I got before I was rudely pushed away, despite my increased strength and other abilities.

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