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Me, Myself and I


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We found where the things had come from thanks to information left by the GlowingOne. There was a Waygate Chamber, an ancient alien artifact in a complex of ancient alien metallic stone chambers. There were other ancient alien artifacts but all were both inactive and locked. The Waygate was active but slightly unstable. To my surprise I was able to adjust it to full stability, making it much easier to use. A quick trip through the Waygate confirmed what I had already worked out, that the Waygateway led to an active Waygate in Blazewarand. The monsters causing trouble in the area of Zhouls' End, the National Mall, all came from the same place as did those causing trouble with TekVaultDC101. I adjusted the other Waygate and then locked both but kept them semiactive so that they could be activated more easily. Soon after I did this a swarm of vireclaws, and vireclaw-puppets, attempted to come through the Waygates, the Waygateway, from Blazewarand. They were halted and, somehow, seemed confused by what was happening.


I had stood observing them through two Waygates and a Waygateway energy tunnel. At that moment I gained, for the first time, a strong impression that the creatures were under some kind of powerful, yet limited, control. Could this be true for the zetargs, and hivaca, also? Was it of the Shadow that 'guided' them or was it some other force. Was that force inside the altered, chamber confined saucership? Why were the different kinds of creatures fighting each other if they were under the same form of limited control?


If nothing else a pattern was forming and seemingly different events had been linked together. It was a pattern linked with Me, Myself and I as four of us now, including Jackoman. Jack, in Megaton, was the only one who had not come in contact, with any creatures, as himself.


Somebody, something, had activated those Waygates that, in theory, were only able to be activated by rare kinds of entities such as we. Did the ShadowOnes have the ability to activate such AAAs? According to the 'Voice', that turned out to be something called 'RingMind', the Shadowkind did not have that ability except for the ShadowLords and the ShadowGod. The weaker ShadowOnes certainly did not have such abilities. This was concerning news since it indicated that there was a ShadowLord, on the loose, in the DC.


The other demivault, DVDC101D, was more standard in layout, design and technologies than was DVDC101E where I had grown up. It seemed to have no secrets, no odd spaces or odd design points as DemivaultDC101E had. Father could not have hidden his secret laboratory-workshop, in that demivault, with such ease as he had in our demivault. Or at least it seemed until we found, almost by accident, the secret area below the main demivault.


We found there a secret experiment that had been meant to be carried with the vault dwellers of TekVaultDC101. There was a complex of chambers and one was a central monitor station with banks of 3Dscreens and other ways of spying on all of the TekVault, there were research chambers, there was a SVR centre, there was an accommodation area, there was a security section, a medical bay and much else. There were semiactive robots, roboremotes and androids in special bays. There was quite a lot of good quality resources. But nobody had occupied the sub-complex, none of the main network-systems had been activated and it had never been used. According to data-records, that I found, it was because the specialist task-team had not arrived when it was supposed to, which was four days before Mars Doomsday had taken place. Things were going crazy, back then, and it was no surprise that such a team had not gotten to where they should have done.


The experiment, itself, not not begun! The experiment had been the use of various tricks to create a growing sense of isolation with the vaultfolk. This included the release of experimental drugs into the water. Those drugs had not even reached the vault because the specialist task-team had been bringing that, and other, exotic resources with them.


The locals were soon taking over the hidden sub-complex and its very useful resources. We, who had come from the other demivault, returned there to fully report what had happened.

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I, the Eye, glimpsed the ShadowLord but then it was gone for it had detected my presence though I doubt the ShadowLord knew my true nature. That was surprisingly close to RivetCity where the tall, shadowy form flittered through the semidarkness of a cloudy afternoon. It vanished amongst huge tangles of strange, mutated plants that were valuable resources to survivors of all kinds. A group of gangers had been killed, fed upon, and drained to dessicated remains by the ShadowLord. As savage as the gangers had been, and they had been of the worst kind, their deaths must have been terrible.


The 'reality shift' had expanded the DC, had changed it mainly in small ways in general but in bigger ways in more specific places. Tenpenny Towers was surrounded by Tenpenny Town of those who served the elites of Tenpenny Towers, all nine towers being one big central one and eight smaller, but still large, ones. The expansion seemed to favor the Tenpenny Family, and their cronies, but did it really?


Captain Cosmos, Stella Skyfire, Jangles the Cyborg-Monkey, the CosmicGirls, CosmicBoys, the CosmicBots (robots) and CosmicDroids (androids) emerged from the long crashed, buried, Cosmic Champion, the powerful rocketship of Captain Cosmos. They arose in time to fight small, deadly swarms of giant ants serving the AntEmpress. The fighting was fierce and no quarter was given. Flame spitting, spine shooting, fast rushing, powerful rad-ant soldiers attacked as the mind of the AntEmpress guided them from her hidden underground nest-complex, as she liked to call it. With atomic rayguns and energy armor, the Cosmic do gooders blasted down rad-ant after rad-ant. In doing so they unknowing saved a large settlement of people, allowing them to escape with most of their resources. They fled towards Canterbury Commons. The Mysterious Stranger had warned them of what was coming but they had also gained stories, and evidence, from other Wastelanders. The Mysterious Stranger joined the fight, alongside Captain Cosmos, bringing five powerful Mysterious Rangers with him. A very angry, frustrated, AntEmpress withdrew her rad-ant forces and brooded on changes that would allow her to defeat her enemies.


But others were rising across the DC, extreme exotic individuals with their own bizarre armies and ambitions; such were the Mechanist, Lordclaw, Androiza, Scorpia and others. All were being supported by strange and secretive forces. They joined the AntEmpress, the SupermutantLord and BigGary.


MadMax shot along a great highway and dodged through patterns of long abandoned vehicles. Road-gangers chased his atomic motorized police-car in other upgraded, sometimes downgraded, atomic motorized machines, sometimes on sleek jetbikes, and in hotted up battlebuggies. MadMax grinned and the dog, in his special harness, barked wildly. The other companions crouched in the back seat area. MadMax was a driver of amazing talent, matched by few humans, but he was no longer fully human. He darted the vehicle back and forth, sped up, sped down, tricked the enemy again and again. Had two road-ganger buggies smash into each other at top speed. Then, at last, the road-gangers realized the chase was causing them too much harm to continue; no, they had failed to take the mighty MadMax as had many others before them. Soon MadMax was able to relax and the fast moving vehicle went to cruising speed of 100 kilometres an hour. The skinny practical genius, the feral boy, the sexy deadly women twins, were all safe.


Maharg67, great creative genius (in his own mind), made his way carefully through the Wastelands. He had escaped from the very deep underground Nexus Complex where he had suffered from a lack of 'positive feedback' even in the wonderful domain of the Druid's Garden. Now he was determined to seek it elsewhere as he was set to go where no Maharg67 had gone before. One day, he was almost very sure, 'they' would build great statues of him and have great festivals in his name. Yes, there would be non alcoholic wine, not too wild women, folk songs and lots of camomile tea.

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They came together, the first time, as their new identities and shapeforms. Jasmine, Jack, Jakeman and Jackoman linked together through RingMind's assistance. The four of them were still in RivetCity, traveling to DemivaultDC101E, in Blazewarand and Megaton. RingMind was based in the mysterious RingBase that was part of the RingBaseland. The meeting, of mentalities, was very brief in real time but seemed to last much longer in psychic-spiritual ways of empathic-telepathy.


They met and began merged a little more but also, ironically, more firmly independent.


Information was exchanged, flowed to all. They all learned of RingBase and of Jade, Janz and Jaze. The female three were still working with the RingBase and, out of need, focused fully on that task.


They learned of the TransOrb 'in' Megaton that was a kind of transdimensional lifeboat as linked with a much larger, more intricate and more powerful TransOrbship.


Information was exchanged with the Eye!


Patterns were formed of ShadowOne activities and yet there were still many questions to be answered about the transdimensional intruders and their purpose in being on-in Mars.


It was only the first such remeeting and was relatively short but it was important and strengthened all of them in many ways. They would soon need it all.

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The reason that so many DC Factions had been supplied with resources was that they had been given payments for ancient, alien artifacts found by the factions. The ShadowOnes had given over resources and never cheated on their promises but in turn had demanded many powerful, rare and exotic artifacts. Then it emerged that the ShadowOnes had also used threats against the DC Factions to get what they wanted, hence the 'carrot and the stick' approach. Jack had first learned of the trading of portable AAAs first in overhearing the conversation between a ShadowOne and his mother, Elaine Harrington. That find had led to more investigations of the same and the confessions of various DC Factions that had all been badly in need of resources.


I, Jakeman, frowned hard. "Orders of Steel, DC Syndicates, Vaultburg, the Marsclave, the Outcasts of Steel, the New DC Republic and others all passed to the Shadowfolk valuable AAAs, or so it seems, but it also appears that not all was passed over as promised, at least not by all of the DC Factions."


I was walking along the great RivetCity Main Jetty to the great warehouse and other structures but also to other, smaller, ships that were part of RivetCity (thanks to the reality shift). There was a medium sized luxury river liner, two rivership freighters, and a gun-rivership along with a big old hulk of a great flying bulk-carrier. All had been converted to more stationary, practical uses.The gun-rivership was the base for the growing Republican Guard Garrison at RivetCity. Benjamin Washington was there, as was Jarisha the auric mage.


Benjamin frowned. "I have heard the Brotherhood of Steel can be greedy for technologies."


I shook my head. "Too much pride in their code of honor to do such a thing, at least with the DC Faction of the Brotherhood of Steel. No, the DC Syndicates are culprits according to information picked up, by chance, by Secret Regulator Agents in a small settlement fairly close to Tenpenny Settlement (both Towers and Town). Some DC Syndicate fool got drunk and bragged how the 'mere mortals' of the DC Syndicates had tricked a ShadowOne. They have not done so, of course, and the DC Syndicates will pay for their stupidity."


Benjamin sighed. "My parents made contact, of a kind, with me. We dreamlinked a fine time together but they also gave me glimpses of more 'truth'. My parents are, were, LightLords serving the Lords-Ladies of the Light. They are in spiritual opposition to the DarkLords, the DarkGod except that the DarkGod is not chaotic evil as is the ShadowGod but a natural part of the Greater Multiversal Balance."


We had gone to the jetties for a reason and Benjamin led them down a not often used laneway between two double level buildings. The metal door was cleverly hidden by the architectural design of the laneway. It looked typical of those doors going into the same building but when it opened it led to a gentle sloping hallway tunnel plunging downwards. In theory, as they followed it, they were soon enough moving below the jetty and through the water beneath it. A hundred and twelve metres later they came to another metallic door, identical looking to the first. This time Benjamin ignored the door and turned left to a blank area of wall just in front of the end of the hallway tunnel. After the secret power-door opened there was another long, gentle sloping hallway tunnel that ended in yet another identical looking door. But this one opened into a great dome shaped chamber with a shallow dome of a ceiling-walls. The centre of the floor was a great circular pool and floating in it was an advanced, atomic motorized, stealth-submarine. Designed, built, for super silence and anti-sonar detection, such stealth-submarines had been used in the Grand Canals, River Systems, River Tunnel Networks and Polar Oceans of Mars.


Benjamin sighed as he stood looking around. "I never went into the stealth submarine. There is something about it that spooks me and my parents indicated it was too dangerous for me to enter. They never told me what was, is, in the vessel and I never asked. That is odd for me for normally I ask too many questions."


Jarisha frowned. "Something dark, and powerful, is sealed into the submarine. It is not evil as such but neither is it good."


I nodded. "If it is what I think it is, then we are facing a far more dangerous, and tricky, situation. You two remain here. I will go further and check something."


When I got closer I noted indications that the submarine had some exotic alterations, enhancements, made to it. A big power-door had been added to the starboard side of the sleekly graceful hull. I noted signs of big smart-missile tubes having been removed. It was a medium sized stealth-submarine of a type normally with four such launching tubes but all had been removed. The hatch indicated some kind of cargo space had replaced all that hardware. In the war taking place, at that time, reducing the firepower of such a vessel would have been a big sacrifice so 'they' must have had good reason to do so.


Then I 'sensed' and 'felt' the thing inside the submarine and I became quite wary.

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I, Jakeman, carefully examined the submarines exterior but 'something' told me that trying to enter would be too dangerous until I regained my old powers more, became stronger and more stabilized. I soon had the area heavily guarded including adjoining chambers of a bunker complex including workshops, barracks, armories, target ranges, two SVR centres and much else. This time there would be no sharing with RivetCity as the secret of the submarine, and hidden base, were kept to my followers, myself and Benjamin. Or at least that was my hope.


I, Jackoman, focused on dealing with the Zazataza and gaining as much information, along with other help, from them as possible.


Others were dealing with the monsters infesting the Zhouls' End area including not just hivaca, vireclaws and zetargs but shadowy humanoid things and, less commonly, distorted human muties known as trogs that were like powerful, regressed humans into fast moving, agile beasts complete with fangs, claws, spikes and diverse exotic extra weapons with some of them. I soon worked out that the FEV had helped to shape the trogs be they standard kinds, spine shooters, acid spitters or screamers or web sprayers or of other kinds. The 'others' were from RingBase; they were 302 helpers as soldiers, medical people, techies and others. They were clonefolk as were those that had appeared at RivetCity and Megaton disguised as Wastelanders. Some were as rhouls or radhumans. They also assisted even the wild zhouls along with rhouls, including the Sisters.


I, Jack, found the real Professor Brown in a strangely altered status-capsule hidden in the strange abode of the aircraft raised high overhead. It was Professor Brown's abode but more than that. It turned out that the shadowshaper had been pretending to be the real professor for a fair few years. Frank Harrington's corpse was in a status storage body-capsule but when I touched the capsule in my shock, and grief, Frank Harrington was 'resurrected' just as Jarisha had been when Jakeman was with the cloned supersoldier. Both the professor, and my secondary biological father, would take time to recover from what had happened to them but both would turn out to have valuable information to pass on.


I, Jasmine, returned to the demivault I had grown up in only to find that Overseer Alphonse Almodovar had been overthrown. He had gone 'crazy' after I escaped in the expedition going to the other demivault. He had sent his security thugs on a rampage but then they had bee met by a surprisingly strong counter attack. This was partly because 1,233 clonefolk, from the RingBase, had arrived disguised as survivors from an obscure LifeVault. The security thugs were no match for much better trained, experienced and equipped fighters. Many had died in the fighting while the others were locked up with Amata's father and a few other cronies. I rested, meetings were held, plans were made and preparations began for the next expedition, this time to the main vault of TekVaultDC101. No other threats had appeared to attack the demivault.


We, the three of the RingBase, kept up our essential work there; that is 'we' being Janz, Jade and Jaze.


I, the Eye, kept on shifting and observing across the DC Wastelands, including beneath the surface.

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Others, of RivetCity, realized that something big had been found below the jetties of RivetCity. It was a matter of bad luck, of somebody observing folks vanishing into a metal power-door where no such door should be, that alerted the RivetCity Leadership Council now with nine members. One of these was an NDCR Envoy representing the republic that RivetCity was part of. He was one Field Envoy Paolo Itunae and he was tough, brilliant, loyal, efficient but also very ambitious and keen to gain a high position in the NDCR political hierarchy. It was based in the large fortified settlement of Republicia; the settlement was based on both a large military complex and a LifeVault along with a PreDoomsday dome-town.


It was said that the NDCR's Central Government, as based in Republicia, was growing increasingly isolated, arrogant, corrupt, inefficient and aggressive. Tensions were rising between the NDCR-CG and republican area networks and local government councils. Paolo was a typical Republican Centralist who saw only the Central Government as being truly capable of running the NDCR. The Republican Centralists also had the fantastic ambition of seeing the NDCR controlling the whole DC including those territories controlled by powerful DC Factions including the DC Citadel, Paradise Falls, Saffrond and Amazona. Saffrond, and Amazonda, were southwards of RivetCity and across the other side of the great DC River. They were fairly isolated and not always counted as DC Factions though they were.


Yet Paolo was one of the more 'practical' and 'observant' of the Republican Centralists in that he saw that any plans had to be carried out with care and with concessions made to other DC Factions.


I sat in a chair facing the RivetCity Leadership Council and tried to be more patient than I felt. There was very much work to do and also I wanted to deal with the mystery of the SVR Chamber of Doors. Yet I spoke calmly, quietly but not too quietly. "The decision to conceal the submarine and the base was done because of what it inside the submarine. Though the submarine complex has many resources it is relatively small and RivetCity already has gained more than enough new resources to work with. The NDCR has also gained and has expanded its presence in RivetCity, its influence here. There is even a garrison of Republican Guardsmen here, along with yourself and others representing, working for, the NDCR-CG. There is nothing in the submarine, or submarine complex of a base, that can benefit the NDCR."


The Field Envoy frowned softly. "Perhaps I could judge that for myself. You are going to allow us to visit the submarine complex, are you not?"


I frowned softly. "Not for the foreseeable future. The 'thing' inside the submarine, as you should have read in your briefings, appears to be aware of everything going on inside the submarine complex but not beyond it. For this reason only the minimum needed to run, and guard, the submarine complex and all of those are carefully selected for having a high spiritual-psychic strength in potential, training and experience."


Paolo frowned. "I am skeptical when it comes to claims of the existence of 'paranormal' or 'supernatural' forces in the Marslands."


At that I nodded. "You are welcome to your skepticism but it makes you weaker, more vulnerable, to powerful spiritual-psychic influences. We can not allow somebody, like yourself, to go down into the submarine complex. At least not until we have learned more. For now we are quietly, carefully, observing the submarine and trying to gain as much information about the 'thing' inside it as possible. Though we do not consider it to be evil, it is highly powerful and dangerous, is a potential threat to RivetCity and its people. That is also in your briefings."


Doctor Li Madison spoke with growing impatience for she clearly wanted to get back to her work. "I can not see what you hope to accomplish, Field Envoy, with this continuous questioning and probing? Jakeman has always been straight forward with the people of RivetCity and has assisted us in many ways."


Paolo sighed. "That may be so but, when it comes down to the nitty gritty of it, not much is known about you Jakeman except that you were born in a vault somewhere, though not what vault or what kind of vault, and that you have spent much of your life visiting RivetCity but also wandering across the Wastelands. Not much is known about what you have done, what DC Factions you are linked with or how, but the stories about you are often quite impressive, if not amazing. I must admit that I find some of them hard to believe..."


At that moment I found myself fading away and realized some force was trying to kidnap me but then, 'sensing' no hostility I let myself be drawn away to vanish from the chamber. As I did the others also looked upon the event with astonishment of various degrees. Li was only lightly surprised, considering her many strange experiences, but Paolo was obviously shocked by what he saw. For he had spent all his life in the relatively secure isolation of Republicia.

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I was 'inside' the stealth submarine except that the 'inside' that I was in was a transdimensional zone many times bigger than the submarine was. Indeed it was so large a 'chamber' that the distant walls, in any direction, could barely be seen. Giant every day objects were a mighty range of shapes from huge chairs to massive toy chests and sets of drawers. Big robotic teddy-bears marched back in forth in barely controlled chaos, carrying items of many kinds, often in big woven baskets of many bright colors.


I was being observed, examined, carefully but could not track down the source of it.


A pair of large stuffed dollies danced around a great big strawberry topped cake while rows of wooden soldiers marched past in neat ranks. Despite their appearance, as over sized toys, there was 'something' about them that suggested that they were quite dangerous.


=-= Be careful! Not evil but frightened and very powerful!


Yes, I could 'sense' her now, hidden amongst all of the barely organized chaos. She was very curious and did not seem to take me as much as a threat. Such psychic impressions, that I gained, were very vague and gave me no specific data. That I could 'sense' such a powerful entity at all was due both to my abilities and to her partial willingness for me to detect her.


I spoke out aloud. "I love your toys and cakes and things."


Over sized, brightly colored, party balloons floated high overhead and a wooden biplane shot overhead, being adorned with all sorts of symbols but also being equipped with twin machineguns and bombs under the wings. Then the biplane was gone from sight.


The tall figure stepped out from behind a great big gift package wrapped in colorful wrapping paper and with a big ribbon. The figure was a golden tophat wearing circus girl with a slimly voluptuous body, a golden leotard and mid-heel shoes along with smooth black stockings that were held up by invisible means. Her long, silken hair and skin were silvery in color and her eyes were golden. She held a silver cane and a big, warm smile that did not reach her golden eyes. She was very beautiful, in a very exotic fashion, and not very modestly dressed.


The gold-silver woman bowed briefly, tipped her tophat at me and then she spoke. "GoldieSilvers is my name and GoldieSilvers is my game! You are not what you appear to be, on the surface. Indeed, it is hard to know what you are. She is not too concerned about your being here but she is sleeping and is aware of you only in her sleeping state. Do you like our 'little' home?"


"Hardly little!" I responded carefully. "I 'sense' many lifeforms but even more quasilifeforms. You are a quasilifeform! How did you all end up here?"


GoldieSilvers frowned. "You can thank a dark alliance, of powerful entities, for that though in the end a whole lot of mortal humans, androids and smart-robots helped to create this place as a temporary safe haven. After 'she' destroyed a ShadowLord, a GlimmerLord and something else unidentified, all in one go, she was drained of much energy and has been sleeping ever since."


I smiled at that and nodded. "Sleeping in this great big Toyland should put any child at ease, shouldn't it? Or so some would assume who might just see the surface of such matters."


She smiled, again the eyes remaining cold. "Perhaps you should leave and leave her to rest..."


I whirled and the big knife thunked right into GoldieSilvers' forehead. She shuddered, screamed and collapsed to the floor. It was not GoldieSilvers that lay there but a thing of bruised black-purple colorization, a powerful Alpha Doppelganger of those undead entities that served the GlimmerGod. The knife was special, was designed to kill deadly exotic entities with ease along with more 'normal' kinds. The undead belonged in their own dimensional realms where they were 'natural and normal' but a relatively tiny minority had come, feral, to the living dimensions. The GlimmerGod, and its followers, were one such faction of the undead that were where they should not have been.


Then everything changed and, with a shivering and fragmenting, I was suddenly in a very large but rather standard submarine chamber. Much of it was typical enough but some things were exotic while some were very exotic.

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The big submarine chamber was created by the removal of the smart-missile launchers and related gear including a pair of spare smart-missiles. Replacing this was a great big machine, a kind of fusion power generator with some interesting extras. Some support structures had been added to strengthen the chamber. The real GoldieSilvers stood next to a stack of empty supply-canisters and smiled; the smile did reach her eyes. Around her were neat stacks of goods, held firmly into place, but also many empty supplies containers. Then there were the status-capsules and other kinds of status-containers. Some held cyborg-human submariners in special armored submarine-suits being a mixture of officers, NCOs and common sailors. There were also androids, and robotics, in special bays.


The real GoldieSilvers stepped gracefully forward and stopped. "Welcome! You did well in destroying that powerful doppelganger. It was trapped in that projected solid illusion but was constantly trying to get through it so it could attack us here in this, our real retreat. It is a lot less fancy than the illusion."


At that I shook my head, just a little. "This chamber is not the main retreat that you speak of. Perhaps you test me."


The silver skinned humanoid nodded. "She tests you through me. She is very wary after she was badly betrayed by an entity that she should have been able to trust. She controls a large part of the submarine but not the bridge and other important areas. Oh, you need to know that the 'inside' of the submarine is no longer like any normal submarine interior space."


I already could 'sense' that such was the case. The submarine interior was under transdimensional stress with folded alternate realities, dimensional pockets and such tricks. It was barely stable and needed to be dealt with before something went badly wrong and the whole area, including RivetCity, suffered a terrible disaster. Even the whole of the DC might have been in danger.


GoldieSilvers went on speaking. "A GlimmerLord came and She hurled it away but it managed to leave behind itself a powerful doppelganger."


GlimmerLords, of undeath, were dreaded entities that served the more evil, more powerful, and more mysterious GlimmerGod. My feelings of concern were deepening with every passing moment. Yet a solution was starting to emerge in the back of my mind.


=-= Yes, send part of the 'twisted' internal submarine to the RingBase.


Yes, that was the idea but I was slightly peeved that my 'thunder had been stolen'.


=-= I do apologize but the situation is dire. The instability factor is reaching critical.


I spoke to GoldieSilvers of the solution. It sounded fantastic to me but she took it calmly as if such things were a typical part of her life; I suspected that they were so. Then, together, we refined the plan. What we did, we did in a hurry because we had no other choice but to do so. RingMind was correct in what it had stated and the instability factor was fast reaching breakdown point.


We instigated the solution except that not everything went to plan, with some surprising results.

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