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Seven of us gathered, sitting in hitech chairs something like dentist chairs, looking at each other in a circle. RingMind was also present. They were in a great domechamber with a transparent dome through which one could see a great semiwilderness garden landscape of permacultural design.


=-= Fresh data is coming in, some from unknown sources. There has been manipulation, deception and murder taking place. The Twisted Other has been tricked, manipulated, in his-her sickness and delusions. So has the ShadowGod! Could we say the same of the GlimmerGod? Just how far does the trickery go and where is its source. The Twisted Other does not have the intelligence, or cunning, or power to steal ShadowGlobes from the home realm of the ShadowGod as was done but why would any force take so much trouble to take power artifacts that are of little use to any but the ShadowGod and its warped followers? A deeper, more subtle, game is being played here than one would guess at first.


Jakeman: "The Eye has gained much data of value."


Jasmine: "Too much data, perhaps! We will need to sort through it."


Jack: "What of our return to the Marslands, to the DC Wastelands?"


=-= You four need to recover more before you return there. Jackoman, the peoples you were helping in Zhouls' End have all been brought here to the RingBase; they seek your assistance here and so you could remain here to assist them, along with others including Janz, Jade and Jaze.


Jakeman: "I am needed back in RivetCity."


A small flock of yellow ducks flew over the dome.


=-= Jakeman, for now RivetCity is doing fine though it is going through many changes. The stealth submarine is being rapidly made ready for its first expeditionary mission. Jack, Megaton is much the same; many changes are happening but there are no immediate threats there. Jasmine, your people at the two demivaults are moving slowly, cautiously, in dealing with what is happening with the vault there. The four of you must continue to grow in strength while others serve to do good in the DC Wastelands.


Jackoman: "Was it the Twisted Other that attacked us, that caused us to be here?"


A compact electric helicopter flew past the dome, sunlight glinting of its hub-rotors.


Jade: "We do not think so! The Twisted Other is simply not powerful enough to carry out such an attack. We are concerned that another aspect of, of your true nature, is responsible and that it is one that in theory was gone a very long time ago; it is far more dangerous than the poor sick Twisted Other."


We all were aware of what RingMind was 'hinting' at and the implications concerned us very much for if it was true we faced a very deadly, treacherous, and malformed threat way beyond that of the Twisted Other.

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It was disturbing to know I was becoming more sane and I was not sure that I liked doing so but I had to admit I was feeling better.


So much better that my followers, who had all pretended to be sort of dead, became fully resurrected back to life. Then I was surrounded by active people including smart-robots and androids. They cleaned up the big chamber, sorted it out, as I sat on-in my special throne and pondered existence, the truth and what had happened to my favorite collection of high-heel boots.


=-= You have been very sick for a very long time.


I knew that and I had done great evil.


=-= Some evil but not as much as you were tricked into believing that you had done. He-she-it spoke to you!


Yes, he-she-it had done so in comforting, discomforting, tones inside my mind as he-she-it filled my mind with visions of the great evil that I had done.


=-= But you did not do those evils; he-she-it did them!


I wondered why he-she-it would bother to do that. Was it trying to confuse me?


=-= He-she-it was trying to rid his-her-its responsibility of evil by giving it over to you but this attempt was delusionary, was impossible, and was bound to fail of course.


What of the others?


=-= They did you no good but out of fear. They thrust their insanity upon you and their fears. They paid heavily for doing so. All of you are parts of the same entity. You can not exist alone but now drastic measures must be carried out to heal you, to make you whole again. We, I, can assist you. For now, sleep!


And so I slept! My dreams were strange but not as disturbing as they had been in the past.

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Field Marshal Grandmier, of the Marsclave, did not trust the AI-supercomputer network-systems of President Eden. Grandmier was one of the relatively few remaining natural born officers of the Marsclave; the clone born, from surrogate clone mothers, had become most of the humans, and other lifeforms, of the Marsclave's many Enclaves. That included the Central Prime Enclave that was one of the 'Greater Havenlands'. The Greater Havenlands were divided into three 'connected clumps' inside great crater like walls. The CPE, also known as the Marsclave Heartland, was huge but was the smallest of these clumps; it was a great distance from the other Greater Havenlands. I had tried to spy upon the Greater Havenlands, in the past, but there were more than physical barriers around them and I had only gained glimpses. The CPE was strangely free, and friendly, seeming for being a part of the Marsclave. The Lesser Havenlands were craterlands often dotted around the Greater Havenlands but not always.


Why there would be a 'President Eden' representing the Marsclave, way out in the DC Wastelands, was a puzzle to Field Marshal but the Marsclaven had made it clear that he was to work fully with the amazingly brilliant and powerful artificial intelligence resulting from the 'Eden Intelligence Project'.


Grandmier had expected that his own military forces would easily outnumber, and outgun, any forces of RavenRock but was shocked by the truth; the new Cyberclave had been created by President Eden including the CyberLords that led them. Along with the Cyberclave, there was a large force of cloned soldiers known as Clonetroopers. There was also a series of other services such as research, service-support and the manufacturing of a wide range of useful items. One big factory built only eyebots, and dronebots, to send out to the DC Wastelands.


Grandmier moved his base of operations into an outer part of Citadel RavenRock. From here he would wage war on the DC, would cooperate with Eden in taking over the DC for the Marsclave. Soon most of his army was underground, inside the huge complex, and other elements were dug into well concealed outposts.


Grandmier was surrounded by aides, advisers, bodyguards and others who were natural born Marsclavers. He no longer trusted the Marsclaven, the government of the Marsclave, and feared that many non-clone Marsclavers had been culled from the ranks, that is sent to their deaths in impossible missions or just killed. He feared that he had been sent to carry out the very tricky, and dangerous, DC Campaign in order for him to be used up and then eliminated, along with many of his followers.


Grandmier wanted to learn more about the surprise appearance of the supermutant army that his forces had encountered. President Eden informed him, with a false charm of a human like voice, that even 'he' had yet to learn fully about the rise of new, exotic threats in the DC. The eyebots, and dronebots, were doing more than spreading propaganda but were also spying for the Marsclaven, for President Eden. In other words, Eden did not know! Grandmier was pleased that, the supposedly faultless, President Eden did not always have all of the answers but was not pleased at facing dangerous unknown factors in an already very difficult campaign to come.


The Orders of Steel, along with its allies, had failed to discover the existence of the major threat then to be found in Citadel RavenRock; their minds had come to focus on more immediate concerns, which was understandable.

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Battlerifles blazed, hurling high calibre bullets along the high wide tunnel that led to the SemivaultDC101B out from the main TekVaultDC101. Semivaults, unlike demivaults, were very close to the main vaults and linked with special means; sometimes they were directly linked to the main vaults. Cybermen were marching quickly along the same tunnel, looking like bulky power armor but being cyborgs created by capturing and changing humans or using special clones. They thumped heavily as they marched quickly, raised arms that fired both built in weapons and battlerifles or pulselaser-guns. A rocket-grenade exploded into a cyberman, destroying it and smashing down other cybermen around it.


Despite the aggressive attacks by the Cyberclave it did not appear to be a major assault taking place. It was more as if the Cyberclave was intent on holding back the vaultfolk forces while it completed some task in the TekVault. The reason for this thinking was that reports had indicated that the Cyberclave could have sent far greater forces against the vaultfolk than it was doing.


Cyberglobes, like slower over sized eyebots with more armor and arms, came floating through the air with the aid of fanjets. They came firing pulselasers, miniguns and rocket-launchers. Power armored vaultfolk were blown apart or forces back but the floating robots made good targets and small missiles caused three to explode in rapid succession. The tunnel shook dramatically.


What was in TekVaultDC101 that the Cyberclave would want so badly? The TekVault was supposedly the same as any other, apart from the isolation experiment that failed to be activated, so why would the Cyberclave show up there to invade the vault? Or was there more to it than that? Considering the, often crazy, history of Mars it was highly possible that other secrets were buried in TekVaultDC101.


Then, rapidly, the cybermen and cyberglobes withdrew. Damaged ones self destructed. Cautiously, fearing a trick, the vaultfolk went forth. The Cyberclave forces were gone with impressive speed and efficiency! The forces entered the semivaultt cautiously to find it was much as to be expected. It was abandoned and some hardware had been looted but it was surprisingly intact with the Cyberclave forces having been there in large numbers. They found no answers until they entered the main vault and found there human prisoners that had been abandoned as unfit to be transformed into cybermen. They were neglected, in a bad way, but surviving.


One, a former Overseer, spoke of a huge hidden subvault beneath the main vault that was a cyberman production complex. The isolation project of TekVaultDC101 had been linked to creating humans better suited to being turned into cybermen, psychologically speaking. A tall, foreboding, CyberLord had questioned the Overseer but in doing so had learned nothing while revealing the existence of the cyberman production complex, as it was so 'nicely' titled; the title was nothing like the horrors of the active complex itself. The Cyberclave forces had come to find, and salvage from, the complex as much as they could. They had taken many specialized machines and much else including cyberman bodies and other gear. The people of TekVaultDC101 had meant to be converted into cybermen or so it seemed. The idea also seemed rather bizarre and brutally evil.


From out of the depths, of the main vault, came the Mysterious Stranger and with 'her' came many vaultfolk that he had saved from the cybermen but also from the Clonetroopers. Many came armed and angry, ready to fight, but they had nobody to fight any more; they had done much fighting already. Yes, this was the woman version of the Mysterious Stranger and with her were PowerRangers in super power armor being armed with atomic-swords, super rayguns and other exotic forms of weapons along with strange abilities. Like Captain Cosmos, and others, they had risen into existence apparently from the world of PreDoomsday fiction.


Most of the vaultfolk had survived but were in need of assistance. The Mysterious Stranger, woman, knew where assistance could be gained but it would cost in the form of a necessary compromise with powerful forces.

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Subwayers came to TekVaultDC101 and they came in large numbers. UnityWays was their ways and they were Unity but not of UnityPrime that they had come to reject, to exile. There was a deeply buried, secret secondary subway network and it had a station-bunker quite close to the vault. The Subwayers came from there as humans, as rhouls, as 'awoken' androids and others including animal-humans, cyborgs and cloned aumons. They came in power armor but many were workers or specialists and not there to fight unless they had to do so. They came knowing about the Cyberclave, the Marsclave, and much else. They came with the shocking truth that the Subwayers had been secretly spreading out through much of the great Marslands Subway Network of Network-Systems and had created many large fortified colonies. They had found a series of SubwayVaults that were something like LifeVaults or TekVaults, depending upon size and sophistication. They took them over by friendly, or not so friendly, means. Then they began to make contact with LifeVaults and TekVaults. The smaller, more basic, LifeVaults far outnumbered the larger, more sophisticated, TekVaults.


Thus began the negotiations but all knew that TVDC101 would become part of the Subway Union as a semiautonomous colony, that is a general ruled body with much self rule. Vaultfolk were not all happy with the situation but the vault could only survive alone and could not thrive; it wanted to thrive.


The Subwayers knew the RingBasefolk were different, could 'sense' it, and were suspicious of them. The RingBasefolk departed to return to the RingBase, with some difficult, and took with them a minority of vaultfolk who did not want to become part of the Subway Union. The move was strategic and diplomatic but the RingBasefolk were displeased at the way they were being pressured out. The Mysterious Stranger was not happy and spoke her displeasure to Subwayer leaders but they tried to ignore her as they too often did at such times but she persisted. The MS was excellent at diplomacy and so they compromised; a fairly large number of RingBasefolk remained behind as a link between the two peoples, as the start of an alliance that one day would be vitally important to both of them. A group of Subwayers went to the RingBase as a large envoy team.


Jasmine's friends went to the RingBase along with others, including their families. The friendly radroach went with them, of course.


Forces were shifting into place and were preparing for great events to come, both dangerous and hopeful. Most of the players, the DC Factions, did not know that this was happening.


The Mysterious Stranger stood in sleek power armor. She studied large, powerful subway trains coming into the subway station, that was fairly close to TekVaultDC101. Her mind was going over recent events, many that were side effects of the main 'story'. The releasing of the monsters into the DC, from the captured altered zetan saucership, had happened because a powerful force had not bothered to shutting Waygates, and a Stargate, after opening them. There had been no intended invasion but just dangerous creatures seeking freedom from a terrible place, even by their standards, from which they were trying to escape. That so much death, and destruction, had been caused so casually was of great concern to the Mysterious Stranger but also to others.


As for the Subwayers, UnityWays, they were only trying to ensure their survival and had no idea that they were going to be one of the most important factors not just in future of Mars but in the future of humanity and other peoples.


The Mysterious Stranger saw the one she had been waiting to meet, in person. The girl child walked along holding a robotic teddy-bear and was followed by a large dog. She had a backpack and the hound had panniers full of gear. Others were there also but in a special hidden fashion that only the MS could get past. She smiled and then she stepped forward to pick up the girl, effortlessly, and hold her to her hip.


The little girl was far more than she seemed to be and the same was true of many of her companions. She had the power to destroy, or reshape, Mars but all she wanted to do was to find her 'lovely runt of a sister' and go home. The Mysterious Stranger wished to help her do that, as did others, for the sake of the Living God/Goddesses and for Mars.

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We three followed a very feint trail that was more metaphysical than physical, more of a residue of undeathly energies, away from the ruins of Wranglers Gulch and into some broken hills that were unnatural products of Doomsday; except natural forces had been reshaping them for the last two hundred years plus. Powerful Wastelands storms had a way of doing that in a big way. We came upon a smart-concrete, smart-metal, structure that was half buried and tilted up from the ground; it was not easy to identify but we knew it had been part of some huge navigational tower set up to assist space-shuttles coming in from orbit, often from the Phobos and Deimos Moon Colonies.


We came upon some dead humans of a kind known as wasterors; wasterors were little more than brutal, almost subhuman, survivors who were almost as savage as zhouls. We pitied such but we were also wary. Yet it was quickly clear that they had been killed, fed off, by the undead glimmerfolk. As daylight came, we found the opening to a tunnel that was actually a great hole smashed open by a powerful explosive force. Inside we found a huge tunnel with twisted, melted super strong metals; the forces that had done that to them had been amazingly lethal.


In that place we came upon something that surprised us greatly for there, in the center of the great tunnel, was an area that had been bizarrely, and fundamentally, altered in a very disturbing fashion. Great smart-metal columns had been twisted, contorted and turned glistening, almost organic. They rose upwards to the ceiling in insane, disturbing patterns of barely controlled chaos. They were like some set of crystal surfaced trees that were almost merged to become one tree. The dead GlimmerLord was partly melded into the great structure in a most ghastly fashion as were lesser glimmerfolk that had served that one.


I, Jadekin, spoke even as we spread out to further examine that grotesque murder scene. "The most evil one that is both linked to us and yet not truly of us."


I, Jadekia, knelt and examined a bizarre claw mark gouged out of super strong smart metal as if it was made of soft clay. "Beyond our power to deal with! The glimmerfolk attacked the ShadowLord and destroyed it, along with its followers. Then they were attacked, were destroyed, in turn. I smell cunning manipulation, treachery and darkest of intentions. Some very powerful artifact was here and that... could have been the OmegaKey. This could be very bad news if he-she-it has gained control over an OmegaKey."


An OmegaKey, a powerful mysterious ancient alien artifact in its own right but more so when linked with other AAAs, especially an AlphaKey. An AlphaKey, and OmegaKey, could activate great ancient alien artifacts of immeasurable power. Only the sheer rarity of such artifacts indicated that matters might not be so bad.


We 'sensed' where the amazingly powerful, horribly familiar, force had gone to but we were not going to follow. If we could 'sense' it and then it could 'sense' us and we did not even want to deeply consider what he-she-it would do to us if we fell into its power.


The great tunnel, itself, was a mystery but just one of thousands of such on-in Mars.

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We were all in the RingBase being Jasmine, Jack, Jakeman, Jackoman, Jaze, Jade, Janz, Jadekin, Jadekia and Jadekor.


Of us Jackoman was 'secondary' but preferred it that way. So were Jadekin, Jadekia and Jadekor who would have liked it either way, that is being secondary or primary to our true nature as an entity.


We three kept supervising the slow, steady, regrowing strength and full reactivation of RingBase and its linked Domelands. We observed the Living Goddess Baby turning her own Domeland into a strange semiwilderness Toyland. She was attempting to prepare for special visitors. Though she was wary, she allowed others to visit and then to assist her in various ways.


Decisions were made and it was decided that all would gain PowerRings to 'wear' for in truth the process was more like being melded to a powerful ancient artifact, mind-body-spirit wise. Then small groups, and individuals, would go on missions back to the Marslands to carry out various tasks.


We would help save the DC Wastelands from multiple threats of the Marsclave, the Thirteen Dominators, the real Raiders from Vaultburg and others.


Why were so many powerful factions focused on the DC including the friendlier ones such as the Orders of Steel?


Where did the DominatorThirteen come from and what really were they?


What had all of this to do with the OmegaKey?


Did any of this have anything to do with the terrible, distorted and mysterious past of Mars and of Mars Doomsday?


The ShadowGod, and GlimmerGod, had both been damaged by savage attacks! Would they cause further trouble in the DC?


Was the presence of the Living Goddess Baby a coincidence or was it linked with other events? What of the Girl Child Living Goddess that had appeared in the DC?


What of our own true nature, our past that we did not wish to face deeply but which we had to? Just what were we and how had we come to be as we were? What were our links to the RingBase?


There were too many questions that needed answering and too many of them were uncomfortable, even disturbing!


I, the Eye, kept on observing as I always did!

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0082: I WAS THE ???


I had created the DominatorThirteen, often known as the Thirteen Dominators, out of amusement of a kind and because I could do so. Yet I had a plan of sorts to carry out.


I was always good, no matter matter what I did, simply because I thought I was good. This was totally logical to me. I blessed myself totally, both myself and my actions, and that was enough for me!


Destroying the GlimmerLord, and its glimmerfolk followers, had been terribly cruel but very amusing. I suppose I should have felt some guilt but really it was a rebalancing of things, as far as I could see. So I had betrayed a deal with the GlimmerGod but it was only the GlimmerGod so who cared? I had also used my Twisted Other and the ShadowGod. That added to the amusement of it all especially as it had led to the destruction of a ShadowLord, and its followers, by the same GlimmerLord that I had then treacherously destroyed.


Taking up the form of a massive humanoid, a kind of cyborg supermutant creature, I thudded along the great tunnel. I had 'sensed' the brief presence of three others, as linked to myself, and it had amused me, yet again, that they had been so frightened of me that they had fled away; cowards!


Was I ever genuinely good! There were moments when I was, when I really did care but I tried to forget those uncomfortable times.


The creation of the sculpture, incorporating the dying GlimmerLord and then the remains of it, had truly been inspiring but now I had other, perhaps more important matters to focus on. I had an OmegaKey in my possession and though I could not use it directly I had great plans for it; I just did not happen to know clearly what they were, yet.


The OmegaKey was not, outwardly, very impressive looking. It was a metre wide globe of silver, gold and white gold patterning. The patterning was very alien and shifted slowly, changing in exotic fashion. The globe itself was a perfect sphere down to the tiniest of measurements and not made of typical sub-atomic structuring, what ever that actually meant. I held it with care for though I could alter reality I could not even begin to directly effect that 'thing' of amazing sophistication and power as created by the AncientLords.


'AncientLords'? What a basic name for such an amazingly advanced, intelligent and wise people. Many said they had not been so wise but I disagreed; I disagreed because I felt like doing so and for no other reason but who needed a better reason that that?


The LittleFatWoman stood there almost as if she had always been there, looking small and vulnerable but being quite the opposite, and she gave me a look of concern. "You are not following the path that will lead you back to full health and awareness, back to wisdom."


I ignored her, or at least I pretended to do so; if the LittleFatWoman wanted to be noticed, she was noticed! Yet I was not truly worried for she was not able to interfere to heavily, too directly, in the affair of mortals and none could touch me or harm me.


She spoke again. "You are wrong! There is at least one who can easily destroy you and is in the process of destroying you."


I wished that I could make her go away but she was beyond my power, beyond my wishing. So I kept on thumping along and wondered what I could do next to advance the course of delightful events that was my unfolding life story. Oh it was all so very grand. Then she was gone almost as if she had never been there. I almost managed to forget that I had met her, yet again.

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The Orders of Steel had been warned of the existence of the Marsclave, Cyberclave, threat based at Citadel RavenRock along with that of President Eden as an AI-supercomputer network-system of exotic prototype nature. Even I, the Eye, had limited on how much I could observe and where I could observe them. After the last time I managed to probe the enemy citadel, I found that I could no longer do so as if I had been detected and steps had been taken to block me from successfully probing the fortress again. This was frustrating but not surprising considering the powerful, sophisticated and exotic nature of President Eden along with other strange technologies I had glimpsed in RavenRock.


The Orders of Steel began a series of reforms. The Brotherhood of Steel merged with the Sisterhood of Steel to become the Guardians of Steel. Thanks, largely, to all of the newcomers there was the rise of new Orders of Steel such as the Sappers of Steel (Engineers), Guards of Steel (paramilitary security), Fliers of Steel (air wing), Gunners of Steel (special long range weapons), Enforcers of Steel (military police) and a few others. To my frustration I found it hard to probe the DC Citadel as if they had also detected me and taken steps to deflect my efforts to spy upon them.


I was starting to see a pattern that I was not very happy about.


Republicia, the fortified city of President Allman, was sealed off to anybody entering or leaving. Again I had troubles probing what was going on. I did observe a savage skirmish between Progressor and Loyalist forces about twenty kilometres out from the, mostly underground, city. Lighter vehicles, battlebuggies and battletrucks, raced around firing guns, rocket-grenade launchers and other weapons at each other. The fighting forces looked much the same as each other and many had been comrades of each other. A Progressor vehicle exploded violently and then a Loyalist buggy overturned. The two forces separated then, after grabbing up their own surviving comrades, and fled from each other; it had been a fruitless battle with no real gains to be had.


Most DC Wastelanders went on with their lives, their struggles, as they had done for over two centuries. Except that smaller, more isolated, settlements were often being abandoned and the refugees were going to larger, more fortified settlements or were setting up new, small, settlements in less isolated areas that were also more secure.


The Thirteen Dominators, and their armies, had gone to ground and were building up their forces but I could not find any of them. The AntEmpress had moved, as had the Mechanist and others. The SupermutantLord had abandoned TekVaultDC087, leaving their factions such as vaultfolk survivors and some wild supermutants who had not fallen to the exotic, psychic, influences of the SupermutantLord. Had they moved because I, the Eye, had previously noted their home base locations? The situation was becoming most frustrating.


Two strange parachute-canisters landed close to Megaton and were claimed by the Megatonfolk. They were filled with useful survival items, along with some more exotic stuff, and were useful in their own right. The YingYang symbols were of concern to me for they indicated that more ancient, exotic and unpredictable forces were becoming involved in the DC situation; it was complicated enough and needed no more complicating factors. Then I discovered that two other, parachute canisters, had landed fairly close to the fortified settlement of Grayditch. It seemed the first 'drop run' had been one times one canister and the second was two groups of two, all the containers carrying mostly basic survival items; I was concerned for what would come next? Three times three, four time four until it was a hundred times a hundred and so forth? The parachute-canisters were now a indicator of far more than a few random small events. Just what would come from the sky in future?


More investigations had to be carried out on the parachute-canisters.

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