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Is the site down?


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Its not just your end, or if it is my computer is having the same malfunction. I can connect to every Nexus except New Vegas. I have tried clearing my cache, clearing my cookies, cleaning out my temporary files, I've even gone so far as uninstalling and reinstalling browsers. I've been unable to connect for at least 3 days.
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2 of your IP's were in the firewall for trying to crack the sites. That means someone on your IP range has been doing naughty things on the site and managed to get the IP banned. And it was recent as well. I've removed them but if they get automatically added again I won't be removing them again.
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I also have not been able to get on the new vegas mod site. I am a realtively new registered user, so if I am banned, that seems highly illogical. I actually signed up 2 years ago, but since I just now got Fallout New Vegas for my PC, I am just now trying to look around at the files. Funny, it let me on to recover my password, as I forgot it after two years, then, bam, not able to even get my browser to access the website. White screen, timeout.


To quote Kainschilde209, I have exactly the same problem. I highly doubt it is on our end.

Edited by Steele74
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I too have had the same problem as well with the fallout new vegas nexus site. I've done all the same things mentioned above and still nothing, not exactly sure as to why or how I may have been banned, I'm literally too busy to try and "hack" the site, any down time I do have, I'd rather spend it enjoying my game. Also, I haven't been able to log on since I've updated my NMM to version .33.1. This was well over a week ago now and it's really sad because I've really been looking forward to a few mods that have been over a year in the making =(
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