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Fallrim tools re-saver questions


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Hi, Like many others, I use Fallrim to purge unattached instances and undefined elements from savefiles as a normal part of housekeeping.


What I'm unsure about is some of the other options in the program, and I'm hoping that someone(s) can give me a solid idea (in simple terms ie "talk to me like I'm 5") of what they *currently* do in SE, what they can be used to accomplish in SE, and optionally, what they *should* not be used for (or other warnings about their use) in SE.


1) Reset Havok


I know the word Havok. I mindlessly collect Havok tokens from many dead enemies along the way. I know they have something to do with ???older??? animation paradigms that afaik have been superseded by new animation content and behaviors.


I think I saw mention of Havok tokens & SMP in 3BBB and 3BBB-advanced discussions, but I'm weak on CK so most was over my pay grade.


But that's about it. I don't know if havok processes are still running in Skyrim SE, or what any ramifications of resetting them would be. Would this be a candidate for periodic purging, say to reduce scripting overhead buildups in saves or similar?


2) Purify Form Lists


I know nothing. Would purifying my form lists periodically improve the save file stability, reduced script or reference pointer overhead, etc etc?



3) Remove non-existent form instances


No clue. Again... Any benefit? Caveats? Reason why it's there in the first place?





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I only understand a tiny, very tiny little about Havok. This is the game engine and it works as far as I know on the collison, clothing and the AI. I suppose when you reset it, it forgets earlier settings in the game maybe such as a dead body where you normally have to jump over in stead of walk thru.

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Havok is the part of the engine that animates death scenes and and NPC behaviour when you use Unrelenting Force. I have a mod that makes the latter 700 times stronger and NPCs are blown almost across the horizon. That's Havok literally in motion right there. Resetting it is okay as long as you don't use mods that change the Havok behaviour.


Removing something non-existent shouldn't do any harm. Probably references to FormIDs from Oldrim that are different from those of Skyrim SE. Purifying Formlists is about the same thing I guess. I'd be careful with that as there's quite a few mods -mainly clothing- that need you to install the original Oldrim mod as a basis that then gets overwritten by new files adapted for SKyrim SE.


I basically ignore those things as I'm running two or three very small mods that were made for Oldrim and were never adapted to Skyrim SE. I want to keep using those mods and as such avoid anything that has the potential to break them.

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FTR, while I was waiting, I gave each a try (can't hurt if you don't save the results, right?) .


Anyway., Apparently Reset Havok is a "not ready for prime time" option that hasn't been implemented yet.... So there's that


I also tried the other two. the formlists one didn't find anything, but Remove Non-Existent Form Instances returned ~3400 entries being cleared. I saved to a new name and tried it. It *seems to have done nothing bad (so far, on this test save anyway), but I haven't extensively tested, AND i'm already way into the game and have covered most objectives... so idk.. In any case, it doesn't seem to have affected papyrus sluggishness yet, so I'm not too sure doing it was worth anything, or at least hasn't seemed to rid me of the increasing lagtimer issues that are slowing down scripted events


If anyone else reading this knows more about "Non-existent Form Instances", I'd welcome your input...


thanks for the description of what Havok is/is used for.

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