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Weird FPS drops...


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Hello, I apologize if this isn't the correct place to post this, albeit this is my first time posting in here, but I was curious if anyone can help with an issue I've been having the past couple of days:


I recently made the switch from Oldrim to SSE, and I was surprised that it ran smoother considering the former had difficulty maintaining 40 FPS with my current setup, an MSI GS65 Stealth, but then again, wasn't really well versed in the differences between the two. Now, with SSE, it's been nicely sitting capped at 59-60 FPS, and with the edition of ENB and other mods, Skyrim has never felt so beautiful to me, all while maintaining the max FPS cap almost everywhere I go/look.

Now I'm not sure when this happened or what mod may have caused this, but lately the game would suddenly drop from 60 to under 15 FPS, and just stay there until I either load into a new area or load a previous save from the Main Menu.


In the open world, it would rarely happen, though I don't know what may trigger it. Since I have the Alternate Start mod, I would start off at Solitude's ship docks then casually make the long journey to Helgen, and this sudden drop has probably only ever happened once out of the many times I restarted the game (I normally test and restart when I add new mods, just to be safe). However, I noticed it happened a lot more often in Riverwood, namely inside the Sleeping Giants Inn. In the open world instance of Riverwood, it happened only once when I stood before the Smithy with Hadvar. As for the Inn itself, it happens pretty frequently. When testing, nothing really occurred when I stood around for a couple of minutes, but movements of any kind (by me) would trigger the eventual FPS drop, though the time for it to actually happen varies, but normally it happened rather soon after said suspected trigger.


Now I've tried to read up as much as I could to resolve this, but so far nothing has really worked. Learning from my experiences from Oldrim, I tried my best to install graphical mods that weren't too heavy for my laptop, like only really using 2k replacement texture mods or aiming for the regular versions of certain mods rather than their heavier variants. One solution I read about was to watch out for mods that increased population size or add DLC-sized content, but as far as I can tell I have nothing of the like, at least mods that purposefully aim to add more NPCs.


Hopefully someone can help me out with this, while I can simply just exit to the Main Menu and reload a save, i would like to just have it completely gone if possible, as I'm assuming Riverwood won't be the only place to cause these sudden FPS drops.


As for my laptop specifics: I'm working with an MSI GS65 Stealth that contains Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 with 6GB of VRAM.


Update: So after playing for a couple more hours, no FPS drops occurred, having went through Bleak Falls Barrow (rather casually, so enough time passed for something to happen) and exploring Dragonsreach for a bit, I entered the Bannered Mare to rest up, and low and behold, it finally happened, quickly dropping down to 20-15 FPS, and gradually went down under 10 FPS where it locked in place. So from this I'm assuming certain interior locations have something inside them that is causing this problem, seemingly Inns in particular.


Update 2: As suggested, here is my current load order for SSE, as sorted by vortex with only about two rules in place:

landscape fixes for grass mods.esp loads after realisticwatertwo.esp
Bathing in skyrim se -rwt watercolor.esp loads after realisticwatertwo - watercolor.esp
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
Lore Weapon Expansion - Relics of the Crusader.esp
Lore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand.esp
Lore Weapon Expansion - Daedric Crescent.esp
Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp
Lore Weapon Expansion.esp
DM BDOR Pack by Team TAL.esp
Unique Uniques.esp
The Huntsman.esp
Recorder Follower Base.esp
Zikoru Swords.esp
The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
My Home Is Your Home.esp
Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp
SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
Bijin_AIO-SV 2018.esp
Bijin Wives.esp
Bijin NPCs.esp
Bijin Warmaidens.esp
KS Hairdo's.esp
The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Watercolor.esp
Bathing in Skyrim SE - RWT Watercolor.esp
Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Bathing in Skyrim SE - Alternate Start.esp
Landscape Fixes For Grass mods - Alternate start Locations.esp
Realistic Water Two - Landscape For Grass Mods Patch.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - ELFX Enhancer Patch.esp
Also, have tested out changing/removing certain mods, ensuring I run them through a save cleaner, SMIM (uninstalled and reinstalled to customize it, discovering the "everything version" held some 4k textures inside) and Climates of Tamriel Interiors - Warm (removed after believing it may be conflicting with ELFX) don't seem to be a problem at the moment.
And for anjenthedog, you may be onto something there, as when I first started adding mods and testing, I would use Alternate Start to send me to the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood, then exit and travel down to Whiterun to see if any CTDs occurred before exiting, adding, and restarting the game. Though it is curious that it only really occurs in certain location, namely the taverns. For now, I'll do just that, kinda power through it until I can figure out something.
FINAL UPDATE (Hopefully...): Unfortunately, I ended up uninstalling and rebuilding SSE w/ my desired mods from the ground up, however, as I tested each mod as I installed them, starting within Breezehome, thanks to the Alternate Start mod, and travelling to the Bannered Mare (One of the other locations where I suffered sudden, huge FPS drops) to test things out, I soon discovered the possible culprit to it all: HDT-SMP involved mods, namely KSHairdos SMP! It was odd but it made a bit of sense. As I tested out each mod, I would normally use a default female character so I can quickly playthrough and experiment. It wasn't until that I installed said Hair Mod that I opted to use one of my saved presets. Once I entered the Bannered Mare and did my usual routine (running around, talking with some of the NPCs, then just standing between the main entrance and fireplace to watch for FPS drops) that the problem once again reemerged! From there I quickly restarted and tested things out to be sure, to which I was able to confirm that it was indeed the problem. From there, looked around the HDT-SMP mod page and all related and was able to find people who were also suffering from the bug. Unfortunately, that's as far as it goes, no one has managed to find a solution for it yet, best that's given is an "smp reset" command as the problem occurs due to the collision mesh bugging out every once in a while... sigh happy to at least find something on it. For now, hopefully this post will help anyone looking for more clues if they've encountered this problem too.
Edited by MiniComic
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I've noticed that spending too much time in the richly appointed external world can lead to video memory getting peaked out...fwiw.


Most of the CTDs I experience are when I've spent too much time walking cross country, off road...


If you know that's what you're going to be doing, or maybe just in general, try doing a periodic save (to new save, not auto), then load that save and carry on. I can't be certain, but it "feels" like the game reload forces some sort of garbage collection subroutine to run, that goes unexecuted otherwise.


One thing I've also been doing recently is firing console tg (toggle grass) occasionally (it seems to self-reset perhaps at cell boundaries or some other way) when I'm in the bush, to reduce resource loading (both static objects and associated script).

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You shouldn't be bothered too much about fps, as long as it's not visibly disturbing. Places that have several NPCs drop fps. The more NPC at the same time, the more the fps can drop. Physics mods also drop fps because of the constant change in rendering position of the moving body parts. Especially when using a 2K body and/or 2k or higher clothing/armour mod.


I don't keep an eye on fps but I do keep one (the right) on memory use as that's where I'm 'suffering' the most.

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I don't keep an eye on fps but I do keep one (the right) on memory use as that's where I'm 'suffering' the most.



This ^^^^^


I have 64G primary memory, an i9700k proc, and a 6G video card and still have to watch memory usage (primarily video memory). I run the game in ultra mode, and it definitely can (and does) peak out, and as a result, either CTD or otherwise become unstable enough I have to kill it using task manager.

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