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How long SHOULD it have been after the bombs fell?


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I think it never would be like in Fallout 4 after an atomic war. It would be more polluted and cold for some years or decades, then it would be much greener and less radioactive, and mutations would be rather different. A lot of the funny things laying around would not be there. No problem. Fallout 4 is an ironic and very artificial nuclear fairy tale, so it is as it is.


In my case, I don't care for the Fallout lore at all and take the game as a great base for "apocalyptic play". You can design it as you like with mods. My current Commonwealth is very green, very primitive and very dangerous. I think of it as inhabited by violent warlike small groups fighting against each other constantly, aka normal human prehistoric society. On top of this there are some nasty modern monstrous beasts and murderous robots of a far away past roaming around, from which you have to hide or run away cause your shitty bow or machete don't impress them that much. A bit like Kenshi. :laugh:

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As we saw in Chernobyl, nature may have returned to a certain percentage, but the environment will be radioactive perhaps for thousands of years. Even if we exclude the experiments made from institute, make new creatures, the story of Fallout 4 it cannot really respond to what would happen after a total World War for the following reasons:

The rates of radiation would turn most babies born into something weird and not natural, even if people came out of a shelter years later. The water would be contaminated. People wouldn't have the means to disinfect anything. It would be chaos and a lot of crime. Finally, even after 200 years, most buildings would have collapsed, the earth and the air would be contaminated not only because of the bombs, mainly from factories and facilities that would release chemicals and other hazardous materials.

I think it would be almost impossible to make a mod with such destructive influence on the environment, since it could not respond to what it now offers, the game Fallout 4.

Perhaps if the content of the mod it contained a story about an underground world, also affected by pollution and destruction. Top secret maybe. That would be a great story, with many new monsters, new cities and new gangs.

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I had a dialog with a Fallout fan and he also is a Nuclear Physicist at a local University.


He stated that 1 of 2 things would happen:


"1. IF the Bombs were big and serious enough. Nothing would survive, period. With maybe, just maybe, the isolated areas where no bombs fell within a 200 +/- radius and little nuclear fall out got there. But they would have to have some protocols built in for food and water purification.

... There would be NO " Ghouls ", feral or otherwise after 200 years. ( Nor would there be " Zombies ", in case someone asked. ) ;)


2. Now IF they were the size of what was dropped on Japan, that would be a different story. Or if they were Chernobyl " class ", which is changing what we " .. thought we knew ... " ( and were wrong, just like Mt. St. Helens ) . We actually know a lot less than we thought. Our math is going back to the whiteboards to be erased and redone. That's what happens when you forget to put Mother Nature into the equation. Yes, Mother Nature does screw up a lot of math ...


" ,,,,, In 200 years, even the " hot spots " ( where the bombs hit directly ) the radiation would be more A LOT MORE gone than not. Vegetation would be be back, human life would be full. Rebuilding would " just happen ". Jj, as you pointed out, it's our nature to clean up, pick-up and rebuild quickly. As you also pointed out in our discussion, just look at all the clean up mods the players want and are there. It's in our nature. Understand I like the games, but their ' science ' in both physics, biology and psychology is seriously OFF BASE. But they likely would not have much of a story to tell if they actually went by real science. .... It's a game for fun. But even in that game, as you pointed out, certain human nature just has to take over and thus the mods that help us be the humanity that we are. .... "


So, ya, it's a story ..... based on fiction .....

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Again, pretty much everything from the 70's and 80's that was post apocalyptic was barren.


Another thing that I thought of. We've still got nukes going off in the game world. Fatmen, mini-nukes, exploding nuclear cars, we don't know what vertibirds run off of. Detonating fusion cores, etc. So while those are modestly small scale, the wind could still carry the radioactivity for miles.

We also have creatures that actively give off a seemingly endless supply of radioactivity. Such as Glowing Ones.


Hah! Thanks for the report JJ. I'm glad to see that at least "some" of the scientific community admits that we don't know as much as we think we do :D


Edit- Tho, we do also have some in game indications of nature adapting to the new environment. Most especially the Children Of Adam. How the frag did these people develop an immunity to radiation??

But it stands to reason that if humans could, other biologicals could as well.

Edited by StormWolf01
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Yeah it should be rebuilt but this is still Fallout. What I'm hoping for is a landscape retexture with less grass and that it will make fallout 4's wasteland look similar to Fallout 3. But I will say this. We need to make the buildings in Downtown Boston look more destroyed. At least the ones the player cant access. As I said earlier there needs to be a mod that brings back the cool concept art that was cut due to 'limitations' of the game. But in all seriousness we need to decide actually how long it should have been after the bombs have dropped. I say that the time is right for the game but it just needs to look more like the other Fallout's. A barren wasteland but instead of being depressing the one change is that the Commonwealth, even as deadly as it might be, still has hope and is surviving.

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