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Random freezes?


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Its fairly infrequent but I cannot seem to fix it. For some reason I get random freezes and always at the worst possible time (been walking awhile without an autosave or entering exiting anywhere etc) BOSS log[http://pastebin.com/aDvmb0Ve] , I also use SKSE, Script Dragon, Sky Realism ENB tweaked with Guides to ENB series mods. Framerate limited to 30, 20-30 fps outdoors, 30 indoors.

ATI Radeon 6670 1GB with 12.1 Catalyst

AMD A6 APU at 2.6GHz



They are not full system freezes as I can ctrl+alt+del out and close skyrim. Any ideas? I had a previous post on poor frame rates at: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/843113-fps-issues-and-cant-find-the-problem/ not sure if any of that info applies to this as well.


Well was not ENB, completely uninstalled ENB and am using FXAA now and had another annoying freeze:P

Edited by Drakinor1
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Your link shows a blank page. Can you copy/paste the text file of the BOSS log and put it here as a spoiler (if it's long).

Hmmm not sure why pastebin didnt save it. I can although I found the problem, and the log has changed (at least so far) I re-validated through steam and 8 files needed reacquiring. Not sure how steam loses files like that lol.

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