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Ninjatos of skyrim


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ok now I know I'm not the first person to ask if there is someone out there willing to help make a ninjato sword mod for skyrim, but I seem to be the one who is willing to ask that it be in a more fitting for skyrim style. and i've included images for those who don't know what a ninjato is, myself and a friend of mine both want to see this happen. so far we have descused and agreed on the look of some of the blades, daderic: the blade needs to be fully saraited, with the typical red glow to the underside of the teeth, ebony: all black with a little bit of filagree on the blade, dragon bone; a white blade with a steel collar along the back of the blade.
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In addition to what xKage_ recommended, I would suggest Weapons of the Third era http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3871. This mod has several excellent eastern style swords and the plugin seamlessly distributes the weapons in the game without breaking balance or immersion. It really enhances skyrim by adding variety.


Edit: Grab the continuation of the aforementioned mod here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12892

Edited by Xescream
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Asian culture is fit with Elder Scrolls (remember the Blades and Akaviri), but, I agree, don't fit with Skyrim (because Akaviri and the Blades weapons is very rare, and bandits is not possible to use and found it)




if you want straight looking katana/ninjato/tanto/nodachi, try this mod, the weapons is packed with the armor, very nice for assassin




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