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NPC's think I am a giant! (looking up during Dialogue)


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I swear I have tried to google this issue, but nothing comes up - Perhaps I am wording my question wrong- Have never been great with google . I will try and explain my situation as simply as possible


Every time I speak to an NPC - They look UP - As if I am some crazy giant - I have tried disabling every single mod - And even with NO mods the issue continues (I started a new game) - No idea what is causing these NPC's to think I am some crazy 8ft lady :( Any ideas out there pros? :( I don't know what silly I have done to cause this! I appreciate the help in advance - I am a bit new at the modding scene so please forgive me <3



I wanted to add: - When I am walking around and an NPC acknowledges me - They look down/at me (depending on the NPCs height) - So in normal play they know my height - problem only occurs when I initiate dialogue and they suddenly think I am gigantic

Edited by Mystyninja
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Two possibilities spring to mind: you have installed a replacement animation mod (or a mod that replaces vanilla animations) of some kind, which leads to the second possibility of skeletons. You may have installed a mod that replaces/alters default skeletons, and something funky is going on. Well that last bit's a given. :wink:
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