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Infinite Load on Startup


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As the title says, I am loading endlessly on startup.
The game loaded and played without issue until I added the Bijin (all of it incl. AIO 2019), CBBE (and related Bijin mods), aMidianBorn (Which I updated to work for SE using CK and CAO), Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul, AI Overhaul 1.3.2 by mnikjom, Immersive AFT, Barenziah, Cicero Dances and I think a few more.


I would put Papyrus Logs, but my game isnt even crashing so that isn't possible afaik.

modwat.ch data: https://modwat.ch/u/Auhra/plugins


Everything has been cleaned. I tried moving RSChildren files around as some people pointed out, but that did not help. I had ETaC and RSChildren on when it worked the first time, so that is not the problem, afaik.

If you need anything else, I will get it.

Thank you in advance.

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The problem is the RS Children Aventus, which is why you needed the USSEP Aventus Fix.esp, because as it says in the sticky in the comment section of that mod, that an error with Aventus causes an infinite load screen.

Also, this is the Skyrim LE forums, you want the Skyrim Special Edition forum.

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