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Gun Policy, where do you stand and why?


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Let me start off by saying if a man or a woman really wants to hurt someone they will do it no matter what. With a gun, a car, a knife, a bat, anything. But we don't ban cars, or knives, or bats? Of course not, so why guns?


A gun is a tool. A tool for self defense, or defense of ones country. In Switzerland they had a vote on whether or not to have stricter gun laws. The referendum would force the countries militia men and woman and free-arms owners to place their guns in a state owned facility. The reasoning was that if a suicidal person did not have access to their firearm they can't kill themselves. I see this sort of thing a lot today, and it saddens me because this is the way modern medicine seems to work. Instead of finding the reason behind someones suicide, what led them to such a drastic and irrational decision, we place blame on inanimate objects. You have a cough and the doctor gives you cough syrup that coats your throat so the itching sensation is relieved. You feel better but the cold virus is still inside you causing damage. The doctor has completely missed an opportunity to examine the reason behind how you got infected with cold virus in the first place. Now instead of being able to treat others and effectively block the spread of the virus he will just repeat this procedure. The treatment of guns is in my view the same and it will lead to the same result. All guns can be banned and suicide rates will not go down. Furthermore, you can ban all guns and crime rates in general won't move. A dangerous criminal isn't going to abandon his firearm because the government tells him/her too. So when you blame the gun for someones suicide you must understand, their death was tragic and unnecessary but blaming the tool they used is the equivalent of blaming a car for involuntary manslaughter when a drunk person was behind the wheel. And so furthermore when you blame the tool for the suicide someone committed, you do a great disservice to the practice of medicine everywhere by completely ignoring the real question. What lead a person to such a decision? Blame the gun and you make a scapegoat, and with the scapegoat you will never be able to find the real answer, an answer which could probably have helped to treat others with mental illness. You completely mask the cause by blaming the gun. Did the gun make the man suicidal? No. Lets find the reason why people are suicidal, and treat that. Modern medicine today seems to be all about suppressing symptoms. But suppression doesn't make them go away, the symptoms are still there, we just aren't looking for the cause.


So that's what I think. What do you think?


I would put in a poll, but I think will polls people would rather just click yes or no, and avoid explaining why.

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In regards to the question on guns, where do I stand and why, I tend to stand at the working end rather than the projectile end so I don't get hurt. You should feel free to choose where you stand and argue the benefits of your opinion, but be forewarned, you will not change my opinion about where I stand in relation to weapons. I just think the best policy is to stay away from the end the bullets fly out from.
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This has been debated here several times before. And usually degenerates into name calling and flaming by people from both sides -


Bben's debate rules


A good debate can be fun. Just remember that everyone is allowed their own opinion whether you agree or not. You do not have to agree. You do have to respect each others opinions.


Like any referee, The moderators (supposedly)have no interest in the outcome. Our job is to keep it fair - or as fair as We can. So, No hitting below the belt, no gouging, no head butting, no hair pulling. When we say break, break clean and step back. Any attack on the referees will be fatal.


Terms of engagement:


Stay on topic. trying to drag in some other topic as a part of your argument shows a lack of focus. And poor focus can hurt in a debate.


The first one who degenerates to a personal attack - such as name calling - loses. if you have to attack the individual, you obviously have no real counter to their argument. If the attack is serious it could get you banned.


If you don't really know anything about the subject, it's probably a good idea to refrain from posting until you do.It's no fun being caught in a crossfire.


If you cannot argue with respect for the opposite side, then don't argue. You will lose.


When you throw out a statement be prepared to back it up with documentation - You will be called on it.


Don't try to 'prove' anything with statistics - It will blow up in your face. The first thing I was taught in a graduate level statistic course was how to spin statistics to show whatever I wanted to show.


Don't expect to convince anyone that your side or your idea is right and theirs is wrong. Most people have already made up their minds and no amount of reason or logic will sway them.


These rules are very general and subject to change on my whim. Any suggestions for changes or additions are appreciated and may even be considered.


One last rule - Play nice - or else. :tongue:


Bben46, Moderator

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I was unaware this topic had been so heated in the past.. Not sure if this topic should even be continued now or if it should just be locked.


My apologies..

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