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Removal of XP Notification from HUD?


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How could I get rid of the xp notification which appears when you get, ahem, xp? I use iHUD with minimal informations (you see literally nothing during combat till hp or ap appear, under 10%) but it has no option to remove xp notification. So you know for sure from the big green number (the sound I removed) wether you killed an NPC or not, which is bad in my opinion.


Maybe I could use Def_UI together with iHUD to remove it? I'm a bit uncomfortable with Def_UI as I faced big problems/crashes when I tried it some years ago.


Or are there other methods? Could you disable xp notification generally with ini settings perhaps?


There once was a mod on Nexus with which you could disable/enable the entire HUD with one button, unfortunately it's removed by the author because there allegedly are better HUD mods available, an opinion I dare to differ with. Does anybody know a similar mod from a reliable (!) place to download?

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How could I get rid of the xp notification which appears when you get, ahem, xp? I use iHUD with minimal informations (you see literally nothing during combat till hp or ap appear, under 10%) but it has no option to remove xp notification. So you know for sure from the big green number (the sound I removed) wether you killed an NPC or not, which is bad in my opinion.


Maybe I could use Def_UI together with iHUD to remove it? I'm a bit uncomfortable with Def_UI as I faced big problems/crashes when I tried it some years ago.


Or are there other methods? Could you disable xp notification generally with ini settings perhaps?


There once was a mod on Nexus with which you could disable/enable the entire HUD with one button, unfortunately it's removed by the author because there allegedly are better HUD mods available, an opinion I dare to differ with. Does anybody know a similar mod from a reliable (!) place to download?

I too had problems with Def_ui back in the day. But I just reinstalled it lately and had no problems. I'm using the Hud and Inv. I made my own custom preset and everything works.


I used to use other Hud mods but they stopped working.


Using Def_Ui you can indeed change the size, position or downright hide the XP notifications. I did it with the preset I made.

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Heyas gaela. This mod here will most likely provide you with the information that you need.



Essentially what part of their mod does, is decrease the amount of time that the notifications stay on the screen. He says that by dropping the value below 30, most people can't read it. so 20-10 might be what you need.

He also gives instructions on how to mod an existing hudmenu.swf file. which, those are not compatible, if you have more than one of them.


Now, I personally haven't seen what the .swf files look like for fallout 4. But, after looking at the screenshot in this thread https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3375175-deobfuscate-the-swf-files-aka-ui-moddinga-start/

it doesn't look like it would be too difficult to figure out, with the instructions from that mod.


I hope that his might be of help to you.


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Thank you all very much, interesting thoughts and links. I brooded about what to do and in the end decided to give Def_UI a try again and for the sake of simplicity to relinquish iHUD and HUD Framework. Def_UI sounded -suspiciously- easy to use, and to my surprise was easy to use. I miss the hp and ap bars of iHUD appearing at low hp/ap but I can live without, depending more on the heartbeat sounds you hear. And now I have to get used to the missing xp notification which was soo (too) convenient to have, and look at bit more to the actual NPCs I'm shooting at. :laugh:

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LOL I don't think that you're the only one that has been using that XP marker to know when it's ok to stop unloading on that bullet sponge that we can't see because of the flare coming off the end of the barrel :laugh:

Glad to see that you found something that is going to work out for you.

I do gotta say that not having that would make it a lot more realistic.

I "might" try out something like that. If I'm in the middle of a decent string of shots, that XP notifier will actually give my brick of a laptop a "stutter" when the notification pops up and the sound plays. So a shot or two that I WOULD have gotten in, doesn't get fired. Throws off my rhythm when I'm sweetspotting the trigger in semi-auto! :mad:

Edited by StormWolf01
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That's bad. You could take it as stress simulator, most people miss quite often in firefights. :cool:


I'm glad my rig seems to be a bit better. I have problems enough, f.e. a lot of annoying vegetation around or danger of being downed by one to three hits, sending me to my settlement far away in bad condition, with weapons, ammo, armor etc. stolen, and I'm a bad shot anyway. :laugh:

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LOL I hear ya there Gaela. I know that you play to make it harder. So I can definitely see where you're coming from with every shot counting towards your survivability.

My biggest problem is that I have never learned how to play this game by keyboard. I started playing the game on PS4, and then when I moved over to PC, I just kept on using a controller.

This game, does NOT like my controller. A simple nudge sends my crosshairs going 3-5 inches off target, and fighting recoil with the stick is nigh on impossible.

LOL so yeah, unless I wanna spam vats, which is no fun/challenge, It takes me a while to get on target because of that. So my shots have to count too.

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