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Students of the Thu'um


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I was wondering if any knew of a mod that let you teach a Follower to Shout or is capable of creating such a mod.


I'm not sure how to implement it myself and my laptop pretty much hates the Creation Kit, so I can't do it.

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I think it is possible, but it wouldn't be ''lore friendly''

The reason ?

For a dragonborn, learning shouts is like a second nature, but for everyone else, it takes lots of time and hard work to learn even one. By the time your follower learned all your shouts, (s)he'd be as old as the greybeards.

Also, only you can spend dragon souls to understand a word of power. Others need to meditate on them a lot.

What else would be the reason those old monks spend most of their days meditating/praying ?


If you're not going for lore friendlyness, by any means, it's an awesome mod idea. You and your follower would be finally be able to ''double team'' your enemies with Unrelenting Force, like those draugrs do.

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