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What armor mods do you want to see


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This is a very important question for me.What attracts you the most? Power Armor,Tactical\Combat Armor,may be Tactical bikini with armored panties,maybe something else.Share your ideas with me, maybe you have a concept arts


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Newermind! Oh wow. Great to see you around in the forums!

I was actually just reading the comments on your latest release, earlier this morning!


Hmmm. Well... since you're asking.

I've always thought that the vanilla combat armor made for a decent base, but... it's also really lacking visually. Especially at the shoulders.

Actually, all the metal armors. I've kinda thought that they needed something to make them more visually appealing. Like add some overlapping plates, or some better tactical gear to the belts thighs and calves.


Winter and seasonal mods are also really popular right now. I know a lot of times I'll throw my hoodie up while I'm outdoors and be walking back into the house wishing there were more mods with bigger, looser fitting hoods. (that aren't based on that bad vanilla hood mesh). I mean, I know some of your stuff has hoods, and they look great. I guess it's just the rennie in me that likes bigger, loose fitting hoods.

A hooded duster, that would be really cool to have.


I also know that there's been some requests for mandalorian-eque armors there in the requests sections, but I dunno if that's your cup of tea or not. Doesn't really seem to be your style from what you've been releasing. Or what's popping into my brain of what you've released lately.


The Marvel Black Widow is soon to be released. I know that's going to be popular, and there will probly be people wanting to add stuff like her outfits to their game. Might be something to think about.



So yeah, none of that is any of the whole "Gimme gimme gimme" "I want I want I want" stuff that we all hear. Just throwing around some ideas and stuff that I've seen being asked for in the requests, or things that might be popular.

Edited by StormWolf01
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I think there is already a lot of armor design on the market to cover many needs. But new stuff is always great. I do play FO4 in two versions, a very primitive setting (very few firearms) and a less primitive setting. For the first I need crude armor (like in this fantastic mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42258), for the second a more "modern", tactical armor line, like this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42945.


Some remarks, maybe a bit excentric :happy: :


1. Armor should make sense. Arm and leg armor on a gun dominated battlefield is nonsense. Armor design should work; f.e. the vanilla DLC 4 Pack stuffed torso would not work in reality because it reaches too far down the body; rigid armor has to end somewhere above the navel, otherwise nobody could move in it. And so on.


2. Armor should be degradable/destroyable. As armor loot cannot be regulated by leveled lists, you have such an abundance after a short time that it feels lame. For this reason I use a mod which destroys armor and weapons, however it covers only the base vanilla game (therefore I can use custom armor only on NPCs, sadly).


3. Some wishes for actual mods I had:

- separately wearable shoes, like leg armor which looks like sneakers, sandals, boots.

- a left arm armor which looks like an actual shield (why are there no shields in FO4??). Could visually be a ballistic shield against bullets or a more simple lighter improvised shield against melee

- slim lower arm protection, unlike the monstrous vanilla metal stuff.

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Here are my ideas for mods I'd like to see from you:

1. Reworked versions of your unfinished mods. (Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle, Post-Nuclear AK-47, PRL-8 Shotgun, & the Post-Nuclear Breton Knight Armor.)

2. Some more mods inspired by Fan Art & Concept Art, notably Fallout Art or any Fan/Concept art that would fit in with Fallout.

3. Reworked version of your T-51c Power Armor. Maybe change the name to T-57 Power Armor, like the New Vegas T-57c Power Armor Mod.

4. Male Versions of your female-only armors.


These are just things I'd like to see from you. I'm just one person, so I can't speak for everybody, but I thought I'd post this here anyways. I look forward to seeing more content from you in the future, you're one of my most favorite modders. Good luck, & never stop modding! :)

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Modern armor seems to be your style, so maybe try taking a uniform from say the american revolution and making it in a pmc style. Perhaps even a power armor? Something from our history books (knights, Indians, etc) made in pmc style sounds really interesting to me.

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We need hats, I know this may be a little off from what you are asking but we need some hat variety. I'm not asking TF2 levels of variety and craziness but a few new hats that don't look quite so crap like the vanilla ones along with helmets and face masks would be great. The helmets and face masks could lead to full body armor sets to compliment them as well.

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