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HEARTHFIRE Biggest bug ever, seriously


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So. I started building my house in Falkreath. I did the entryway, main hall, cellar. Then I got bored and went away for a while. I am guessing that I did some drafting beforehand, probably more than one draft. One of those was definitely the enchanter tower, bbut aside from that I'm afraid I can't remember.


I come back to continue building. There are no options whatsoever on the carpenter's workbench, and the only option on the drafting table is small house. When I make this, I can get options for it on the workbench. I can make foundation, walls, roof, door, etc. Nothing, however, shows up. Nothing changes at all. And for the life of me I can't find any other drafting or building options. The rope thing in the area where my tower construction should be happening is there. I can still make items inside the hhouse, e.g storage, furniture. But the construction of the house is very thoroughly stuck.


Now, I would not mind getting rid of hearthfire, getting it back, and trying again. Working on the house from zero is no problem. What is a problem is that whenever I try to get rid of hearthfire in any way (disabling it in NMM/datafiles/removing from data index) the game CTDs the second I reach the loading screen.


I would like either a way to fix this buy or to get rid of this bloody DLC so I can start again. I've been looking for hours and can't find either. Please, for the sake of my sanity, help me out here. If it helps, I have a hell a lot of mods, enough that I doubt my save game will work if I disable all of them. Enough that I couldn't possibly list them here without a lot of effort.

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If Hearthfire was active when you started playing that character then you are stuck. Removing it will only lead to crashes. If however, you had it deactivated until you were ready for dealing with Hearthfire material you could go back to that save and continue from there.


I don't have Hearthfire myself so can't be of any further help.


***This is based on my experience with Dawnguard, as far as I know I had no Dawnguard dependent mods installed, yet still crashed when I attempted to load a save that had seen Dawnguard after deactivating Dawnguard.***

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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You may be able to use Wrye Bash (Smash) to edit the list of masters/plugins associated with the save and "remove" the .esm for Hearthfire or Dawnguard. Well, at least that's what I did with Oblivion to load saves that were dependent on masters that I had uninstalled. If I recall correctly, it would allow you to rename a .esm to a .esp (master becomes plugin), and then the game would load with its normal complaints about missing content. No guarantees this will work for Skyrim with the current Wrye Bash version. Might be worth a try though. Be sure to backup your save before you start messing with it. Edited by blitzen
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I am having an issue with Lakeview Manor where after I get both the small house and main hall built the drafting table only shows me the small house layout and so I rebuilt it then I rebuilt the main hall but now I can'y finish my house by adding any of the 3 wings at all.....can someone please help me out by telling me what the problem is so that I may correct it....or if there is no fix that I should just start over with a new character.


Please and thanks

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We're guessing here.


If you are missing the necessary crafting items in your in-game inventory, selections for adding on to the house may be greyed out or unavailable. We still remember that surprise from our very first play-through.


The starting materials you find in the chest when you first visit the plot are insufficient for adding on too much.


So you may need to purchase lumber, get some ingots, mine some clay and quarry-stone, craft hinges, locks, etc.?


We also usually remove the workbenches from the small house and main hall, after we finish those, at the layout table, but we don't think that should make a difference.

Other than these, you might visit the UESP wiki, to find out how to check your quest log in console. (Hearthfire quests)? GL.

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