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[360] Hmf, I've got a problem with the duplication glitch


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Hey there !


Firstly, I'm french, so please forgive me for the bad language I may have.


I'm playing on Xbox 360 ( low-price PC, yeah.. ) with, obviously, a game up to date. I was trying to find a cool hood and a cool armor to make a assassin/thieve armor with really good enchants, so I wanted to duplicate a Novice hood, in order to get an unenchanted hood like this one.


I've tried the manequin duplication glitch in Solitude's manor, but it just doesn't work, with any piece of armor. Some say that the glitch have been patched, but I've found video posted a few days ago showing that the glitch still works. I've tried every method, and searched for several hours ( it's reeeeally starting to get on my nerves ! :wallbash: But it's okay, I just need to... calm down.. :psyduck: ) but no result.


So, here's clear questions : Is this glitch patched ? If it's not ( which is probably the case ) , how could I do this in my case ? :ohdear:


Thanks for reading.

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