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The next Elder Scrolls


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It's been awhile but I haven't seen anyone post this little tidbit so I decided to let everyone know:


In the June issue of "THE OFFICIAL XBOX MAGAZINE"(DA DUM) there's a little boxout that says something about a new Elder Scrolls game for XBox 2.


Yay, excitement, maybe it'll be a sequel to Morrowind, as is the tradition with console RPG sequels.



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I've heard it's called "The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion".

You have no idea what you're talking about.


The only indication of ANY additional Elder Scrolls games has been a hint of a rumour on the m0use.com site. It highly stressed that it might be called Oblivion, might be located in Summerset Isles, and might come out in several years.


It's supposed to come out 2004.

The likelihood of that happening is about as likely as you suddenly sprouting a brain and making an intelligent, fact-based post. It's not going to happen. Morrowind was at least three years in development; considering the amount of depth and concentration to detail Bethesda has been putting into the latest two expansions, it will come in probably in 2006 or 2007, if there even is another expansion.


I don't know anything



The only indication that any other expansions will be released is a post from the official Elder Scrolls website, not the wishful thoughts of other sites.

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This should be in User News shouldn't it?


Wow! ^_^ a new Elder Scrolls game! Thats fantastic! Sadly, I would never beable to play it since I'm not about to buy a new console, and my computer has a hard enough time running games with decent graphics... and I dont have the money to upgrade it right now

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