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Telescope and compass


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Wouldn't having a telescope (or binoculars) be handy for admiring the scenery and examining the enemy from afar? The explorer theme could be continued with a proper compass (not an HUD compass replacer, just a separate item) the when equipped one can view from a first person perspective like a real one. I think these would be small immersion enhancing additions which would fit well with the open world exploration of Skyrim. I feel a Dwemer theme would be appropriate, though once the mechanics of the mod were finished others could design alternative textures. What do you think? (Also, if you do make these into a mod could you please give me some credit?)


Edit: Another similar idea to the compass - a pocket watch.

Edited by Cryptogram
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I agree. Then you can remove the quest markers from the map. Mind you, you'd have to add a lot more text to the quest descriptions. Bethsoft is cheaping out on writers. Too much pretty pictures, not enough work on backend stuff.

I mean, come on, no onscreen timers?? Not even the option?

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small immersion enhancing additions


and a massive project.

As someone with virtually no experience in modding I did not know how difficult it would be, though I thought the telescope wouldn't be too tricky (though I am probably very wrong).


Also, if you do make these into a mod could you please give me some credit?


A quick forum search will reveal dozens of similar requests.

I did a searches for compass, telescope and binoculars and couldn't find anything similar - must've overlooked them.

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  • 1 month later...

Actualy, most of the work for a telescope has already been done with the eagle-eye mod pack. Take the 10x power, no stam version, and link it to a 2-hand continuous fire weapon (kind of like a 'flames' staff, but held in both hands) with no damage or aggro.


The hardest part (as always) would be the animation.

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another thing to put into consideration is what slot would the compass take up? the binoculars take up the shield slot. the compass would have to also take up that slot to work properly OR it would have to be a visible ring slot or possibly a special gauntlet slot that makes it slide into or onto your gloves/gauntlets so when you are in first person and have your barehands out you'll be able to see the compass. other than that i can't think of anything else that would make it work properly. gopher also suggested that the map mod someone made would be a working map with a little marker on it showing you you're location similar to how a GPS would work on your phone.but once again problems will definitely arise from such a project. forcing the map markers onto a real time in hand map just seems.......impossible.....much like the compass....but i do hope we can get at least one of these mods up and running soon :3
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A compass can be made, have a cylinder shape smaller than the tankard that is used for drinking, so it is held in the right hand. Make it dwemer with a small arrow at the top. then play the animation when the chartactor is drinking and then they look down at the tankard, but without the drinking part.


Have the overhead compass only show up when they bring out the compass and the animation happens when they look down at the compass

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