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Mods don't show up in-game


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I'm currently running the Oblivion GOTY Deluxe that I got from GOG. My mods were running fine in game. I ran a Verify/Repair option in the GOG launcher for my Oblivion game and now some of my mods show up in game while others do not. I used the Verify/Repair option due to the fact that certain settings were greyed out when I would run the Oblivion Launcher such as Play, Data Files, Options and Technical Support.


The Verify/Repair option fixed the greyed out issue with my Oblivion Launcher, but now, a number of my mods no longer work in game even though they are still installed with OBMM. Also my game is in a C:\Games\TES4\Oblivion folder and all of my mods in the Data Files option in the Oblivion Launcher are check marked. Moreover, I used TES4Edit Quick Auto Clean to clean a few mods with dirty edits. I think I may just have to re-mod my game, but I want to ask if anyone has an idea of the cause for some of my installed mods not appearing in game or how to resolve the matter without doing any re-installations. Thanks for your help.

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I'm currently running the Oblivion GOTY Deluxe that I got from GOG. My mods were running fine in game. I ran a Verify/Repair option in the GOG launcher for my Oblivion game and now some of my mods show up in game while others do not. I used the Verify/Repair option due to the fact that certain settings were greyed out when I would run the Oblivion Launcher such as Play, Data Files, Options and Technical Support.


The Verify/Repair option fixed the greyed out issue with my Oblivion Launcher, but now, a number of my mods no longer work in game even though they are still installed with OBMM. Also my game is in a C:\Games\TES4\Oblivion folder and all of my mods in the Data Files option in the Oblivion Launcher are check marked. Moreover, I used TES4Edit Quick Auto Clean to clean a few mods with dirty edits. I think I may just have to re-mod my game, but I want to ask if anyone has an idea of the cause for some of my installed mods not appearing in game or how to resolve the matter without doing any re-installations. Thanks for your help.


After this GOG verify/repair is the game still showing version 1.2.0416 in the lower left of the main menu?

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OK good ... next are the mods you're having trouble with mods that require OBSE perchance? You could confirm that you have OBSE installed and are using the correct obse_loader.exe for the GOG version of the game.

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This was something that I did actually have to re-check and I am running the correct loader. I have the GOG version of TES4 Oblivion which at the beginning of my modding session, I was not aware that that version of the game had its own obse loader. So I did have to redo my obse. But I was still missing mods in game. Eventually what I was able to do is simply play the game and just pay attention to modifications that I know I installed with OBMM but were not showing up in game, and then just re-install those missing mods. This process has actually been working rather well so far and I have been able to salvage my gameplay.


I should also mention that another problem I was noticing was that some mods I was trying to use were showing up with black squares in the OBMM app. I made a few attempts to re-download and re-install these mods but in the end I just removed them altogether as they weren't all that essential to my gameplay. A few of those black square mods were MeteorShowers - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/15377 / the Midas Magic mod including the omod version of the mod - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/9562 / omod Midas version - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/18507 / Harvest Flora - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2037 and Mike's Clothes Replacer v1.1 - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/7487 .


There might have been one or two other problem mods that kept showing up in OBMM with black squares but I don't recall what they might have been. Anyway, I have had a fairly successful time re-installing mods not appearing in my gameplay so far. I guess I would say for those GOG Oblivion gamers, when you start a modding session, maybe check to see if you need to do a Verify/Repair option for your Obliviion game in the GOG launcher after you install every 10 or 20 mods. If you do need to Verify or Repair Oblivion, run the game to see if your installed mods are appearing. If they don't then you probably need to simply re-install the missing mods and it should work.


So I still don't know what or why performing a Verify/Repair of Oblivion would cause or if in fact it did cause some of my mods to not appear in game. At any rate, like I mentioned, I have been able to salvage my modded game.

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I don't have any hands on experience with the GOG version (my impression of them as compared to Steam is that they are competent and fix things that their actions break, but that all just comes from second hand info). My guess is that when you Verify/Repair the process is posssibly breaking archive invalidation (BSA Redirection depends on file dates to work ... newer is used over older in a BSA). If their repair is giving the vanilla game BSAs new/recent file dates you would be able to see that using Windows Explorer.

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  • 10 months later...

I need some assistance with modding Oblivion, I have absolutely no knowledge of anything tech related. I barely know how to even get to files on a computer so no gaming or modding knowledge or anything related to it. I need very, very simple second by second instructions basically lol I apologize but I have no clue what I am doing. I installed Oblivion, I moved it out of program files and I have installed obse tester and obse and obse is working fine evidently and I installed Wrye Bash but also Oblivion Mod Manage and a couple other things I have no idea what they do. I have a mod installed in Oblivion data file location, in wrye bash and oblivion mod manager and yet when I start the game the mod doesn't show up in data files on the game menu. Like I said I don't know anything about this stuff, I don't understand any of the tech names or anything like that. I'm only 26 but basically boomer brain when it comes to this stuff so overlook my ignorance on it. I would appreciate any help on this.


- K

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I need some assistance with modding Oblivion, I have absolutely no knowledge of anything tech related. I barely know how to even get to files on a computer so no gaming or modding knowledge or anything related to it. I need very, very simple second by second instructions basically lol I apologize but I have no clue what I am doing. I installed Oblivion, I moved it out of program files and I have installed obse tester and obse and obse is working fine evidently and I installed Wrye Bash but also Oblivion Mod Manage and a couple other things I have no idea what they do. I have a mod installed in Oblivion data file location, in wrye bash and oblivion mod manager and yet when I start the game the mod doesn't show up in data files on the game menu. Like I said I don't know anything about this stuff, I don't understand any of the tech names or anything like that. I'm only 26 but basically boomer brain when it comes to this stuff so overlook my ignorance on it. I would appreciate any help on this.


- K


You don't give much to get started on, so I'll ask some questions.


What operating system?


What is the exact folder path to your game install (e.g. mine is G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion)?


A complete list of mods you want (or at least some info on ones you have already tried and failed at) would also give somewhere to go from here.

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