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Dragonborn coming tomorrow to Xbox LIVE. Coming to PS3 and PC early 20



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-snip- The PC user base is what keeps TES games alive decades after their release. What other game series can honestly say that multiple games in the series are continuing to be played decades after their original release, and in fair numbers as well? -snip-


I bought morrowind on steam recently just so I could play it with all the available mods, and plan to do the same with oblivon. Those titles are NOT still selling on xbox. PC vs Console markets are very different, if only because of the performance and modding flexibility of PC games

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They do still have the agreement with microsoft. This isn't about a "greater good", it's the fact that they're disingenuous about their priorities - they claim that the release delay is for quality assurance ("... each platform takes time and attention."), when in reality it's just a necessity of their contract. That's a bad way to treat a portion of your consumer base, and it's dishonest public relations.


Their contract was for the first 2 DLC's. Dragonborn, being the 3rd, isn't covered under the orriginal DLC agreement with Microsoft. Yes, it is possible that (due to the limited content of Hearthsfire) the original contract was altered, but i have seen no evidence to support this.


As such, we can only assume that they are, in fact, trying to optimise the DLC for each system, until evidence is put forward to the contrary. Anything else is doomsaying pessimism.

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Their contract was for the first 2 DLC's. Dragonborn, being the 3rd, isn't covered under the orriginal DLC agreement with Microsoft. Yes, it is possible that (due to the limited content of Hearthsfire) the original contract was altered, but i have seen no evidence to support this.


As such, we can only assume that they are, in fact, trying to optimise the DLC for each system, until evidence is put forward to the contrary. Anything else is doomsaying pessimism.


This is a good point; I was under the mistaken impression that the deal covered the first three releases. I can find the article that stated that, but I can't source it, and every other piece of information contradicts it (stating only the first two). I still stand by my sentiment though - people quick to call out "[pc entitlement!]" ignore the fact that many pc gamers just want an equal level of service, not anything special or extra


I found this article while searching around, and it goes into more depth about the subject. "The recent announcement of Skyrim’s Dawnguard expansion came with a bit of a drawback for a little over 40% of it’s users [...]" I think 40+% is a pretty big market chunk to designate as a secondary and tertiary (in the case of the ps3) priority.

Edited by h0rsel0ver
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Oh well. Guess I can just read The Count of Monte Cristo over Christmas break. Hopefully this will be the very last time this happens with Skyrim? And that it will be released the 1st Tuesday of January and not a lot later?
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I feel like they must just hate us PC users, this whole exclusive DLC crap always seems to go to the consoles first. Why don't we ever get an exclusive DLC? I use Windows, that's microsoft last I checked, shouldn't they reward me for using their operating system just the same as using their console?
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We did get an exclusive (and free) DLC technically. Remember the official HD texture pack?


The one that I couldn't use because it immediately crashed my game every time I tried to install it? Yeah...

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We did get an exclusive (and free) DLC technically. Remember the official HD texture pack?


The one that I couldn't use because it immediately crashed my game every time I tried to install it? Yeah...


Well did you try to invetigate what is the problem? Maybe your rig is not enough to handle it. Or your installation is faulty.

If it didn't work for everyone, i wouldn't say a word, but that is not the case.

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