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Star Wars Empire At War Possible Vortex Support?


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Hi all. I was wondering down the line if there will be an official update for Vortex that will have support for older games like Star Wars: Empire At War? I would really like that, so that way it would be easier to manage mods for that game. Any reply that would be helpful and put in a way I understand would really be handy. thank you.



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Out of curiosity, what makes you ask for Empire at War in particular? What would Vortex simplify about modding the game?



I personally don't see any benefit of supporting it:

  • If you are using the Steam version of the game (and you really should, because it's the only one that received critical updates like a restored multiplayer mode and bug fixes) there is no additional functionality Vortex could provide as the game has Workshop integration and an integrated mod launcher.
  • The mods on Nexus are backups from the old filefront pages that a horribly outdated, whereas the actively developed mods are either Steam workshop exclusives or hosted on ModDB but only support the Steam version of the game.
  • Mod mixing / load order handling / merging / what have you is not a thing in Empire at War, so Vortex would act as a glorified download interface and extraction program that could only download outdated mods and modder's resources from the Nexus. Even as far as installing and launching goes, it could do that for all game versions (Disc, Steam, GoG, Origin) but there are already launchers developed by the EaW community that can do that.

So short version - for Nexus, there is no real benefit of supporting the game that I can think of - and I can't think of a developer in the Empire at War community who would develop an expansion for Vortex.

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It's actually fairly easy to create an extension for Vortex. There's a link at the bottom of the games list to help you get started :)Â

Im not debating that, I'm more curious about what advantages a Vortex integration would bring to the table for the user. Due to the weird situation Empire at War is in, I currently see some disadvantages for the active mod makers, and no apparent advantage for the user. And unless there is something to be gained for the user's experience I'm not exactly up for spending the time.

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