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serving in the civil war as a mercenary


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so i didn't like having to swear an oath to one side or the other so i was hoping some one could make a mod that allows the player to join as a mercenary cause who wouldn't want to hire the dragonborn?!


i've got an idea of what this would include


-no oath

-no promotions (so i don't end up as legate)

-are dismissed after taking either solitude or windhelm

-are paid extra after each mission for your services

-able to decline contracts (skip missions) this one is minor


so i think most of this could be done by adding and removing dialogue options with some scripting


your thoughts and ideas are appreciated

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Have some internet cookies. I too bemoaned the lack of a noncommittal path through the game, there are just way too many things you get shanghaied into.


"No, I don't want to be a thane - but if you insist on thanking me for killing that dragon then that will be 5,000 gold please."

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It's a cool idea but the CW series of quests are awfully complex so there is a lot of potential for breakage. In addition, you'd have to futz with a lot of dialogue or accept silent subtitles.


so i think most of this could be done by adding and removing dialogue options with some scripting


This is true for any quest, but I think you're slightly underestimating just how much work would be involved. There are something like 70-80 CW quests (while many have nothing to do with the oath thing, you'd have to go over them all) and many have multiple dialogue trees and incredible numbers of stages.



Just looking at it makes me :psyduck:

Edited by acidzebra
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Bethesda, I'm disappointed.

In previous games, such as the modern Fallouts (FO3, FO:NV) I did what I wanted to do.

Do a quest on one side, then screw everyone over with a final decision and take all their money and other goods for myself.

It felt good.

But seeing how complex the ''problem'' is, I don't think we can expect a solution for quite some time.

Maybe start with smaller quests ? :unsure:

Edited by Gerandirr
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Perhaps just make a whole new questline parallel to the original two, cobbling together various sound bits & dialogue as needed? It could be easier than wading through the original's mess, and even leave room for some "new" quests. This coming from someone who has no idea how this all works. Edited by errantArtisan
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