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Notifications not showing tracked-file updates on Skyrim Nexus


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For the past few days, the Notifications for Skyrim Nexus have not shown updates for tracked files. This is happening in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome.


The Notifications list doesn't even show a "Tracked Files" section, which used to appear at the top of the list. The list only shows the "New Site Updates" section. (See Figure 2 below.)


I have many Skyrim Nexus files tracked, so I usually get notifications for at least 10 files every day. It's really noticeable when the notifications just stop happening.


I can't confirm whether this exact problem is happening on other Nexuses because I don't have files tracked on them, but I included Morrowind Nexus screen shots for reference. (See Figures 1 and 2 below.)


I've confirmed in the "Mod tracking centre" that some of my tracked Skyrim Nexus files have indeed been updated in the last few days, so I expected that I would receive notifications about those updates. The "Mod tracking centre" is more cumbersome to access and use than the Notifications list, so I hope that this problem with the Notifications list is only temporary.


Anybody else having this issue on any of the Nexuses?


Is it a temporary problem or has some setting changed?


Please let me know.


Thanks very much!




Here's some screen shots for reference:


Figure 1 of 4: The Notifications icon has changed from showing the word "Notifications" to a smaller icon with a color-coded dot and a number (seen here with a green dot and the number 71):




Figure 2 of 4: If I click the Notifications icon while its dot is green, I get a list that shows only "New Site Updates", not "Tracked Files" at the top like it used to:




Figure 3 of 4: After I close the Notifications list, the Notifications icon's color turns to white and its number turns to 0:




Figure 4 of 4: If I click the Notifications icon when its dot is white, I get a default list of the 5 most recent tracked-file updates and site updates*. The "Latest Tracked File Uploads" appeared in the Notifications list until a few days ago, rather than only appearing only in this default list:






* No potshots about the "You don't have any friends" line, please. ;)

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Okay, I see from the latest News post that there's been some changes in the Notifications functionality.


I've updated the new "Your notification preferences" so that "Receive notifications for new file uploads on mods you're tracking" is set to "Yes".


Now I'll just have to wait and see what happens. ;)


Thanks for the update!

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  • 3 years later...

I have this same issue, I know these posts are old , but after googling this posting / thread was the only thing close to what I was having issue with , my preferences are all set to yes and have been for quite some time, the only ways I can find out about things or comments on mods I'm tracking is alt + H for history, I recently update my NMM to 63.5 and wish I hadn't I hate the update version, and was starting to wonder if it was because of that , and or the arrival of SSE , its only started since then , I was getting up to 15 or more notice alerts on that little grey / whitish button up the top of the page , now there's none :confused:

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Same here. Ocassionally the notification center does show coments I get for my files / images, but even that does not show all of them.

I don't receive nitifications on new files / images or updates from authors / friends or files I track, nothing.


With all the stuff I am tracking this is more than just inconvenient. Stuff still shows up in the friends ativity section or files section of my personalized start page, but I can't browse the lists ever 2 hours just to make sure I'm not missing something.


This definitely started with the launch of Skyrim SE, but it seems to be a problem in several, if not all networks. :(


I checked my prefs, thinking that they might have been resetted somehow, but nope, everything is still set the way i left it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

+1 Yeah, I have this problem too no notification on tracked files or got new notifications but mods doesn't have update for a while (very late notifications).


It's happen since Skyrim SE came out.

Edited by Aum1994
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