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Can i use both, esp and esm The master plan ?


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Because i want to use a mod, add thousands of walls, have images, this mod need a esp file of The master plan, to work.


i don't know, if i use, both, esp and esm version of The master plan, destroy the menus, other mods need to run.


if someone know something about it, from experience, please write about it.


That's all. Thanks.

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Hiya Naioxi :)

I do not see an esp file for the mod itself. And as Ethreon is planning to use it as a framework I can see why it is in an esm format.

The file list for the file doesn't contain an .esp file.

There is an optional file, which is an esp, but it is a patch file, for compatibility with this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16181


Hope this helps :)


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Hello Stormwolf01


i found a esp version of The master plan -not at Nexus mods site. A site with no English language

i am good to find things :D

So now, i have a esm and a esp files and i put them at my load order. i can't test it, if it works, because my old PC get damaged and i can't buy a new PC. Now, i write from a old Laptop.


About this other mod, it said, Workshop Rearranged is a work in progress. i always can't trust a mod, that is not finished. Yes, add some things i like for build new stuff, but something like that, i found at other finished mods. My plugin file, have 229 mods, and i want to keep it like this, and add only the mod projects i wait to finish: Fallout 4 New Vegas, Cascadia and few other.


Thanks for the help.

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Hi Naioxi. You are better than finding it than I am. I could not. So I do not know what the other file looks like.

If the other file was published February 20, 2018 It might work together. If the other file was before that date, it will not. Mod Author changed the files in the last release, which is the esm file here on the Nexus.


I agree. I do not like Work in Progress mods either. Usually. Myself, I would rather not publish something that is not finished. Or that still needs work.


I am sorry that I wasn't able to know from experience with this mod. :sad:


And I am very sorry to hear about your PC. That is not ever a good thing. :( Especially right now when it can be hard to work because of the virus threat.

I know what you mean though. I would not be able to buy a new one right now either. I have a backup hard drive that is failing. (It is ironic. The regular hard drive is fine, the back up goes out. ) that I cannot afford to replace for a couple of months at least. Maybe more, depending on the virus threat.

Edited by StormWolf01
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Hello Stormwolf01


Thank you for your support, while sending mine. There are websites in my own language where people sell in my own city, second-hand computers but most of them are technology of previous decades and so it is doubtful if they will last.

In this period of time, due to the situation, it is frowned upon, picking up a few at a time, to give someone money, even for something second-hand. We have other needs, of immediate importance to our survival.

Although I have been without computers since the beginning of the year, it is better to show a little more patience and when I can buy something new, to have as we say here in Greece, my head quiet.

I hope you can find a way to protect all the files you consider important. I hope this whole thing with what's going on gets over as soon as possible, that we're all okay and get on with our lives.

Certainly, dealing with a computer would help me to forget a little bit about this whole situation, however, in addition to any other shortcomings, it helped me to realize what is happening around me and to be essentially careful, guarding me and my family.

Like I said, Let's all be well and optimistic about the future.

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