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Oblivion Crashes Upon Saving (Most of the Time)


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Here as follows (both on and off Vortex), these are the 47 active mods:




Irresponsible Horses

Oblivion Character Overhaul

Oblivion Stutter Remover Optimized-Duel Triple Core 1

Speechcraft Enhanced

Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches

4gb Ram Patcher

Spells Be Effective

Yet Another Vampire Eyes

Horses Turn Faster


Useful Adoring Fan Warrior

Hound of Doom

Sheogorath Animations

Cane of Sheogorath

Sheogorath's Eyes

Oblivion Stutter Remover

Vanity Camera Smoother

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Nirnoot Completion

Easier Speechcraft Training Quest

Faster Level Up

Dragon Armor

Female Sheogorath Regalia



Mannimarco Revisted

Slaughterfish Fin Gleam

Siikas Farm Animals

More Animals Fixed

Redbag-Friendly Animals

Better Horse Eyes

Faster Horses


The following are inactive: Dunmer ears Morrowind Style, Morrowind Style Argonians, Danis13 Beauty Eyes Replacement, IFT Improved Facial Textures, IAFT Improved Argonian Facial Textures, and OBSE Test Plugin. (OBSE Test plugin says that I installed OBSE correctly)


For the first few hours the game saves fine, but from around the time of escorting Martin to Cloud Ruler and forward I get constant CTDs upon saving by any means (quicksave, autosave, console command, and normal). None of the crashes started at a specific point in my playthroughs, but I think the commonality lies within accumulating items, levels, quests, etc.


Forgive the lengthy post, but I do appreciate your help. I have also been told that I might be a problem with Oblivion files becoming too large on their own, so that might be the issue.


Hopefully this list will provide some clues. I also want to let you know I have disabled the Scripted Auto Save function in the Oblivion.ini file. Thank you for your help.

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Nothing in that list instinctively strikes me as problematic.


Is the order you posted your modlist also your actual mod load order or is your load order different?


You could also try the usual for testing: Disable all mods: See if problem persists. Then enable some mods: See if problem persists, and so on, working your way to the "problem" mod.

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The stuck animation (aka A-Bomb) bug is caused by a particular bit in the save file incrementing when it shouldn't. When it gets bad enough the game won't run long when loading an affected save.


I'm not saying that your problem is the A-Bomb ... troubleshooting is about eliminating possibilities until either the problem is resolved or there are no further possibilities (in which case you fail to resolve the problem).

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