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Oblivion Crashes Upon Saving (Most of the Time)


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Hello. I've returned to Oblivion on PC and I am using Wyre Bash for modding. I am however still getting CTDs on saving, and I am only at 5.5-6 hours in game. However, I have noticed that the corrupted file in Wyre Bash (the point where it crashed) is 256 KB in size compared to the previous file 1.6 MB. Does this provide a clue to what the issue could be?

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That drop in save file size is a sure indicator of corrupt save (the rare times I run into it I immediately delete the save and go back to my previous save).


If the load order is the same as before I'd start completely uninstalling mods that touch animations (just deactivating won't do squat as the orphaned animation KF files will still be there). The Sheogorath and Vanity Camera ones would be where I'd start, but I have no experience with either mod so that's just guesses on my part.

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Something that I do without fail before installing a mod is to research what type of problems others have reported having with it. I also pay attention to whether or not the mod author acknowledges those reports and what (if any) adivice is offered for resolving them. Yes often I can easily recognise that mod users aren't all that savvy and are the "authors" of their own problems, but looking at the mod author's responses I also get a good feel for their own ability to troubleshoot and find solutions.


If they are either not offering support or I am unable to understand the reported problems myself is that a mod I want in my game? Bottom line is I try not get taken in by "marketing".

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