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Endorsement BUG


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Hey people. It seems I think I have discovered a major bug in the nexus website! I hope I'm wrong, as every modder would be losing a lot of endorsements that way.

I endorsed various mods I have downloaded on my Vortex page from the Vortex itself. However, I visited the mod on the nexus website and the amount of endorsements did not rise! When I removed my endorsement and then endorsed the mod via the nexus website, the ammount did raise!

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Might explain what I have seen a couple of times ... a new endorser is shown in the Endorsements popup yet doesn't show in the endorsement number (though I think it does seem to resolve itself over time ... could be wrong on that though).

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I believe endorsing through Vortex updates the stats internally, but what you see on the site is cached so it won't appear to change for a few minutes. I have checked and my endorsements are being counted, it can just take a minute or two to register on the site's side.

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I believe endorsing through Vortex updates the stats internally, but what you see on the site is cached so it won't appear to change for a few minutes. I have checked and my endorsements are being counted, it can just take a minute or two to register on the site's side.


In the cases I have seen Picky it's more than a day before it caught up, plus all of my mods have the download with manager disabled (though I imagine there are still ways the endorsements could come via Vortex).


The other detail that may have some relevance is that I've also noticed that the popup accessed via the top bar (beside the trophy icon) will sometime include users that don't apppear at the same time in the Mod Page Activity report (via the Logs tab). I've never looked at the count via the popup vs the number that it reported ... I would assume they would agree but I haven't investigated that detail.


I tend to notice stuff like this because an endorsement is a rather irregular event for my mods.

Edited by Striker879
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I just tested it, and I was correct.


My endorsement registers immediately, but the site took a minute or two to show it. I'm not sure that endorsements made through a mod manager show up in "page activity", but they do count to your total :)

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