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Tutorial/Workflows for animated textures

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Concept: Develop a large view screen for the Institute's security wing and or Operations Center that will simulate a threat briefing depicting information about the baddies of the commonwealth. I am envisioning a large flat screen that will continuously loop the briefing similar to the Institute Monitor bank. Conceptually, I could envision a Courser walking up to a lectern and give the threat briefing. The later part is a bit beyond my present stills but someday... :smile:


Anyone know of a tutorial or workflow for accomplish the above animated texture part. If not, I can try an reverse engineer the Institute Monitor bank's nif.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by pepperman35
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Your best bet is to use Razorwire's tools for creating content for the Videos of the Wasteland mod. He has a very good series of tutorial videos which can be accessed here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24435?tab=videos. The one issue you may run into is that his templates are set up for just a few screen sizes, vanilla television screens, the projector screens used with the mod, and I believe there's one for the FO4 drive-in movie screens. The projector screen might work for what you want to do. Otherwise, creating your own custom screen size isn't too difficult if you have some basic modeling and Nifskope experience. I've done a number of different video screen projects and can probably help with any issues you run into.

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Thanks for the infos, I will certainly check that out.


I am not well versed in the differences between the fallout series but I did spy this tutorial on the nexus for Fallout New Vegas. It appears to be a well written tutorial. His 4 part tutorial demonstrates the creation of simple Material and Texture animations using NifSkope. All meshes and textures used by the tutorials are included as resources for work.



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