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"Radiation effect" strength based on Line-Of-Sight possible?

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Good evening everybody!


I was just thinking about something:


It always felt a bit weird that the recieved dose of radiation was just depending on how close you are to the source. No matter if there is a nice thick wall between you and the source.

No, no. If you are X meters away, you get X RAD/sec.


But that is a bit lazy of the developers immersion-breaking unrealistic.


So, as far as I know, it should work like this:



And yes, I know this is "just a game" and I know that in general, the game's depiction of the effects of radiation are a bit cheesy anyway (Ghouls, ... ) ....


I would just like to know if something like this could be implemented in FO4s game system and how it could be done.

I mean, there is a script-function-thing to determine line-of-sight, so something like that could be used? I don't know ...


If anybody has any ideas of how / if this is possible, let me know.

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As I understand it, "Damage Falloff" has always been an issue in Fallout 4, for example guns go from doing Max damage to almost no damage at max range to nothing at all just outside that, very sharp change and hard to regulate.



However Fallout 76 introduced the wide spread use of "Curve Tables" which link to JSON'S, if someone figured out how to introduce "Curve Tables" via F4SE or some similar method it should be doable in theory.

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Well you have two questions you posed...

1) Can you have effective Radiation Falloff?

In theory yes if functioning curve tables can be added and linked


2) Can LoS be a factor, and limit the LoS effect to specific things?

Static objects can have keywords added to them, so in theory maybe?

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Thirdstorm, the hazard markers already have the "Taper Effectiveness by Proximity" setting with radius, curve and weighting parameters even in Fallout 4. I think what you are talking about concerns projectiles.


YDNKMN, I don't have experience using the line of sight conditions, but I suppose you could implement your idea in 2 parts :


1) [ Green part ] Use a regular hazard marker in wide radius and low radiation, and keep it enabled.

2) [ Red part ] Use a much stronger hazard marker, which only gets enabled when the LOS to the player checks out to be true, otherwise stays disabled. This way, the red one doesn't need to have precise geometries to cover the area.

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Thirdstorm, the hazard markers already have the "Taper Effectiveness by Proximity" setting with radius, curve and weighting parameters even in Fallout 4. I think what you are talking about concerns projectiles.


YDNKMN, I don't have experience using the line of sight conditions, but I suppose you could implement your idea in 2 parts :


1) [ Green part ] Use a regular hazard marker in wide radius and low radiation, and keep it enabled.

2) [ Red part ] Use a much stronger hazard marker, which only gets enabled when the LOS to the player checks out to be true, otherwise stays disabled. This way, the red one doesn't need to have precise geometries to cover the area.

That's actually a nice solution if you only had a few of them, but you would have to do that change to every single radiation-marker in the whole game ....

I was hoping that I could somehow make some changes to the "base object" and I wouldn't have to manually change every single of those markers in the game ...


Well, it seems like this is another one of those "technically possible, but needs a few months of work" - projects ....

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Only read the last post. You can actually "brute force" replace all objects of a certain type with the function "Search and replace"

So you can also make activators into NPCs, static objects, etc...

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