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Project Westeros! Game of Thrones Total Conversion Team.


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Hey everybody,


I have recently discovered and joined this awesome band of modders who are trying to create a Total Conversion for Skyrim. You should see what they are trying to achieve it is simply stunning. Things are going really well and they are always looking for people who are interested in joining in. You name it, your skills are welcome, modding, scripting, coding, writing, voice acting, texture artistry, even if you just have a good working knowledge or want to post suggestions, drop by and see what you think. :)


Their Official Site:Project Westeros

Their ModDB site:Project Westeros


You can do as much or as little as you have time for, they're a really friendly bunch who welcomed me very warmly, but this is a mod that deserves to get made. If you loved the Skyrim Conversion Mod, then this will blow you away.




Come take a look



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Thank you to those who have applied to us through this topic.


your applications are being processed as we speak, however please keep them coming in :) the more the merrier and the more people we have the quicker everyone gets a release. :)


Thanks again your contributions are appreciated.

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Amazing idea, as much as I wish it all came true don't blame me if I'm not too certain of a success rate of such an undertaking, but nevertheless all the best to you and I'll be keeping an eye on this. Fingers crossed.


Yes I've seen many Total Conversion mods for various games over the past couple of decades and it is true that only a handful ever make it to completion. But I genuinely believe if anyone can do it, these people can. The assignments are coming out nice and steady, we're seeing some excellent in-game progress.


I'm not allowed to say too much, but most Total Conversions tend to stall before they get going either through internal bickering and conflicts of ideas, or they simply just haven't the commitment or sometimes even thought it through properly and what it entails.


But what struck me as soon as I got into the Dev Team section and took a good hard look around, is how well organised they are, that when two artists disagree with each other there's a thoughtful, rational, adult debate which leads to a satisfying conclusion. There appears to be little room for egos, they are a very mature bunch and yet they don't appear to discriminate by age, so long as the person is competent and genuinely has a passion for the mod, they are really welcoming.



In short, I totally agree with your thoughts and feelings regards these kind of projects, so many make bold statements and fail to deliver. But if what I've seen so far is anything to go by, then even if it takes a while, this will be one epic total conversion to remember. They are efficient, organised, respectful, and personally what I find MOST important... is that they REALLY care about the subject matter, the attention to detail is incredible, they are serious about what they intend and I for one can't wait to see where this takes us, because I am enjoying the hell out of the work I've done already.


Keep watching for us ;) Take care.

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Have you had contact with the copyright holders to ensure your mod doesn't go the same was as the MEMod/MERP project did?


I can't personally speak to that, I'm new to the team, I'm just doing them a favour here because, I have an account already. The Mod Leaders will deal with that side of things, I'm really just a texture artist / voice actor / writer.


It's a very good and important question, one I shall try and get an answer for.

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