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Nude Mods Have Forever Doomed My Copy of Skyrim. Halp.


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Hello, Skyrim modders. I'm having a significant problem. You see, I installed some nude mods. Two, in fact. One was the ADEC nude mod, and the other one was the CBBE nude mod. All was dandy until I got bored of them, and decided to uninstall them so I could just play vanilla textured skyrim. I didn't think this would be a problem, considering I would install and uninstall nude mods and such on Oblivion without any issue. However, when I uninstalled the textures. Here's what I saw http://i.imgur.com/Td6Hz.jpg No colors or definition on genetalia, just a monochrome body. I decided to uninstall then reinstall skyrim, to possibly get back the original files for the textures, but that did not work. And now, I can't revert the Skyrim folder to an earlier state (pre-mod), because their is no earlier state (I uninstalled and reinstalled skyrim). So, I thought, whatever, I'll just get a nevernude, but that annoying band around my character's waist is there regardless of the mod I use. Please help. Is there any way to get the original textures back? Or is there any way I can manually uninstall the current ones? And is this due to me saying yes to the message that said "Overwrite these files." when prompted by Nexus Mod Manager? Edited by Fatalitubby
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Hello, Skyrim modders. I'm having a significant problem. You see, I installed some nude mods. Two, in fact. One was the ADEC nude mod, and the other one was the CBBE nude mod. All was dandy until I got bored of them, and decided to uninstall them so I could just play vanilla textured skyrim. I didn't think this would be a problem, considering I would install and uninstall nude mods and such on Oblivion without any issue. However, when I uninstalled the textures. Here's what I saw http://i.imgur.com/Td6Hz.jpg No colors or definition on genetalia, just a monochrome body. I decided to uninstall then reinstall skyrim, to possibly get back the original files for the textures, but that did not work. And now, I can't revert the Skyrim folder to an earlier state (pre-mod), because their is no earlier state (I uninstalled and reinstalled skyrim). So, I thought, whatever, I'll just get a nevernude, but that annoying band around my character's waist is there regardless of the mod I use. Please help. Is there any way to get the original textures back? Or is there any way I can manually uninstall the current ones? And is this due to me saying yes to the message that said "Overwrite these files." when prompted by Nexus Mod Manager?


I have this bugg as well......I didn't notice it until I started using special armor mods that show more skin.

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You might try verifying your game files through Steam. It will replace any missing files.




I forgot to mention that I did that... I'll try it again.

Aaaand nope. Didn't work this time either. I can understand why it wouldn't, though. If the mods disappeared every time the mod files were replaced/updated, your mods would disappear every time Skyrim had an update. *sigh* Is there no hope for me? I have a hard copy of Skyrim, but when I used it (once, mind you), it didn't need the disc to actually install skyrim. Perhaps I am wrong, though. Should I try reinstalling skyrim with the disc?

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You might try verifying your game files through Steam. It will replace any missing files.




I forgot to mention that I did that... I'll try it again.

Aaaand nope. Didn't work this time either. I can understand why it wouldn't, though. If the mods disappeared every time the mod files were replaced/updated, your mods would disappear every time Skyrim had an update. *sigh* Is there no hope for me? I have a hard copy of Skyrim, but when I used it (once, mind you), it didn't need the disc to actually install skyrim. Perhaps I am wrong, though. Should I try reinstalling skyrim with the disc?


What I had to do was go into the skyrim data folder, go to the meshes folder, and then delete the entirety of the character meshes, then verify the game cache. It replaced the missing textures with the vanilla ones.

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The disk and Steam install in exactly the same way, but with the disk it will speed up the process as you need not download a mess of files from Steam. I'm thinking that there may some remnants of the mod still amoung your folders. Are you sure that you eliminated them all?




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Check for the presence of and backup then delete any files and or folders in the following directories (you might need some say for an eye or hair mod)


skyrim > data > textures > actors > character >

skyrim > data > mehses > actors > character > character assets


Namely you are looking for anything with femalebody in the name.


After that deactivate ALL mods, start game, open console at main menu, type coc riverwood, showracemenu & change the gender, strip the character and see if it isn't returned to stock. If it has returned to stock, reactivate ALL mods and do the console test again. This will tell you if you have any plugin data from BSA files interferring.


However from the looks of the picture, it looks like you still have the mod mesh but using the stock texture. The stock texture has nothing in the underwear region because there are no body bits in the stock mesh in that region.


If you are going to use a non-nude body replacer you also need to have the appropriate texture for the body mesh which in your case is the CBBE nude texture.

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  • 2 months later...

Check for the presence of and backup then delete any files and or folders in the following directories (you might need some say for an eye or hair mod)


skyrim > data > textures > actors > character >

skyrim > data > mehses > actors > character > character assets


Namely you are looking for anything with femalebody in the name.


After that deactivate ALL mods, start game, open console at main menu, type coc riverwood, showracemenu & change the gender, strip the character and see if it isn't returned to stock. If it has returned to stock, reactivate ALL mods and do the console test again. This will tell you if you have any plugin data from BSA files interferring.


However from the looks of the picture, it looks like you still have the mod mesh but using the stock texture. The stock texture has nothing in the underwear region because there are no body bits in the stock mesh in that region.


If you are going to use a non-nude body replacer you also need to have the appropriate texture for the body mesh which in your case is the CBBE nude texture.

Thank you for this - I was having problems after trying to install some Warpaint Mods and it stopped all NPC's having warpaint, even after removing the mod from the Nexus Mod Manager. Removing all the tintmask data from the actor assets folder and checking the game via Steam I was able to reverse all the changes made by the mod. Phew!

Edited by mHowlett
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