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Coming back to modding after along time


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Hey guys im coming back to modding skyrim after along time. I just bought skyrim special edition on steam and i'm somewhat lost. The last time i modded skyrim was probably 7+ years ago, my old version of skyrim was a box set but i lost it, and didnt have all the DLCs so i figured the special edition was a good buy.


However i noticed special edition has it's own category away from normal skyrim, with allot less mods available so my question is, will mods made for normal skyrim work with special edition skyrim?



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Hey guys im coming back to modding skyrim after along time. I just bought skyrim special edition on steam and i'm somewhat lost. The last time i modded skyrim was probably 7+ years ago, my old version of skyrim was a box set but i lost it, and didnt have all the DLCs so i figured the special edition was a good buy.


However i noticed special edition has it's own category away from normal skyrim, with allot less mods available so my question is, will mods made for normal skyrim work with special edition skyrim?



In general mods for Skyrim will work on SSE, but have the potential to cause a whole lot of trouble because of the changes from a 32-bits game for Oldrim to 64-bits for SSE. This results in the FormID for both being different. FormID 43 for Oldrim and FormID 44 for SSE. Personally I have a few (two or three) Oldrim mods I use on SSE, but they are very small ones, like a mod that changes ore vein colours and one that lets you hack away at ore 27 times and gives three ore every three strikes.


If I were you, to play it safe, I wouldn't use any Oldrim mods on SSE. After all, there's a reason there's different categories for both issues of the game.

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