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Force npcs to wear certain outfits


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i have some questmods that have the unlukc tendency to add outfits with additional bodyshapes (bigger behinds and breasts) to the mod-related npcs. since some of those outfits are really extreme and/or jsut not my taste i need to know is there a way to force an NPC to wear an outfit i give him/her? installing the original mod, the quest mod used assets from, then overwriting works only in a few cases, "unequipall" "removeallitems" ad then adding my outfit also only in a few

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I have had success using the console commands of removeitem followed by the GBO number of the item and equipitem again followed by the GBO of the item to be equipped.


Of course you must left click on the NPC before using the commands.

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Heyas kane. There's a few routes you could go with this one.

1) Open the mod up in Xedit, locate the NPC's Non-Player Character file and permanently change whatever clothes they have in their inventory. Take maybe 2 minutes tops, depending on how many npc's the mod has.

2) Open up the console
click on the NPC
Type- Openactorcontainer 1
Close the console

3) there's a bat file located here that does exactly the same thing, but it's easier to type in console https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36974?tab=posts


Hope this helps :)


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