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Anybody else concerned about Dec 21, 2012?


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Actually, I'm kind of glad the supposed apocalypse was set for Dec 21st. The holiday season of joy, peace on earth, goodwill towards others, etc. usually sees an increase in those wonderful human activities that just tend to make this time of year so lovely. Things like increased drinking and driving; spousal and child abuse; the frozen homeless and of course the suicides and murders. Emergency services where I live are already geared up for the increase of seasonal activity and so it isn't a big stretch to be ready for an additional number of nutbars to let loose on or after the 21st.


One thing I am thankful for though, I won't be working anytime over the holidays and get to spend a relaxing vacation at home this year.

I was out on a call on the 18th Dec because a drunk slammed his car into the rear of a semi and as the crew were cutting the car away from the drunk so he could be taken to the hospital, another drunk slammed into the back end of the fire truck and hit me and two other firefighters. I'm lucky, I just got a badly broken leg which will probably heal in 8-10 weeks.


Anyway, I'm thinking I'll take Nintii's advice. I'm pretty sure I have some Glenfiddich Snow Phoenix here in the house and I know I can reach the Crown Royal.

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The Maya people were one of the most advanced races in the early history of mankind, but for them to be able to calculate the millions even billions of variables to come up with a solution that doomsday will come tomorrow is non existent.


Sorry for the rudeness to anyone here who belives this doomsday crap... prepare to be disapointed.


The world will end one way or another, but before that even happens, we the humans will be looooooong gone... either moved to another solar system or we have destroyed our self... but not the world as many people thinks.




So enjoy christmas as always and the new year.

Edited by MatrixCoder
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Doomed! We're all doomed...

Nintii I think has been blasted to the void already as the image is all black.

Edit...weird, now I do see it...


Mine's The Glenlivet. Or Blair Atholl if you can get it...

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The Maya people were one of the most advanced races in the early history of mankind, but for them to be able to calculate the millions even billions of variables to come up with a solution that doomsday will come tomorrow is non existent.

A). There are no "races" since we are all humans, same species. The word you are looking for is "Culture" or "Civilization". Race refers to different species which resulted from some original ancestor species but who share the same habitat and can potentially interbreed, such as Humans and Cro-Magnon.


B). While the Mayan culture existed in the classical period (Greeks, Persians, Egyptians), most of their development occurred at a point where Rome was expanding and controlling most of Europe and Northern Africa. Technically speaking, the more advanced cultures had a tendency to conquer, subjugate, or merely convert other cultures that they interacted with, so there are naturally only a handful of advanced cultures in this period of time, and most of them geographically isolated from eachother.


C). That said, most of those cultures had developed some form of astronomy and mathematics, and were able to notice cycles in planetary movement. They also had enough time to convert those movements into what became their calenders. Those with enough foresight even went as far as calculating the point where heavenly bodies (planets, stars, sun, moon) would be in alignment. One such day when planets align will be December 21, 2012. Since these bodies formed the rest of their calender, those points where things aligned were natural "Zero dates" which could be used as a means of establishing longer cycles or ages. We are simply entering another one of these cycles.

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12:33 am my time..I am not yet dead.

Just thought I would update everyone. :tongue:

It wouldn't be on the stroke of midnight. It would be the actual second that the calender ends. Which if I recall was either early morning or early evening on the 21st (forget if they counted dates to the sunrise, or sunset), Central US time (since that is roughly the solar clock that the calender was based on).

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12:33 am my time..I am not yet dead.

Just thought I would update everyone. :tongue:

It wouldn't be on the stroke of midnight. It would be the actual second that the calender ends. Which if I recall was either early morning or early evening on the 21st (forget if they counted dates to the sunrise, or sunset), Central US time (since that is roughly the solar clock that the calender was based on).


I will try to keep updating as the sun crosses my sky. lol

Right now my puppy has finally ran out of steam and I need to catch some sleep....I hope I don't sleep through it all. Be so boring to wake up dead.:ohdear:

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Hey you all! I'm me, the OP. :happy:


Today is Dec 21st and...well. At 9 a.m. GMT+1 I have an appointment at my gynecologist and at 11:30 a.m. I'm gonna have a consultation with my dentist.

This morning I was listening to Coast to Coast AM and I was a little bit shocked when George Noory said there was a power failure in some region in the U.S. :mellow:


Well, I'm finishing my fruit salad now, hope to see you all in 2013 in TES Online. :happy:

Edited by mrsathletic
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There are power outages because of a very typical for the time of year snow storm in the U.S.


It started snowing where I live a bit this morning. I was hoping for much more.


Its also 8:42 am eastern here and so far so good on the not dying thing.

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