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Who here actually still plays EVE?


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Agh, you can't keep a good Matar down.


Name: Arkio Vallarian


Race: Minmatarr/Sebiestor.


Corp: One-Ton(love these guys, best corp I've ever had)


Alliance: Rieos(Being part of a big. tough alliance is relieving after so many wardecs this year)


SP: 512,000


Specialisation: Direct-fire combat.


Flies: Hurricane.


One Ton's sort of revived my interest in EVE. Running missions daily, working with competant, skillful players, and having the safety ofdd a large, active alliance are all well and good, but it's given me a reason to come back each day, something to work with, and for that Im grateful. They were even mature enough to let me and another corp-mate hammer out our diferences ourselves rather than try and get between us, something else I'm grateful for, since it resulted in us becoming allies, rather than false apologies and grudges. Really is refreshing to have a big, well led corp, I tell ya. :rolleyes:

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Used to play Eve, but now that I am out I have almost zero interest in getting back in to my 80mil SP toon.


Problem with Eve is that its hard to resist playing and it consuming your life. And its not like you are doing anything *that* awesome, you are just camping a gate while drinking beer and chatting on vent.


I'm in NPC corp atm, but past 3 years in Eve have revolved around a single, small corp. 80mil SP means I cover a broad range of specialisations - Amarr capitals, Gallente jump freighters, all racial and tech levels of battleship and cruiser hulls, all commandships and some tech 2 frigates.

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I havn't played EVE ...would like to but my current RIG is not up to it though I think broadband speed is..!?


I was fotunate (or not) to work with a guy who was an avid player and gave me the inside track on the main

and most/current/dangerous factions out there it is really vast and the Learning Curve is so steep that it is

an internet byword for 'losing your life to a game'


One of the funniest (gamer) posts online is the guy who had built up a stack of 'credits' and was casualy ore

mining in what he thought was a SAFE SECTOR ...naturally he got jumped and he and his UBER mining class

ship ended up Space-Junk ...I won't post the link (he's suffered enough) just YouTube EVE and you'll find it.


Most will know it some won't ...very very funny (some bad language)

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I'm one of the really old guys on EvE (2004? 2005? forgot). Played until 2006, quit. Picked it up sometime in 2007, quit in mid 2008. After making my first billion, quit. Picked it up for a month in 2009 or 2010 (sometime close to when BoB died), someone apparently hacked into my account and spammed, quit because I didn't like where CCP was taking the game (console integration, various extremely poorly thought out dev decisions, sov changes, etc). Quit permanently after that.


Eagerly waiting for X3 Rebirth though. Egosoft's X series took up the slack of "grand space sim game" some time ago.

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Sader Rykane and Vishere Rykane


~68 million SP.


Stopped paying for my account when Incarna fell flat. I WANTED Incarna, but we got some random lame bulls*** closet room thing instead. After two years, of waiting for it I couldn't justify paying for such an incomplete game, despite having enough isk to play free for multiple years.


I spent the my last two-three years in the game in W-Space. It was a lot of fun but ultimately it got boring because CCP never expanded on it. CCP consistently fails to expand on the GOOD things they do, or complete features.

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Main: Dragon Rose

SP: ~90m

Corp: Macabre Votum

Alliance: Against ALL Authorities


Races: Gallente and Minmatar


Commonly Flown Ships: Nyx, Thanny, Panther, Oneiros, Scimitar, Sabre, Dramiel, Jaguar, Hound


It's funny; looking at me listing common ships... I only JUST recently cross-trained into Matar, and now I constantly fly them.


As for Sader325's comment, they have made some big promises recently on FIXING the game instead of horsing around and they have been doing well at it. I'm excited to see the next year's changes.


Alts too many to list.


Been playing since release on and off. I love it.

Edited by DragonRose11
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