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Who here actually still plays EVE?


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Name: Venthor Lorn

Race: Gallente

Corp: Phantom Squad

Alliance: ATLAS

SP: 40m or so


Been living out in 0.0 for the past year or two...great fun, any player that has the chance (and sp) should move out there whenever possible. Good monies and good pews.


Edit: Just read your post about the Tengu, Samroski. If you dual box and do complexes, I've got a Tengu fit to share with you. It costs around 4-5b isk to fit out, but it can solo tank any plex out there. Mine currently omni-tanks 3100 DPS (according to EFT :P), but can handle more due to speed and sig radius. Could get it higher with more isk, but it does the job well enough as it is

I'd love to see the fit :) Maybe I can join you at some stage.


My 2nd tengu was basically T2 fit till last week, when in a momentary lapse of reason I spent about 1.5 b on factional/deadspace stuff for it, and there is room for more :)

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Name: Venthor Lorn

Race: Gallente

Corp: Phantom Squad

Alliance: ATLAS

SP: 40m or so


Been living out in 0.0 for the past year or two...great fun, any player that has the chance (and sp) should move out there whenever possible. Good monies and good pews.


Edit: Just read your post about the Tengu, Samroski. If you dual box and do complexes, I've got a Tengu fit to share with you. It costs around 4-5b isk to fit out, but it can solo tank any plex out there. Mine currently omni-tanks 3100 DPS (according to EFT :P), but can handle more due to speed and sig radius. Could get it higher with more isk, but it does the job well enough as it is

I'd love to see the fit :) Maybe I can join you at some stage.


My 2nd tengu was basically T2 fit till last week, when in a momentary lapse of reason I spent about 1.5 b on factional/deadspace stuff for it, and there is room for more :)



Understandable, deadspace stuff is what makes up a lot of my fit (at least isk-wise, anyway)


I've posted the fit below. Keep in mind, of course, that it's designed with dual-boxing in mind. My alt runs this quad-tanking (speed, resistances, active reps, and small sig radius) Tengu and soaks up all the agro while my main runs DPS in a Dominix. It's like a RR setup that I don't have to worry about...tbh, it's probably over-tanked, but I would rather be safe than sorry when dealing with this many iskies.


I fit assault missile launchers instead of HAMs in order to quickly kill tacklers and webbers. If you have to deal with Guristas and their neuts, then you'll need to switch stuff around quite a bit, but I think that with some boosters and a long range dps-boat, you can design something off of this template that can take agro long enough to kill the towers. It's totally untried theory on my part though, so don't blame me if it doesn't work and you lose 5b, lol. I only have to deal with Angels and webs :)



P.S. I just realized that I was looking at the wrong fit when I posted its tank rating earlier..


Actual stats:

EHP: 37,271

Defense rating: 4,811 DPS

Shield Resists (EM/TH/KN/EX): 76/91/87/79


With unlimited isk (and nothing better to spend it on), you could get this thing's active tank up to 10k DPS :)



Capacitor Flux Coil II

Capacitor Flux Coil II

Capacitor Flux Coil II

Capacitor Flux Coil II

Power Diagnostic System II


Corelum C-Type 10MN Afterburner

Gist X-Type X-Large Shield Booster

Caldari Navy Invulnerability Field

Caldari Navy Invulnerability Field

Gist B-Type Shield Boost Amplifier

Photon Scattering Field II


Assault Missile Launcher II, Piranha Light Missile

Assault Missile Launcher II, Piranha Light Missile

Assault Missile Launcher II, Piranha Light Missile

Assault Missile Launcher II, Piranha Light Missile

Improved Cloaking Device II


Medium Core Defence Operational Solidifier I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II

Medium Core Defence Operational Solidifier II


Tengu Defensive - Amplification Node

Tengu Electronics - CPU Efficiency Gate

Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix

Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay

Tengu Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst

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Just realized, I forgot that I had a full crystal set included in these calculations. I was indeed using it, but the inevitable happened: I forgot I had them in, went pew pewing, and got pew'd. W/O full crystal set, it active tanks 3154 DPS....which is still good enough.
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Haven't played in a couple months. Corp I was in was led by a... not so nice guy who wanted to control everyone's skill dev and have ridiculous tax rate, and somehow kept getting tech 2 stuff... hmmm... anyway, I called him on it, we had a big argument in corp chat, long story short, i stopped playing, and all the people except him went on to form another corp. Great times....
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Name: Deaell Portt

Corp: Pink Bunnies

SP: 60+ mln (all in pvp skills)

active: few times in week.


Im form Poland and playing this game for 4 years. My main focus ingame is PVP. Others activity are for making isk for pvp.

Our corp start c0ven ally , we work with Stain Empire (ze russians <8). We live in Stain . Get Esoteria from Goonswarm. After we kill Sys-k for giving ass to BoB,AAA got bored in Esoteria. Tell "frell u carebears" and left to Curse, where we live next to Darkside, White Noise and others funny people (ze russians <8). Its very fun place to live. Plenty isk (lvl 4 for angels ) to make and targets rich area.



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Ehh. Revised again.


I seem to be going for the dubious record of "most failed corps". Because before I join them, they're corps, after I join them, they're a corpse.


Name: Akaelan.


SP: 2.1 million.


Flying: Scorpion (usless, but looks badass)


Corp: Face Invaders, though that may be temporary, my last 3 were.


Alliance: none.


Activities: Once a pvp commando raider, now doing all things PVE.


Why no pvp? because I freakin hate pvp, pvp is fun, but the pvpers are more immature even that WOW trolls these days. Here is an example.


One day, a guy from providence trolled the leader of my 4th most recent corp. That corp leader DEMANDED we all assemble pronto without any explaination, and took 28 ships straight into providence without even a breifing-some of those ships not even loaded with ammo. Now, I was one of the lucky ones. I fought my way out and survived, battered, but alive and still in the same ship I entered with. 25 ships were destroyed that run, all of them ours. I got out, my GF got out, and the missile maker dude got out, that's it.


~ 500,000,000 ISK lost in one day because some ten year old gets trolled. Thats why I dont pvp. Because every leader I've met since has been that idiotic or worse.

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