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Who here actually still plays EVE?


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Names: Skyre Angelus, Skyreth

Corperation: SOL Combat

Alliance: War.Pigs.

ISK: 1.3 Billion

SP: Skyre- 9mil

Skyreth- 11mil


Skyreth- Gallente born, Caldari/Minmatar pilot.

Skyre- Amarr born, Caldari/Amarr pilot.

Edited by Skyre89
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Name; Vindekarr


Corporation: Visual Storm..


ISK: Fluctuating randomly.


Income source: PI and missions.


SP: 398K


Flying: Hurricane.


Active in: Gallente highsec.


Active: daily, atleast three hours a day ending at DT.


Created: about two weeks ago.


Status: Main character.

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Name: sorry sekret :P

Alliance: Pandemic Legion (corp joined not me :P )

SP: 108 mill sp

active: Kind of on a semi break but log in to change skills

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Name: Vindekarr


Corp: Visual Storm.


ISK: Stabilising, now nice and rich.


Active: Daily from from about 3 hours till downtime-DT.


Role: Mercenary.


SP: 1.4 million.


Flying: Drake, soon to be Scorpion


Update: today a greifer joined our corp, and within ten minutes, flew his harbinger to our mining up and opened fire. Unfortunately for him we had a logistics and the system so he lost out majorly. he'd gone by the time reinforcments arrived, however he managed to see his own ship take more damage than it inflicted, as now of our vessels took more than armour damage, which the friendly logist soon mended.


It goes to show that you should always be careful who you recruit, from now on I think we're going to have a trial period before letting people join ops.

, I also own a Coercer who's lazors each shoot with a diferent crystal, resulting in an eight-barreled rainbow ray of doom!

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name: not available


corp: seeecret


isk: 122,454,822,229.65 and rising


income: piracy, can flipping and lvl 4/5 missions


active: random but online mostly prime time EST.


Role: Amarr navy captain


sp: 22,349,612


favorite ships: Bhaalgorn, Nightmare, Apocalypse navy issue


if it aint A-type or X-type it aint worth buying, officer mods are the best


HULKAGEDDON is coming again soon, run lil miner bots, run!!!

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Name: Alstana


SP: Shoot. Like 2.7 mil.


ISK: 43 mil and depleting.


Corp: Ascension Manufacturing.


Stuff I do: Try to fly through stars generally. And businessy things that don't involve explosions for the most part.


Playtime: 4 minutes to 6 hours a day. Depends on how many Cheetos and Mtn. Dew cases I have.

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