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FCOM factions issue


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I just put FCOM on my copy of oblivion and I have noticed that when you travel (in sewers, mostly), its like a war is going on. There are several different factions in the same small area, and they destroy each other. I had rats fighting rats, Mythic Dawn fighting scavengers, and Goblins fighting everything that moved, and then whoever wins comes over to fight me. :P


And on a minor note, does anyone know if there is an issue with the Akatosh Mount Mod and FCOM, because I summon the Drake, and it roasts me, or freezes me, or electrocutes me, or buries me in a landslide, etc. :confused:


Is this a problem I am having or is it a general issue?

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I've never seen the civil war issue with FCOM. However, the Akatosh mount would be rather humorous to watch...


Either way, to me knowledge the issue isn't caused by either. another mod maybe.

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I've never seen the civil war issue with FCOM. However, the Akatosh mount would be rather humorous to watch...


Either way, to me knowledge the issue isn't caused by either. another mod maybe.


Not sure whats up then, maybe i didnt install FCOM right, which wouldn't suprise me at all. It was, by far, the worst mod to install i have come across yet, but it is awesome, so its worth it. And i suppose i could just deal with the civil war thing, it kinda adds a little realism, you would never have a cave full of all different baddies and NOT have them fight each other so, whatever.


Not sure whats up with drakes either, now they aren't all attacking me, only some.


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I just put FCOM on my copy of oblivion and I have noticed that when you travel (in sewers, mostly), its like a war is going on. There are several different factions in the same small area, and they destroy each other. I had rats fighting rats, Mythic Dawn fighting scavengers, and Goblins fighting everything that moved, and then whoever wins comes over to fight me. :P


And on a minor note, does anyone know if there is an issue with the Akatosh Mount Mod and FCOM, because I summon the Drake, and it roasts me, or freezes me, or electrocutes me, or buries me in a landslide, etc. :confused:


Is this a problem I am having or is it a general issue?


Post your load order. It may be a problem with other overhaul mods, like TIE or CUO, conflicting.

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I just put FCOM on my copy of oblivion and I have noticed that when you travel (in sewers, mostly), its like a war is going on. There are several different factions in the same small area, and they destroy each other. I had rats fighting rats, Mythic Dawn fighting scavengers, and Goblins fighting everything that moved, and then whoever wins comes over to fight me. :P


And on a minor note, does anyone know if there is an issue with the Akatosh Mount Mod and FCOM, because I summon the Drake, and it roasts me, or freezes me, or electrocutes me, or buries me in a landslide, etc. :confused:


Is this a problem I am having or is it a general issue?


Post your load order. It may be a problem with other overhaul mods, like TIE or CUO, conflicting.


Why do you say that ?? you haven't even seen his list yet. It can be various things btw, like incorrectly install of fcom itself, or his bash patch is somehow interfering with it. please post your load order. And others might be able to help you better.

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I just put FCOM on my copy of oblivion and I have noticed that when you travel (in sewers, mostly), its like a war is going on. There are several different factions in the same small area, and they destroy each other. I had rats fighting rats, Mythic Dawn fighting scavengers, and Goblins fighting everything that moved, and then whoever wins comes over to fight me. :P


And on a minor note, does anyone know if there is an issue with the Akatosh Mount Mod and FCOM, because I summon the Drake, and it roasts me, or freezes me, or electrocutes me, or buries me in a landslide, etc. :confused:


Is this a problem I am having or is it a general issue?


Post your load order. It may be a problem with other overhaul mods, like TIE or CUO, conflicting.


Why do you say that ??


Because I have experience with TIE and FCOM not playing nicely together. And CUO is in many ways similar to TIE. And exceot for FCOM, TIE and CUO there aren't that many mods that does add or edit spawns and factions globally.


you haven't even seen his list yet.


Maybe that's why I asked him to post the list???

Untill then one can only speculate. But of course, if one mentions CUO, it's automatically "mod bashing", right?


It can be various things btw, like incorrectly install of fcom itself, or his bash patch is somehow interfering with it. please post your load order.


Why do you say that?

Are you "bashing" WryeBash?

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Lets get back on the subject. Nobody is bashing anything - yet. When they do, I get to bash. Please think before hitting the 'Add Reply' button.


Bben46, Moderator

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You really need to feed us with specifics, ov3rhelming. That load order is very important with something so big as overhauls. Yet, what you says is known to me, I did witness it myself while using just FCOM but not at that extent you reports (at other thread I used this knowing to tell how a single gargoyle can mop the floor with a bunch of ogres thanks to it's high physical and magical defenses). Enjoying the opportunity for another shameless self advertisement :) Afinity Sword may be the weapon that can help dealing with such monsters because it's magical damage bypass any kind of defenses albeit never being uberpower (albeit it can kill anything in a single hit, one should not rely it happening all the time).


But... the meaningful thing is... if the issue is not so generalized it's not a so bad issue, the critters that survive that epic battle will be dreadful enough for the PC.


In FCOM, Frans keeps things centered on the player, vanilla fashion. The foes will scale like the player in levels.

OOO is more place centered. This is the same as to says a low level char must avoid certain areas at all until enough leveled and with good equipment (someway more like Morrowind is). OOO will have some leveling too, but the extent is capped someway.

MMM and Oblivion warcry helps alot to increase the player's life insurance cost. This is specially true at lowers levels, sadly things begins to become frustratingly easy at level 20+. Indeed, before level 10 the player is advised to train speed as his most useful attribute and athletics and acrobat his better skillfriends.


Sorry for the long and boring post (but remember, Afinity sword may save your life without killing the fun and the dear danger sense) and will never allow it's own power reflected on you... Someone thought liches? (these guys are yet dreadful since they are specially addicted at damaging player's attributes and skills).

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  • 3 weeks later...
I know I haven't posted in a while and I apologize. However, I have continued to play through the game and the issue seems to have resolved itself. I'm not sure what was causing it but I messed around with my load order (140+ esps) and it seems to be working fine now. My lack of response seems to have created some tension so, sorry. :(
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