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removed Breton magic resistance via console cmd, comes back each time I start game


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So I wanted to be a Breton, use console commands to get rid of race bonuses, and then use more commands to add the Altmer bonuses


(the objective being to have the Highborn, and +50 Magicka, while looking like a Breton, and also NOT having the Breton Dragonskin or magic resistance)


And anyways the command to remove Magic Resistance 'player.removespell 000aa01f' works fine,


HOWEVER, every time I start up the game, the Breton magic resistance active effect returns


Anyone have any idea why it keeps coming back? I want to permanently get rid of it, I'm using some mods but nothing involving races



Should I just try enchanting -25% magic resistance on a piece of gear somehow? is that even possible?


Does magic resistance + 25%, and magic resistance -25% add up to 0 or is it calculated different?


I considered editing the Breton magic resistance to disable it using SSEEdit, but then all Breton I encounter in the game would be missing their resistance


I know, this is an overly specific, trivial concern, but it bugs me XD I don't want that filthy magic resistance on my Breton-looking fake Altmer!


(sidenote: console commands couldnt remove the Dragonskin spell, but I just disabled it using SSEEdit since npcs dont use it anyways)

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Make a mod that removes those spells and adds the ones you want to the player only. you could do it through a start game enabled quest or place an object near where you start the game with a script using oOnContainerChange event that then causes the changes you want. If you use something like an apple and then eat it after picking it up, that gets rid of the apple. Or you could make a book with an OnRead Event to do the same thing then toss the book into some container that respawns to get rid of it.

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