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Generell Skyrim VR infos

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I think about VR for Skyrim. ATM I have a fully stable and good modded Skyrim SE with round about 400 mods and over 300 ESP+ESL



1. What do I have to aspect in terms of compatebility of mods.


2. How much work is needed to change it to vr ?


3. What popular Mods will defenetly not work?


4. What kind of mods dont work generally?


5. How much is the fps-impact in VR in comparision with a normal modded Skyrim SE?


6. What VR Headset do you use and why?


7. Do I have to play with special pads or could I use my 360 Elite in VR?




Thanks for your aswers!

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1, A lot of skyrim se mods work with VR, and a lot of the popular ones are compatible with the VR version. I have 87 mods so far, not really done much with skyrim VR yet as I'm waiting for new lenses for my headset.

2, Not sure what you mean, you buy and download skyrim VR and activate the VR profile in vortex start installing mods.

3, Not a easy one to answer as each player has their own go to mods but I know Alternate start live another life is one that doesn't work, you can't start a new game with it installed the game just locks up and you can't do anything. out of the top 120 games on nexus that is the only one that doesn't as far as I know, like I said each player has their own go to mods I don't have a few out of that top 120.

4, As #3 I've only had one mod from the ones I've tried, some mod have a warning so you know.

5, Comes down to your rig, your mod list. a lot of my mods are textures from SE, SFO, Rudy HQ, Skyland, SMIM but I have a intel i9, 32GB ram and a RTX2080TI.. I don't have any issues with frame rates.

6, I use the HTC Vive, Bought the rift a while ago and didn't like it the odd floating hand, tacking just wasn't accurate enough for me, the vive beats the rift for tracking.

7, no idea, Not tried with game pads as I use the vive controls, I know people have trouble setting or changing there controllers but the vive seams to be solid.

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