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Dragonborn DLC issues


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I recently downloaded the skyrim dlc dragonborn, but no cultists came and attacked me, I simply sailed to solthiem, and now cannot receive any main missions. Help?


Where did you get Dragonborn from, if I may ask?




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I got it from the Xbox live marketplace


Ah, I see. This is primarily a PC gaming site but maybe someone here has played the Xbox version. We're still waiting for our copies. I wish you luck.




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I recently downloaded the skyrim dlc dragonborn, but no cultists came and attacked me, I simply sailed to solthiem, and now cannot receive any main missions. Help?


My recomendation would be to head back to Morrowind, and wander around for a bit to see if any Cultists show up. Because you're on the console, you can't use commands to jump-start the quest, so you unfortunately have to hope for the best. If you have a save before you went to Solsthiem, i would recomend using that, and not heading there until the Cultists attack.

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