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what games are you looking forward to


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Deat50's post deleted. Completely OT and very spammy.


*Spambane burps*


Hmm... think it could manage a few more n00b souls yet.

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  papasmurf said:
yep cant wait for deus Ex 3 but i dont think they will make it

Wrong. It's already in production. Scoure www.planetdeusex.com if you want proof.


Star Craft 2 (Oh please oh please oh please make one)


I can just imagine this on an engine similar to WH40K: Dawn of War. Replace the orks with Zerg, Space Marines with Terran and Eldar with Protoss (Let the droolfest commence).




EDIT-here's some news quotes both from planetdeuxex.com.


Another Spector interview

Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 18:08 | Despot | Comments

Another interview with Spector is up on Computer And Video Games, who seem to have a new 'view with him every month or so. Perhaps they can tell me who to bribe...


Here's a quote about Deus Ex 3:


When we spoke last November, you were telling us that preliminary work has already begun on the third Deus Ex game. Can we expect three to be as much a departure from two as two is from one?


    Spector: Absolutely. I mean, the day we start turning out sequels simply to make a quick buck is the day someone else is going to be making Deus Ex games.


Wow, the irony Specter... or the lies, whichever.


Deus Ex 3

Wednesday, January 14, 2004, 03:00 | Jonas Wæver | Comments

According to a tip from Daniel Mason, reader of the UK PC Format magazine, the January edition of the magazine contained a preview of Invisible War, as well as an interview with Warren Spector. In this interview, Spector is quoted for saying that work has begun on the 3rd Deus Ex game.


There you have it.

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  valdir said:
Ugh if only I had a PS2 for Gran Turismo 4!!

Buy a PSP - It should be about the same, as the PSP is basically an improved, portable PSII.


StarCraft II - just the thought of it makes me tremble with awe.....

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There are a lot to chose from, but I would go with-


Doom 3

Warhammer: Dawn of War

Half-Life 2

Chrono Trigger on Gameboy or future sequel (it has to happen some day)

More one player RPG's (I know everyone loves on-line play but i love getting my old playstation out and playing great games like FF7 or CT)

Next Morrowind game (another most have)



I've got more, just can't remember them right now.

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  tyjet3 said:
Chrono Trigger on Gameboy or future sequel (it has to happen some day)

There is a sequel, called "Chrono Cross", but it was only released in the US for the PSX. I'm afraid you'd have to get your console chipped/use some other illegal means of acquiring it that I'm not allowed to discuss here :P


Just thought you should know, I'll stop being OT now ;)

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  Slaiv said:
Or you could just buy a U.S. Playstation for like 20 US dollars on eBay.. :huh:

But then there's the problem of voltages, different countries run on different amounts in their power supply (at least that's the way with the US and the UK). It wouldn't work on a power supply in another country...

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