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Essential mods list?


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Hi everyone. I'm planning to return to playing skyrim after a few months away. fresh start, new mods, new characters, new DLC, etc. I w ant it to feel like a whole new and improved game, and i'm hoping the mod community has come up with some more comprehensively awesome things by now.


I'd generally considered skyrim to be an incomplete game. Hundreds of things are poorly balanced or buggy, most types of magic scaled poorly in the lategame, enchanting and smithing were overpowered together, the armor system made no sense, etc.


I'm wondering if anyone might have any ideas for a list of mods that are generally considered improvements. Not really interested in subjective things like graphic enhancements or nudity. A list of stuff you'd consider skyrim to be (practically) unplayable without. My ideal would be a skyrim equivilant of the classic Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul - something that just "fixes" the entire game. But if theres no such singular mod, is there at least a group of mods that accomplish things together ?

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Not graphical? Hm. Okay.


All of the unofficial patches are a must. They fix all kinds of errors, such as messed up scripts, floating meshes, and help keep the game stable.

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch (Don't have Hearthfire, but still I recommend this one.)

You should probably check out the rest of Arthmoor's mods as well.


Another mod I like is Guard Dialogue Overhaul, which fixes bugs as well as opening up more passing comments that were previously unused. Added bonus; more comments for them to pick from means less 'arrow in the knee' lines.


I'm afraid all the other mods I'm tracking are graphics ones, so this is all I can really share of what I use that you might be interested in. =) You may want to have a look at Categories -> 'Gameplay Effects and Changes', 'Overhauls', 'Magic - Gameplay', and sort it be 'Endorsements' and 'Desc'. That way you'll see the most popular mods that people like.

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my essential mods are; immersive loot, immersive creatures, improved dragon shouts, dragonfire - tactically enhanced breath shouts, lost long swords -1h, realistic ragdoll, better message box, spells give off light, smart souls, english strings, Skyrim -Community- Uncapper.


also, there's a few good quest mods. moonpath to elsweyr, wyrmstooth, and a few oblivion type ones.


edit; skyui is good too

Edited by jack013
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Must have:

-Convenient Horses

-Ultimate Folower Overhaul

-Magic Duel

-Immersive Weapons, Immersive Armors

-A Quality World Map

-Cloaks of Skyrim

This last one gives the game an extra immersive touch, not by just adding cloaks, but giving them special enchantments, like avoiding hypothermia WHICH leads me to the next!



Also, Requiem can balance some of the things you complain of.

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Bellyache's Animal and Creature Pack

Vurt's Flora Overhaul

Terrain Bump

Immersive Water

Enhanced Blood Textures

Static Mesh Improvement



Birds of Skyrim


Improved Fish





Lanterns of Skyrim on the Roads

Lanterns of Skyrim All in One


Economics of Skyrim

Burn, Freeze, Shock effects

Faster Vanilla Horses



Just a few basic mods that really enhanced gameplay. Not even scratched the surface though.

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