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Obama: Worst president in the last 100 years


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  On 4/10/2020 at 7:18 PM, jamal13 said:

Maybe it would be more productive to list the reasons you think why he's the worst instead of just saying he is.

Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Obamacare, etc.


Maybe not the worst, but, certainly not the best........

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  • 1 month later...

Here is the thing:


NAME 1 thing, just 1 thing that Obama did that worked and did not fail?


LOok at the Solyndra for starters.

>> How much did they rip off the US Taxpayers?

>> Plus Obama had some " friends " that were a part of that. Ponder that for 30 seconds!!


LoOk at Obamacare, even when they opened the website it CRASHED!

. o O ( They spent HOW MUCH OF US TAX $$'s for that? Hey, Nexus could have done a better job!! )


Shall I continue? I could there is a big RECORD of his failed actions.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 6/19/2020 at 7:36 PM, xrayy said:

what is trump if obama is the worst ? i suppose he is president even if i still can not believe he really was voted and what happened since then.

Second worst? Third worst? (Jimmy Carter?) Fourth Worst? (George Bush the warmonger?)


Obama did a LOT to divide the nation along racial lines..... He also severely damaged our standing with the rest of the world. (apologist in Chief?) Of course, Trump certainly ain't in the top ten presidents. The man is an idiot, and needs to stay off social media. (and not talking to the press may not be such a bad idea either.) Still and all, given some of the crap the dems have been spouting lately, I won't be voting for any of them this election cycle...... So, if Trump is the candidate for the republicans, then he will get my vote. Again.

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I think that James Buchanan was our worst president. He allowed through inaction the slide into the Civil War when it was still preventable.

Biden is a simply a modern version of that type of politician.

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i can understand that so many americans voted trump to give him a try maybe some out of frustration (even still a bit surprising but with support of russia...) but i do not understand if americans still take this man seriously in june 2020 or even telling me they would vote him for a second period. i really underestimated some changes in the last 20 years in the u.s.

it must have been a dramatical change - and all this because of obama ? i can't believe that and it sounds too simple.

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