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Mod to make NPCs take drowning damage?


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Some situations in Skyrim require your PC to go underwater and risk drowning. NPCs sometimes follow your PC into the water but never take drowning damage. It should be possible to fight in the water and possibly have the PC drown enemy NPCs.

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  • 9 months later...

I don't know how to break this to you but you are the only thing in the game that can drown. Nothing drowns but the player. This is because fish don't drown and critters might run into the water so (rather than bother making critters and NPCs try to get back to shore or, God Forbid, try to fight aquatic whatever) they set up the inability to fight in the water and the PLAYER being at risk of drowning.


Until this is fixed, I might add, I laugh scornfully at anything calling itself immersive, Talk about immersion failures!!

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