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Struggling with ocd in video games


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So to begin with I know some people will suggest going to a specialist for this issue. I have and it has not helped in the past. What I am hoping is to hear opinions from other people about this matter. Maybe there are somethings the doctors or I have never thought of. The biggest issue right is Knights of the Old Republic. I love the game, but I can never get satisfied on the head you chose for your character. I love the 4th option the mullet man as others have described him. The main problem with picking that one is that it (in my mind at least) is bioware's character. I wouldn't have had a problem with it if they actually treated him right and made it seem like all the time and effort in my game was for naught. So I tried other heads to create my own canon. Problem is I keep going to that one. Is this stupid and am I overthinking it. Yes, but I have battling this for years and if I can get some help rationalizing it out I can cure some areas. At least I hope so. So any opinions (as long as they are helpful) would be nice. Thanks to everyone who replies.

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The following based on the assumption that you've already played through the game at least once and are thus aware of certain massive spoilers. If not, don not click on the spoiler!



Look up images of Revan in the SWTOR game and find whichever head looks most like him. (which probably means you'll end up with mullet man anyway. Though space jesus might be a contender too.)


Anyway, back in the day, I usually went with the bald headed goatee guy. He just looked the most believable to me as a former(?) dark lord. To me the others looked too average joe



Edit: I also basically still pretend like anything post-KotOR that Bioware came up with simply didn't happen. Yeah, I don't like the way Bioware treated him either.

Edited by BlackRampage
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Play TES:Oblivion. Head to Bravil. Compare the exterior of buildings with the interiors. Sit and rock in the corner for the next 14 hours about walls, doors, and windows not maching. Realize that of all the people who have played the game, nobody paid much notice to it. Continue that realization by thinking how it doesn't matter because it's all visuals and most those places you never enter anyway. Come to understand that being OCD is only a problem because you decide it to be one.


Also works with the subways in Fallout 3, the mages guild (in general) in Skyrim, and pretty much everything in Fallout 4.

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Play TES:Oblivion. Head to Bravil. Compare the exterior of buildings with the interiors. Sit and rock in the corner for the next 14 hours about walls, doors, and windows not maching. Realize that of all the people who have played the game, nobody paid much notice to it. Continue that realization by thinking how it doesn't matter because it's all visuals and most those places you never enter anyway. Come to understand that being OCD is only a problem because you decide it to be one.


Also works with the subways in Fallout 3, the mages guild (in general) in Skyrim, and pretty much everything in Fallout 4.


My favourite is when you enter the courtyard for Sheogorath's Palace from Crucible (at the top of those two steep stairs). Nothing but air to your left as you face the door, and the wall to your right runs back along the direction you came up that last flight. You go through the door and need to turn to your left to get to the walkway and stairs up to the palace entrance (yup ... right where there was nothin' but air) and to the right doesn't match up with the exterior in the slightest either.


One crew worked on exteriors, another crew worked on interiors ... wonder if they had offices in the same building at Bethesda or were each in different satellite offices across town from one another.

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