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stretched spikes from ground in Solstheim


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If you save in view of the issue, exit and then restart is it still present? If no, it is probably a memory or system resource type of issue of which restarting the game or reducing mod load are the only viable solutions. If yes, it is probably an issue with a mesh of some sort.


See if you can get an ID number for the object via console. That may help you track down the source.


Also, if you suspect a particular mod already, try a new game without that mod present and see if the issue persists without said mod. You can COC from the main menu to Solstheim and run to the area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to get similar problems just before game crashes,,,,,,lol

try saving game immediately next time it happens and restart game see if it is still there,

that should indicate wither its an actual problem or just a glitch,

also are you using oldrim or the newer sse version, as the mod you indicated is for oldrim.

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